Someone please explain the logic of what God is doing because I don't get it

Sorry, man. Read up on Fr. Josef Tizo some time. He was a Catholic Priest who ran the Nazi puppet state of Slovakia.

Or read up on how the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape to South America and the Middle East after the war.

I know plenty of atheists who pray when their back is against the wall.

Then they aren't atheists....

If this was a movie you'd sigh and say, "Why didn't Jephie get the message!"

Actually, I'd love to see a movie about Jephthah.... Using extreme Horror movie gore to re-enact the human sacrifice thing.

Unlike the New Testament and the Quoran, God's message to mankind is to learn from your mistakes.
God exposes all of Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's wart so we can learn when not to do the same thing.

Okay, so what did Jephy learn? That you don't make a foolish vow, because God will expect you to do some horrible thing because you didn't think it through?

I'm sure all of your friends shit gold.

Not sure how it's relevant to the conversation.... but if you aren't a decent person, you won't be my friend for long.
God created the universe, put human beings on Earth, and then each of us lives a short life mostly consisting of struggling to survive and suffering, then we die.

Some of us go to heaven, some of us go to hell, based on criteria no one can agree on.

Some say we go to heaven if we believe Jesus is our Savior.

But what happens to all the unlucky people who never heard of Jesus because they were born before he was born or live in countries where Christianity isn't widespread?

Some people believe we go to heaven if we have faith and avoid sin. But everyone sins, every day. If you die with one mortal sin on your soul, nothing else matters, you go to hell.

The question I have is why did God set up the whole crazy system to begin with?

Why put us on Earth, to suffer and die? Why not put us in heaven right off the bat?

What good is it to send people to hell?

I'm seriously questioning the logic of believing in a God who is all knowing and all loving and yet sends people to hell for sins God knew before they were born they would commit.

I'm not saying I'm ready to throw Christianity out the window.

The alternative doesn't appear good either.

People who don't believe in God and don't fear going to hell have committed most of the world's nastiest deeds. So faith has a purpose.

And I do believe in God because I can't figure out how a universe can exist without something causing it to exist.

But I'm telling you I need someone to explain how God's plan includes all the horrible things that happen every day.
You have free will. Not like a lower mammal in our chain. It is arrogance against the will of God or a belief in no God that has led to some of the greatest crimes against humanity in the history of the human race. Leftist do not believe in God and ate a threat to the human race. *See Pol Pot.
Two men look out through the bars. One sees the mud, the other sees the stars.

The Stars aren't there because of the Kiddy-diddling Roman Catholic Church.

There's a lot of bad things people can say about the Catholic Church.

To me, it is the institution that hammered into me that there's a difference between right and wrong, and it's very important to do what's right.

Um, yeah... here's the thing.

Homophobia is wrong
Child abuse is wrong
Collaborating with the Nazis is wrong
Starting a crusade is wrong
Torturing a heretic is wrong
Killing someone because they don't belong to your church is wrong.
Burning witches is wrong
Suppressing science is wrong

the RCC did all that shit and more.
Communism encompasses all of the above and is pure evil.
the RCC did all that shit and more.
As I said, the mud. And, as I have also noted before, one-twelfth of Jesus' chosen Apostles failed. This means out of 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide, one-twelfth (one hundred million) will fail all together. The rest of us will have some bad days, but will reset and work on. I get that you are proud of being one of the one hundred million. That does not mean I am accusing you of what you accused the other Catholics. Failure comes in many guises. A broken heart may be one.
As I said, the mud. And, as I have also noted before, one-twelfth of Jesus' chosen Apostles failed. This means out of 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide, one-twelfth (one hundred million) will fail all together. The rest of us will have some bad days, but will reset and work on. I get that you are proud of being one of the one hundred million. That does not mean I am accusing you of what you accused the other Catholics. Failure comes in many guises. A broken heart may be one.

Wow, you really missed the point, didn't you?

It isn't what individual Catholics did wrong. It's what the CHURCH DID AS AN INSTITUTION. Yeah, I blame the individual church members for putting up with it, for turning a blind eye on Fr. McCreepy when they all knew damned well not to leave their kids alone with him. Or not questioning why the Church was so deep in league with the Axis not only during WWII, but helping them escape afterwards.

