Some Things just aren’t Funny

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Yesterday, purported comedian Kathy Griffin received the attention she obviously craves by posing for a photograph holding a model of Donald Trump’s blood soaked severed head. (You can view the image here: Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump in Shocking Photo Shoot (PHOTO + VIDEO))

The Secret Service was alerted and is investigating. (They did that when Madonna told a crowd she thought a lot about blowing up the White House, too.) Is Griffin an actual threat to the President of the United States? Probably not. Still, what if some deranged person sees the picture and is inspired to carry out violence? Is Griffin then inciting violence? A youngster who brings a squirt gun to school is severely punished, while an adult photographed posing with the beheaded head of the POTUS is just playing?

Secret Service ‘opens investigation’ into Madonna threat
Second-Grader Brings Water Gun To School... His Mother Get SHOCKING Phone Call
Prattville teen expelled for bringing water gun to school

Are we being a little too prickly over this? After all, Free Speech includes the right to express oneself even if it is extremely distasteful. The Griffin photo sure is that. In this case though, the Secret Service has to waste time on a third rate comedian’s antics when a genuine threat may be going on that requires their attention. Maybe prickly is not a strong enough reaction to her vile craft.

Did Kathy Griffin break the law with her photo of a decapitated Trump?

She apologized -after she learned that a severed head dripping with blood is upsetting and utterly lacking in mirth. Even Anderson Cooper, who good-naturedly endured Griffin's playful on-air faux fellatio to ring in the New Year a few years back, shared that he was “appalled” by her photo shoot. (In related news, CNN is “reassessing” whether Griffin will host their New Year’s Eve show ever again.)

Not only that, a company called Squatty Potty, for whom Griffin did a commercial, released a statement letting everybody know that they do not share Griffin’s toilet. (You might say, she’s been thoroughly flushed.)

Griffin Apologizes Profusely For Posting Picture Of Herself Holding Bloody, Decapitated Trump Head

Apologies ring hollow when they are hollow. She’s sorry. She moved the line and crossed it. She sees that the image is disturbing and not funny. She gets it. She’s made a lot of mistakes in her career. She means well. She is just a hard working gal. She’ll do better next time. And so on.

Kathy Griffin on Twitter

What we have here is a crass clown. Somehow she keeps finding a spotlight for her brand of entertainment. Her latest effort is particularly astonishing because she manages to be even less funny than ever before.

Think about it. What is funny about a bloody severed head? Any bloody severed head. Nothing is funny about it. It’s not funny when sick freaks use one for a soccer ball. It’s not funny if it’s on a pike. It’s not funny if the head belongs to someone who is the worst person you can think of. It’s not even funny when it’s a cartoon head.

Sadly, this awful episode represents success for Kathy Griffin. After this brouhaha dies down and nobody is paying attention to her anymore, you have to wonder what horrific performance her pathetic muse will create next.

Here’s the bottom line. Freedom of Speech includes the right to expressions of wince inducing stupidity such as what Griffin offers. Freedom of Speech also guarantees our right to tell Griffin that she is a creepy hack.

‘Sorry,’ Says Comedian About Trump 'Beheading'; 'Sick,' Tweets Trump
Trump: Kathy Griffin 'should be ashamed of herself'

I hope I won't get in trouble for what I intend to give that hippie Trump

A Buzz cut.

That is a haircut which brings out the true maggot in his level of training.
What is this? Now all the konservative pay- tri -otts are wrangling over the right of free speech? She sure called you on your hypocrisy didn't she?
Nobody here has denied Griffin's right to free speech. Her ISIS inspired display simply isn't funny. Get it?
Probably not funny to Trumpbots. But I think a lot of liberals and conservatives secretly got a good chuckle out of it.
How come it was funny when conservatives were hanging Obama and burning him in effigy, but this display with Trump isn't?

Oh's okay when conservatives do it, but if a liberal does it they should be shot.
How come it was funny when conservatives were hanging Obama and burning him in effigy, but this display with Trump isn't?

Oh's okay when conservatives do it, but if a liberal does it they should be shot.
If I thought it would do any good to answer your question truthfully, I would. Dealing with you truthfully is a complete waste of time. You go ahead do what ever you want to.
This was over the top distasteful and Griffin has admitted it. She was fired by CNN. For any conservative to be 'outraged' doesn't hold any water as President Obama was hanged in effigy many times and it appeared in the news. Conservatives thought it hilarious. The saying 'you get what you give' applies cons. When you get your crude behavior shoved back down your throat no whining about it. That other people are far more creative than you are at mockery is your problem.
How come it was funny when conservatives were hanging Obama and burning him in effigy, but this display with Trump isn't?

