Someone please explain the logic of what God is doing because I don't get it

Too bad, it's pretty funny and captures religious idiots perfectly.
I'll take your word for it....But I know from what you do submit about anything that what you tend to "capture" is usually skewed and contorted beyond recognition. It is like the two of us looking at the same photograph of the average woman. I see something similar to da Vinci's Mona Lisa; while you see something like Picasso's Weeping Woman. I'll wager you prefer Picasso over daVinci any day, and twice on Sunday? ;)
"God" represents humanity's desire for meaning in a world that could not be tolerated otherwise. It makes them feel satisfied that even though billionaires can abuse the rest of humanity with absolute impunity, there is a promised eternal burning punishment for them.

If there was no such punishment in store for them, the people would have to contend with their Natural Duty to punish them in the temporal realm instead.
It's obvious you know nothing about Talmudic law; the demands for proving guilt of a Biblical transgression are almost impossible.
In fact, the one time in history that the death penalty was possible, due to purposeful public transgressions, the Sanhedrin disbanded.
But don't facts stop you from being an ignorant hater.

It just meant you guys couldn't live under your stupid rules, either.

I didn't say communication with God, I said connection.
Your anger causes you to mistranslate everything.

Tomato, Tamato, whatever. There is no God. The tragedy is that western civilization picked the savage deity of the Hebrews instead of someone cool like Mithras to be the Supreme Sky Fairy.
Because Hitler and Stalin didn’t murder enough people with their Atheism or Die programs.
It's obvious you know nothing about Talmudic law; the demands for proving guilt of a Biblical transgression are almost impossible.
In fact, the one time in history that the death penalty was possible, due to purposeful public transgressions, the Sanhedrin disbanded.
But don't facts stop you from being an ignorant hater.

It just meant you guys couldn't live under your stupid rules, either.

I didn't say communication with God, I said connection.
Your anger causes you to mistranslate everything.

Tomato, Tamato, whatever. There is no God. The tragedy is that western civilization picked the savage deity of the Hebrews instead of someone cool like Mithras to be the Supreme Sky Fairy.
I’m glad to hear that Eastern civilization is living in harmony.
Do you ever realize how stupid you “sound”?
I guessed you missed the part where the Canaanites, the people you love, were sacrificing their kids as a weekly event, while this story only says that he would sacrifice whatever he saw event though the later verse states that she remained isolated with her friends for the rest of their lives.

You just love to lie.

Okay, except that nothing said that she lived in isolation. She outright got sacrificed as a burnt offering. The word used in the original Hebrew was "olah"

I have to thank you for making me realize something...
When the Children of Israel were about to enter the land, God told them not to do as the current inhabitants of the land do...
Commit Adultery
Commit Beastiality
Sacrifice their Children
Worship Trees

The reason Jephie was successful was because all of the Jews enemies were doing these abominations and Jephie was the only Jew with the potential to do any of these abominations.
It's just like when God specifies all of Esau's progeny and then drops them like a stone in Genesis because no matter how bad Jews get, it's nowhere as bad as, well, you know who.
I was deep in depression when I started this thread. I feel better now.

I am not going to give up on my faith in God.

I may never be a very good Christian, but I'll always be a Christian.
I was deep in depression when I started this thread. I feel better now.

I am not going to give up on my faith in God.

I may never be a very good Christian, but I'll always be a Christian.
Good to hear you are feeling better. You are probably a better Christian than you credit yourself.
As for your seemingly "scientific" view of GOD, well it isn't. Create life from dirt in a test tube. Cause some virus to become something other than a virus, some bacteria to become something other than bacteria, and some fruit flies to move beyond being a breed of fruit fly. Unless this can be demonstrated, you have absolutely no proof that without GOD anything living could possibly exist ----- let alone mutate into all the various kinds that presently still exist.

hey, funny thing about science. It's still true even if you don't understand it.
The very same can be said concerning GOD. HE is still true even if you reject HIM.
An example of not taking the time to research and then think things through logically without emotional disdain of nuns.

Actually, I did think it through logically. Back in the bad old days, if you were a young Catholic Lesbian and not inclined to be a baby machine, you had one of two choices. Marry some guy you didn't care for and make babies anyway. (My Aunt did this, and that branch of the family is in it's fourth generation of fucked up), or go to a Convent and try to pray away the gay.

Of course, this was really pretty fucked up. Talk about a way to make someone frustrated sexually. Lock up a bunch of Lesbians in close quarters and then tell them even THINKING about muff-diving would be a sin. No wonder these old bats were so fucking angry all the time. Then you inflict them on small vulnerable children.

Thank C'Thulhu we made it okay to be a lesbian now.

The very same can be said concerning GOD. HE is still true even if you reject HIM.

Um, no, there are a whole bunch of "Gods" who aren't around because people stopped believing in them.

Zeus, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, Marduk, Osiris. People stopped believing in them and they stopped being real.
I'll take your word for it....But I know from what you do submit about anything that what you tend to "capture" is usually skewed and contorted beyond recognition. It is like the two of us looking at the same photograph of the average woman. I see something similar to da Vinci's Mona Lisa; while you see something like Picasso's Weeping Woman. I'll wager you prefer Picasso over daVinci any day, and twice on Sunday?

Ironically, my mother was an art teacher at that Catholic School that ruined my childhood. I can't draw a straight line.

I tend to see art in a historical context rather than a spiritual or aesthetic one.