The funny thing is, I look at Judas as maybe being the hero in that story. While Jesus was showing all the Narcissistic tendencies of a Jim Jones or a David Koresh, Judas was the guy saying, "Hey, maybe this movement is going in the wrong direction."

This isn't about a broken heart. This is about being upset that these creeps lied to me most of my young life.

But I got through twelve years of Catholic School with my butthole intact, so I guess I came out ahead.
Understanding God is a lot like an ant understanding who and what a human Is. Of course an ant can bite a human and if enough ants bite a human he might die. Humans can’t bite or kill God.
It isn't what individual Catholics did wrong. It's what the CHURCH DID AS AN INSTITUTION.
Do your research. If you think this was only Church policy, think again. Also keep in mind the Church checked with the psychiatric community of that time. At that time psychiatrists were advising all organizations on how to handle pedophilia. Come to one of their health facilities and then move the the person to a new location. Who was the first to tell the psychiatrist, "This is not working, this is not working, this is not working...." That's right. The Church. Worst offenders? Family members. Least amount? Church. Yes. That means teachers, doctors, and other professions who worked with children had a higher percent. Sad, isn't it? The sins of the entire community were heaped on the Church. And, I am happy about that because the Institution that got targeted by the press was/is the Institution setting up policies, procedures, etc. to lead the others out of the slime as well. Unfortunately, not all dioceses were as determined to do this as most.

Keep throwing mud, Joe. We all need to remember what happened and what the reaction still is and always will be. Keep doing your part.
the only God you will ever find is the
one that lives inside your own body. even the bible says your body is a holy dwelling meaning God exists there....and you are made in God's image so look in the mirror if you want to look at god's face
As I said, the mud. And, as I have also noted before, one-twelfth of Jesus' chosen Apostles failed. This means out of 1.2 billion Catholics world-wide, one-twelfth (one hundred million) will fail all together. The rest of us will have some bad days, but will reset and work on. I get that you are proud of being one of the one hundred million. That does not mean I am accusing you of what you accused the other Catholics. Failure comes in many guises. A broken heart may be one.

Wow, you really missed the point, didn't you?

It isn't what individual Catholics did wrong. It's what the CHURCH DID AS AN INSTITUTION. Yeah, I blame the individual church members for putting up with it, for turning a blind eye on Fr. McCreepy when they all knew damned well not to leave their kids alone with him. Or not questioning why the Church was so deep in league with the Axis not only during WWII, but helping them escape afterwards.

The funny thing is, I look at Judas as maybe being the hero in that story. While Jesus was showing all the Narcissistic tendencies of a Jim Jones or a David Koresh, Judas was the guy saying, "Hey, maybe this movement is going in the wrong direction."

This isn't about a broken heart. This is about being upset that these creeps lied to me most of my young life.

But I got through twelve years of Catholic School with my butthole intact, so I guess I came out ahead.
only a fool looks for God in some your heart instead
Do your research. If you think this was only Church policy, think again. Also keep in mind the Church checked with the psychiatric community of that time. At that time psychiatrists were advising all organizations on how to handle pedophilia. Come to one of their health facilities and then move the the person to a new location. Who was the first to tell the psychiatrist, "This is not working, this is not working, this is not working...."

The Church did more than that. They paid hush money to families and they moved the offending priests to new parishes without warning the people in the Parish why Fr. McCreepy has moved from six parishes in the last 10 years.

Here's why the Church had a problem with this.

"Help Wanted. Must have no sexual interest in Adult women. Job involves spending lots of time with children". How do you NOT get pedophiles with criteria like that?

Worst offenders? Family members. Least amount? Church. Yes. That means teachers, doctors, and other professions who worked with children had a higher percent. Sad, isn't it? The sins of the entire community were heaped on the Church. And, I am happy about that because the Institution that got targeted by the press was/is the Institution setting up policies, procedures, etc. to lead the others out of the slime as well. Unfortunately, not all dioceses were as determined to do this as most.