Oh's okay when conservatives do it, but if a liberal does it they should be shot.
Who said it was funny when Obama was hanged or burned in effigy?
What is this? Now all the konservative pay- tri -otts are wrangling over the right of free speech? She sure called you on your hypocrisy didn't she?
Nobody here has denied Griffin's right to free speech. Her ISIS inspired display simply isn't funny. Get it?
Probably not funny to Trumpbots. But I think a lot of liberals and conservatives secretly got a good chuckle out of it.
Did you laugh at ISIS lunatics holding up severed infidel heads too?
Yesterday, purported comedian Kathy Griffin received the attention she obviously craves by posing for a photograph holding a model of Donald Trump’s blood soaked severed head. (You can view the image here: Kathy Griffin Beheads Donald Trump in Shocking Photo Shoot (PHOTO + VIDEO))

The Secret Service was alerted and is investigating. (They did that when Madonna told a crowd she thought a lot about blowing up the White House, too.) Is Griffin an actual threat to the President of the United States? Probably not. Still, what if some deranged person sees the picture and is inspired to carry out violence? Is Griffin then inciting violence? A youngster who brings a squirt gun to school is severely punished, while an adult photographed posing with the beheaded head of the POTUS is just playing?

Secret Service ‘opens investigation’ into Madonna threat
Second-Grader Brings Water Gun To School... His Mother Get SHOCKING Phone Call
Prattville teen expelled for bringing water gun to school

Are we being a little too prickly over this? After all, Free Speech includes the right to express oneself even if it is extremely distasteful. The Griffin photo sure is that. In this case though, the Secret Service has to waste time on a third rate comedian’s antics when a genuine threat may be going on that requires their attention. Maybe prickly is not a strong enough reaction to her vile craft.

Did Kathy Griffin break the law with her photo of a decapitated Trump?

She apologized -after she learned that a severed head dripping with blood is upsetting and utterly lacking in mirth. Even Anderson Cooper, who good-naturedly endured Griffin's playful on-air faux fellatio to ring in the New Year a few years back, shared that he was “appalled” by her photo shoot. (In related news, CNN is “reassessing” whether Griffin will host their New Year’s Eve show ever again.)

Not only that, a company called Squatty Potty, for whom Griffin did a commercial, released a statement letting everybody know that they do not share Griffin’s toilet. (You might say, she’s been thoroughly flushed.)

Griffin Apologizes Profusely For Posting Picture Of Herself Holding Bloody, Decapitated Trump Head

Apologies ring hollow when they are hollow. She’s sorry. She moved the line and crossed it. She sees that the image is disturbing and not funny. She gets it. She’s made a lot of mistakes in her career. She means well. She is just a hard working gal. She’ll do better next time. And so on.

Kathy Griffin on Twitter

What we have here is a crass clown. Somehow she keeps finding a spotlight for her brand of entertainment. Her latest effort is particularly astonishing because she manages to be even less funny than ever before.

Think about it. What is funny about a bloody severed head? Any bloody severed head. Nothing is funny about it. It’s not funny when sick freaks use one for a soccer ball. It’s not funny if it’s on a pike. It’s not funny if the head belongs to someone who is the worst person you can think of. It’s not even funny when it’s a cartoon head.

Sadly, this awful episode represents success for Kathy Griffin. After this brouhaha dies down and nobody is paying attention to her anymore, you have to wonder what horrific performance her pathetic muse will create next.

Here’s the bottom line. Freedom of Speech includes the right to expressions of wince inducing stupidity such as what Griffin offers. Freedom of Speech also guarantees our right to tell Griffin that she is a creepy hack.

‘Sorry,’ Says Comedian About Trump 'Beheading'; 'Sick,' Tweets Trump
Trump: Kathy Griffin 'should be ashamed of herself'
I did not vote for DJ Trump nor for Hillary but I would still like to see Griffin's candy azz fined and jailed for this.

Boy, you RWNJs really want the US to be another Russia.

You must be thrilled that trump wants to gut the First Amendment and already has a pretty start on that.

I think Trump should grab her pussy with a bloody hand.
"GROAN"...tell me you really did not go there.

Yep, miketx did go there but to be fair, he's not the only one who constantly calls for violence and worse.

Just shows us what RWNJs really believe about what Griffiths did.

They would have been fine with it if it were Secty Clinton, President Obama, any Dem children, any liberal, any Democrat.

Their lying hypocrisy goes way beyond mere partisan politics. The RWNJs have become nothing more than a hate group, if not a full fledged domestic terrorist group.

And yes, I really do mean that.
How come it was funny when conservatives were hanging Obama and burning him in effigy, but this display with Trump isn't?

Oh's okay when conservatives do it, but if a liberal does it they should be shot.

isn't melania officially considered a PC "snowflake" now?? :dunno:
that's not even a spelling error. it's just as bad as saying you "should of known". derrp

carry on with your dumbo point about mexico vs russia, though... must be a brilliant one.
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