Same thing with religion. The Catholic Church burned witches, started crusades, tortured heretics, suppressed science, abused children, collaborated with the Nazis, and did a whole shit load of truly evil shit that I just can't buy they represent for a supposedly "Good" God.

Of course, the video was pretty funny because it points out the stupidity of religious people who keep praying, but rely on science to get through their daily lives.
Because Hitler and Stalin didn’t murder enough people with their Atheism or Die programs.

Hitler wasn't an atheist. Hitler was totally in bed with the Catholic Church, and they were totally fine with turning all of Europe's Jews into lampshades.


I’m glad to hear that Eastern civilization is living in harmony.

Eastern Civilization didn't mass murder and colonize the rest of the world. That was totally on European Christians.

I have to thank you for making me realize something...
When the Children of Israel were about to enter the land, God told them not to do as the current inhabitants of the land do...
Commit Adultery
Commit Beastiality
Sacrifice their Children
Worship Trees

The reason Jephie was successful was because all of the Jews enemies were doing these abominations and Jephie was the only Jew with the potential to do any of these abominations.

Except Jephy was successful because he prayed to Yahweh and Yahweh heard his prayer...

It's just like when God specifies all of Esau's progeny and then drops them like a stone in Genesis because no matter how bad Jews get, it's nowhere as bad as, well, you know who.

Actually, if you read the bible, Esau got rejected because Jacob's mother tricked a blind Isaac into giving him their blessing.

Come to think of it, most of the Bible is about the Jews cheating each other or the people they encounter. Abraham tricks Pharaoh into thinking Sarah is his sister, Judah gets tricked into knocking up Tamar, Jacob cheats Esau out of his inheritance, Lot offers his daughters up for gang rape claiming they are virgins when they really weren't. Lot's daughters get him blind drunk and fuck him. David tricks Urriah the Hittite into getting killed so he can fuck his wife.

Seriously, the Bible needs to come with a warning label.

Same thing with religion. The Catholic Church burned witches, started crusades, tortured heretics, suppressed science, abused children, collaborated with the Nazis, and did a whole shit load of truly evil shit that I just can't buy they represent for a supposedly "Good" God.
Two men look out through the bars. One sees the mud, the other sees the stars.
Because Hitler and Stalin didn’t murder enough people with their Atheism or Die programs.

Hitler wasn't an atheist. Hitler was totally in bed with the Catholic Church, and they were totally fine with turning all of Europe's Jews into lampshades.

View attachment 455404

I’m glad to hear that Eastern civilization is living in harmony.

Eastern Civilization didn't mass murder and colonize the rest of the world. That was totally on European Christians.

I have to thank you for making me realize something...
When the Children of Israel were about to enter the land, God told them not to do as the current inhabitants of the land do...
Commit Adultery
Commit Beastiality
Sacrifice their Children
Worship Trees

The reason Jephie was successful was because all of the Jews enemies were doing these abominations and Jephie was the only Jew with the potential to do any of these abominations.

Except Jephy was successful because he prayed to Yahweh and Yahweh heard his prayer...

It's just like when God specifies all of Esau's progeny and then drops them like a stone in Genesis because no matter how bad Jews get, it's nowhere as bad as, well, you know who.

Actually, if you read the bible, Esau got rejected because Jacob's mother tricked a blind Isaac into giving him their blessing.

Come to think of it, most of the Bible is about the Jews cheating each other or the people they encounter. Abraham tricks Pharaoh into thinking Sarah is his sister, Judah gets tricked into knocking up Tamar, Jacob cheats Esau out of his inheritance, Lot offers his daughters up for gang rape claiming they are virgins when they really weren't. Lot's daughters get him blind drunk and fuck him. David tricks Urriah the Hittite into getting killed so he can fuck his wife.

Seriously, the Bible needs to come with a warning label.

View attachment 455408
Hitler wasn't an atheist. Hitler was totally in bed with the Catholic Church, and they were totally fine with turning all of Europe's Jews into lampshades.

Except Jephy was successful because he prayed to Yahweh and Yahweh heard his prayer...
I know plenty of atheists who pray when their back is against the wall.
If this was a movie you'd sigh and say, "Why didn't Jephie get the message!"

Unlike the New Testament and the Quoran, God's message to mankind is to learn from your mistakes.
God exposes all of Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's wart so we can learn when not to do the same thing.

I'm sure all of your friends shit gold.
There's a lot of bad things people can say about the Catholic Church.

To me, it is the institution that hammered into me that there's a difference between right and wrong, and it's very important to do what's right.
Same thing with religion. The Catholic Church burned witches, started crusades, tortured heretics, suppressed science, abused children, collaborated with the Nazis, and did a whole shit load of truly evil shit that I just can't buy they represent for a supposedly "Good" God.
Two men look out through the bars. One sees the mud, the other sees the stars.
One is grateful and happy for his slavery to a magical, invisible authoritarian. The other yearns to be free.
Two men look out through the bars. One sees the mud, the other sees the stars.

The Stars aren't there because of the Kiddy-diddling Roman Catholic Church.

There's a lot of bad things people can say about the Catholic Church.

To me, it is the institution that hammered into me that there's a difference between right and wrong, and it's very important to do what's right.

Um, yeah... here's the thing.

Homophobia is wrong
Child abuse is wrong
Collaborating with the Nazis is wrong
Starting a crusade is wrong
Torturing a heretic is wrong
Killing someone because they don't belong to your church is wrong.
Burning witches is wrong
Suppressing science is wrong

the RCC did all that shit and more.

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