Someone finally put the words to what we've all been feeling.......

Watching the news this morning before tracking off to work, this guy, don't know who he was but he was on the show with the Mayor of NY....and what he said, finally made it all clearer made NAFTA's sour taste in all our mouths more flavorable, at least to me...

He said, with Nafta, we new we would have winners and we would have losers and what Washington and Wall street forgot was the residual left with the losers, the working class of this nation. Bill Clinton may have signed that bill, but it was the GOP majority with Newt that put NAFTA into play and Nafta enriched Wall Street to the point of nausea.....the losers however were completely forgotten about. Especially the working class poor. There was no excuse what so ever for Corporate america to not enrich labor, and help create a robust economy with so much wealth coming their way,save for the greed and the tremendous hold they held over our politicians, especially with the Bush tax cuts.

And because that greed became so contagious and profitable, the neglect of the middle class and the working class widen to the point of people willing to bet the country with Trump than go with someone who we all know is more qualified, but was and is apart of the problems of Nafta, indirectly of course. So yes, how do I blame a Trump who benefited so well from that enormous gift Nafta gave them?

In essense, they forgot about us and now the anger is unmanageable, the frustrations are real and people are pissed....and somebody has to be willing to address it. ...with real solutions and not Trump bs.
Trump is against NAFTA, Hillary, like Billy is for it. You are confused. Many in the GOP opposed it, many Dems were for it. It can be argued whether it was good or bad but ...

What Is the History and Purpose of NAFTA?
It was finally signed into law by President Bill Clinton on December 8, 1993 and entered force January 1, 1994. Although it was signed by President Bush, it was a priority of President Clinton's, and its passage is considered one of his first successes. (Source:, NAFTA Signed into Law, December 8, 1993)

NAFTA passed the House 234 to 200. House Democrats voted against it 156 to 102. Republicans supported it 132 to 43. The sole Independent—Bernie Sanders—voted against it.

In other words, a Democratic president signed a bill against the wishes of 60% of the House Democratic caucus.

Republican margins in favor of NAFTA were about 3:1 both houses.
Free Trade Agreements generally...

Senate Free Trade

House Free Trade
I mean, they all said free trade will give us more markets and is the sign of a tuely liberal society in economic manners, but the English found out in the 19th century it wasn't such a hot idea....either..
Obviously they lied.
Here is the deal on NAFTA in my opinon.

The wording of NAFTA is all Reagan/Bush.

The passing of NAFTA in congress is all Clinton.

The Unions told me not to vote for anyone who supported NAFTA. That is what I do, but them, they must forget.

See my signature line for a link to Mrs. Tuzla's support for NAFTA.
GHW Boosh signed it to send it to be voted on...

Why did you feel it necessary to repeat what I posted?

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