Some Truth Regarding Our Immigration Situation


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
Allow me to offer up some facts for you folks. See if you can accept them.

1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

4) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.
Allow me to offer up some facts for you folks. See if you can accept them.

1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

4) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.

So in short, you’re for open boarders?
Allow me to offer up some facts for you folks. See if you can accept them.

1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

4) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.

So in short, you’re for open boarders?

Try again.
Allow me to offer up some facts for you folks. See if you can accept them.

1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

4) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.

So in short, you’re for open boarders?

Try again.

That’s what it seems you’re advocating
Allow me to offer up some facts for you folks. See if you can accept them.

1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

4) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.

So in short, you’re for open boarders?

Try again.

That’s what it seems you’re advocating

Please stop trying to bore me to death.
Its either hold these kids until families are found or set them free....catch and release is what has caused this...shutting down catch and release will eventually bring it to a stop....when word gets out that Obama's catch and release program is over they will stop coming...

Do the dems want to release into America any illegal alien that approaches the border with some kid he found along the way? If the media and the dems want that then they should have the guts to say so.....if not then shut the fuck up and change the law...
Its either hold these kids until families are found or set them free....catch and release is what has caused this...shutting down catch and release will eventually bring it to a stop....when word gets out that Obama's catch and release program is over they will stop coming...

Do the dems want to release into America any illegal alien that approaches the border with some kid he found along the way? If the media and the dems want that then they should have the guts to say so.....if not then shut the fuck up and change the law...

Catch and release is a term that humans use for animals and fish.
Catch and release is a term that humans use for animals and fish
Obama ordered and named the talk to him not me....the magic Kenyan is in hiding but if you ever have the chance ask him...the media sure won't...
1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

Was NOT true recently for the MILLIONS of people streaming OUT of the Mid East and Africa. In fact, the migration was SO LARGE and UNPRECENDENTED --- that the ENTIRE WORLD became involved. If this didn't happen -- than GREECE would be prodominantly Arab today..

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

Correct. If your home govt is corrupt and inept and can't keep the gangs from recruiting your kids -- that's a LOCAL problem. If your home govt is threatening you or punishing you because race, ethnicity or politics -- Take a number and Welcome to America.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

That's part of the problem. The ENTIRE Immigration problem ENDS TOMORROW -- if we just enforce the EXISTING LAW. It is ILLEGAL to hire undocumented aliens.. END OF STORY...

) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

Dragging your ass and your child across most of Cent Amer and Mexico in the presence of criminal cartels and gangs and coyotes without a passport, birth/marriage/work records, forwarding address, or picture ID is insane. Also housing minors in with GENERAL POPULATION detention is insane. If the parents (IF they ARE the parents) need to be investigated and legally arraigned and detained for 3 months -- it was INSANE to bring a kid along.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

That's actually very racist and classist. History shows that even the 2nd and 3rd generations of these immigrants end up in NEAR JOB PARITY with the native American work force. The "dreamers" for instance are NOT picking cabbage, replacing roofs and changing bedpans. They are COMPETING for the EXACT same middle class and professional jobs that other Americans are. Leftists are stupid, shortsighted and RACIST when they neglect the reality of the near future implications of MASSIVE illegal immigration.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.

Garbage. The Left doesn't want to SOLVE the fundamental underlying immigration problems with an egotistical Prez who will try and take all the credit. They are TOTALLY fixated on optics and "winning". Not actually fixing the structural defects in the problem. It's like the little Dutch boy and the dike. They're gonna run out of fingers to stick in the TINY holes like "children in cages", when he can HEAR the entire structure cracking.
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Allow me to offer up some facts for you folks. See if you can accept them.

1) People fleeing a nation can only claim asylum in the nation on the other side of
their first border crossing. So...if you leave Honduras and enter Guatemala on your way to the US,
you don't get to claim asylum anywhere but Guatemala.

2) Most of the people who are coming here, even if they face gang violence and other dangers in
their home country....are coming here to work. They should be turned away at the border...families intact.

3) They continue to come and risk everything because corporate America wants them. As long as that is the
case....they will come. If that is illegal to do...they will break the law.

4) Separating immigrant children from parents is fucking shitty policy. In no way can it be justified.

5) We need immigrants if our economy is to flourish. They are not taking jobs from native born Americans.

6) The GOP has blocked immigration reform from getting a vote in Congress because corporate
America as well as a loud base of bigots....has forced them to do so.

LMAO, oh you must have never heard how they WORK FOR CHEAPER pay , but noo they're not taking jobs..
LMFAO , oh they aren't getting education beyond what your kid can get oh no of course not those " go to college free illgals get what you will never see not even in your dreams.

LMFAO, homes they can and will live in homes that even you can only dream of they're special you aren't the sooner you loon left figure that out maybe you all get UNSTUPID like Europe and realize the game plan.

( you meaning the people as a whole)

Its either hold these kids until families are found or set them free....catch and release is what has caused this...shutting down catch and release will eventually bring it to a stop....when word gets out that Obama's catch and release program is over they will stop coming...

Do the dems want to release into America any illegal alien that approaches the border with some kid he found along the way? If the media and the dems want that then they should have the guts to say so.....if not then shut the fuck up and change the law...
DHHS has to find the kids placements and they used to have no problem finding a "sponsor" or another family member here to care for them, BUT many of them were illegals themselves and because of the crackdown on ALL illegal immigrants, those folks are no longer willing to come out of the woodwork and take the kids from ICE.
This was simply not well thought out and it's a mess.
Catch and release is a term that humans use for animals and fish
Obama ordered and named the talk to him not me....the magic Kenyan is in hiding but if you ever have the chance ask him...the media sure won't...
Obama and Bush both tried it briefly, there was an uproar and they determined:
The zero tolerance practice of immediately imprisoning, prosecuting, and deporting immigrants who illegally enter the United States has been around since 2005, but the George W. Bush and Obama administrations were morally and pragmatically opposed to separating immigrant children from their families, even if some adult immigrants were clearly taking advantage of that compassion.

“That’s not who we are,” a team of Obama officials concluded after briefly considering the separations, according to former domestic policy adviser Cecilia Muñoz. Another Obama administration veteran, former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh C. Johnson, told the Times that efforts to deter undocumented immigrants from entering the U.S. are ineffective. “Whether it’s family detention, messaging about dangers of the journey, or messaging about separating families and zero tolerance, it’s always going to have at best a short-term reaction,” he explained.

Separating Families at the Border Was Always Part of the Plan
DHHS has to find the kids placements and they used to have no problem finding a "sponsor" or another family member here to care for them, BUT many of them were illegals themselves and because of the crackdown on ALL illegal immigrants, those folks are no longer willing to come out of the woodwork and take the kids from ICE.
This was simply not well thought out and it's a mess.
During Obama's presidency we were finding these released children in abandoned homes and on the streets...Obama wanted that to stop and covered up so he had the detention facilities built...the very ones the fake news media are screaming about....

Build the wall and stop them from trying to get here where they could be hurt...

And think about this;
10,000 of these children were separated from their parents when their parents sent them here...where is the media outrage over that separation????

The media wants a hammer to hit Trump with the dems want a fund raising issue for the midterms and Trump wants to fix the problem permanently so these kids won't be harmed....who's side are you on???

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