Some thug sucker punches elderly woman.

They need to pick more wealthy retirees then. The old ladies that wear every piece of bling they own on their fingers, necks and wrists and drive fancy cars with diamond encrusted walkers, lol.

Poor retirees have diddly squat, but that doesn't seem to stop the homeless from trying to rob them. Yesterday, in broad daylight, two thug assholes (white, because they were seen and the ones that saw them were too afraid to confront them), climbed our fence here at the apts and rifled thru two cars. Too bad I was not out there. I heard about it when I went down for a cig. We have security cameras here...told the two old ladies that had their cars rifled to tell the manager to look at the tapes. Whether she did or not, I have no clue. Probably not.
The gangs know, if they target poor minorities, or poor whites, the police won't take it as serious as if they target the rich in a different economic class as they live in.

To the folks that control the law and the system, they just don't give a shit about inter class rivalry. But if the minorities, or even white trash step out of line? Then that shit gets put on the news.

For instance, let's say you got hit. . . and called the cops. Even if they did catch the guy that stole your stuff and recovered your stolen property, because you are poor, the police would just keep your property, and the gangs know this. The police would claim they need it as. . . "evidence to build a case for prosecution." And then they would sit on it till, well, whenever, till it is forgotten. To the system, and society, the value of your property is really not that much.

OTH, if the police were called by someone wealthy, they would have to make it a top priority, and actually use resources to catch them, until the property was recovered.

Don't believe me? Go to a police auction, and go see all the lower class and middle class property that has been seized as, "evidence," by police from the gangs, or from drug dealers.

. . . since you are poor, the police are really no more your friends than the gangs are.

The gangs & thieves know this, and that is why you and your friends are hit, and not the rich. It is so they can commit their petty crimes for small potatoes and have the po-po leave them the hell alone. (Also, rich have security systems, guards, and live further away.)

The law and the police work for the rich dear. I thought you knew this? :dunno: The poor, homeless, criminal element, etc. and the gangs sure do.
The only way to avoid this shit is to BE AWARE of your surroundings. Fuck masks but keep distancing from anyone and everyone. And most packing. If that were me sucker punched, if conscience I would have shot the fucker. If unconscience...I wouldn't be able to do jack shit if I wasn't paying attention to who is behind me, in front of me, on the side of me. ANY RACE. Scum comes in all ages and colors.

You pay attention when driving, right? Now do the same when walking.

Good advise.....avoid Negroes if at all possible....if in a situation where you cannot avoid them....keep your distance as much as possible....look on them as carriers of a deadly disease....and inform your congressman that you will not vote for anyone who supports these scum bags......I mean all of them.

Yes, there are some good negroes but they refuse to condemn their violent ones(mostly the younger ones)thus they are complicit.

Now is the time to take action or we will wind up like S.Africa.
I disagree

Blaming poverty is just an excuse for the toxic black culture found in and caused by modern liberal society
You are welcome to disagree. Liberalism has nothing to do with this. . . It has to do with Marxism and leftism. You can't have total government control and a technocracy with out everyone believing that government is the only solution.

Rent an apartment in a poor black neighborhood in the ghetto, make friends with some of the black neighbors.

Do you think the families, the mothers, fathers, grandparents think what the black mass media that is pushed the black youth culture, or what it does to their communities has been a beneficial development?

Who do you think owns most of the mass media?

You do understand that the Deep State is embedded in all of American mass media, regardless of race, right?

You are as dumb as the average black person.

. . . I will agree with you, the culture in that youth culture is more toxic than the poor white culture in the trailer parks, and the poor teen culture out in the sticks. . . but you need to understand who supports and funds that, and pushes that. Is it partly a matter of the free market? Sure, but there are conscious decisions made by powerful people to degrade that culture.

Your implicit biases refuse to let you see this oligarchic agenda to divide America. For the oligarchs see the advantages in keeping the poor divided.

Artists like Micheal Jackson, Elvis Presley, Hendrix, and Marley were a threat to them, they were uniters. . . They had to go. In the old days, we had movies and TEE VEE we could all watch, now, we have separate movies and TEE VEE, you don't see that?

Rent an apartment in a poor black neighborhood in the ghetto, make friends with some of the black neighbors.
Have you?

That would be dangerous for a black person and suicide for someone who is white

I will yell you that the DNA of black people is no more evil than whites

And agree that the cycle of poverty contributes to black culture in a negative way

Which I blame on liberal do-goodism starting with LBJ’s misguided War on Poverty

there is no easy answer to whats wrong with black America

But a step in the right direction is to end welfare for able bodied adults

No more EITC

No more Section 8 housing

No more food stamps

And no more AFDC
Typical Negroid behavior........and yet still largely unknown that these animals committ more hate crimes than any other group.....thanks to the lame stream media....and their refusal to alert the American People to what is happening.

I am sure Coyote has an excuse for this.

Liberals making excuses for black criminals is one of the prime enablers of this outrageous behavior....and when he is arrested no doubt he will have a rap sheet as long as his arm and probably still on probation for his last crime.
well again, demofks hate women. It's part of their montra.
Have you?

That would be dangerous for a black person and suicide for someone who is white

I will yell you that the DNA of black people is no more evil than whites

And agree that the cycle of poverty contributes to black culture in a negative way

Which I blame on liberal do-goodism starting with LBJ’s misguided War on Poverty

there is no easy answer to whats wrong with black America

But a step in the right direction is to end welfare for able bodied adults

No more EITC

No more Section 8 housing

No more food stamps

And no more AFDC
well there is a way to remove it, one must remove the idiots. As long as demofks allow idiots to control the plantations, that ain't ever going to stop. No one will ever turn anyone in because they know they'll just get released and come for them.

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