Uh, sorry, the teachers and doctors didn't have a higher percentage... this is just Church Propaganda. once a teacher got caught diddling a kid, he was done as a teacher. Priests got moved around from parish to parish. The cover up went all the way to the fucking Vatican, with old Ratzinger being involved in the conspiracy globally. They let Cardinal Law flee to Rome so he wouldn't have to answer for his part in the coverup.

here's the thing. Fr. McCreepy goes to confession and says that he molested little Timmy, the priest that heard his confession was obligated AS A SACREMENT to keep it secret. No other profession had anything like that.

Actually, I've always wondered why the whole confession thing was so big to the Church. God, if he existed knows what your sins are and if you are really sorry for them.
only a fool looks for God in some your heart instead

I looked there. No God there. Just to be extra thorough, I also checked my closet and the cushions in my couch. No god there, either. I did find $1.25 in change, so there's that.
Uh, sorry, the teachers and doctors didn't have a higher percentage... this is just Church Propaganda. once a teacher got caught diddling a kid, he was done as a teacher.
Not at that time. Do the research. As a reporter, I did, and I wanted that out as well. No one would touch that aspect of what was going on in society and being swept under the rug. Two things about this bothered me from the reporting end: The incomplete coverage and the gleefulness of which some went after the one organization. Both society and news reporting deserved better.
God, if he existed knows what your sins are and if you are really sorry for them.
What God knows has nothing to do with the human psyche, ego, and conscience. The Church walks in the steps of Jesus, and Jesus ministry centered around telling everyone, "Sins are forgiven." Hearing that made all the difference to people, and so it continues to this day.
I looked there. No God there. Just to be extra thorough, I also checked my closet and the cushions in my couch. No god there, either. I did find $1.25 in change, so there's that.
No worries. Jesus noted that the way is narrow and few find it. The difference between you and a billion Catholics is that for many the search and the learning continues.

Sorry, man. Read up on Fr. Josef Tizo some time. He was a Catholic Priest who ran the Nazi puppet state of Slovakia.

Or read up on how the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape to South America and the Middle East after the war.

I know plenty of atheists who pray when their back is against the wall.

Then they aren't atheists....

If this was a movie you'd sigh and say, "Why didn't Jephie get the message!"

Actually, I'd love to see a movie about Jephthah.... Using extreme Horror movie gore to re-enact the human sacrifice thing.

Unlike the New Testament and the Quoran, God's message to mankind is to learn from your mistakes.
God exposes all of Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's wart so we can learn when not to do the same thing.

Okay, so what did Jephy learn? That you don't make a foolish vow, because God will expect you to do some horrible thing because you didn't think it through?

I'm sure all of your friends shit gold.

Not sure how it's relevant to the conversation.... but if you aren't a decent person, you won't be my friend for long.
I don't have to be told that the 1,000 years of the Holy Roman Church had the extermination of the Jews as one of it's main priorities.
The Books of Matthew and John are explicit enough in their goals.

You think the Jephy story is gorier than what Stalin did?
You think the Jephy story is gorier than the secular mass slaughters of the 20th century?
Heck, the Jephy story isn't even explicit that he offered her up as a sacrifice, it simply said she returned to her father to allow him to keep his vow.
39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed

According to you, if one Jew in history did something, which the Bible exposes, it makes us all monsters.
If an atheist commits 60 million murders, you will continue to ascribe the religion of that person's parents to that person.

Sorry, man. Read up on Fr. Josef Tizo some time. He was a Catholic Priest who ran the Nazi puppet state of Slovakia.

Or read up on how the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape to South America and the Middle East after the war.

I know plenty of atheists who pray when their back is against the wall.

Then they aren't atheists....

If this was a movie you'd sigh and say, "Why didn't Jephie get the message!"

Actually, I'd love to see a movie about Jephthah.... Using extreme Horror movie gore to re-enact the human sacrifice thing.

Unlike the New Testament and the Quoran, God's message to mankind is to learn from your mistakes.
God exposes all of Abraham's, Isaac's and Jacob's wart so we can learn when not to do the same thing.

Okay, so what did Jephy learn? That you don't make a foolish vow, because God will expect you to do some horrible thing because you didn't think it through?

I'm sure all of your friends shit gold.

Not sure how it's relevant to the conversation.... but if you aren't a decent person, you won't be my friend for long.
I don't have to be told that the 1,000 years of the Holy Roman Church had the extermination of the Jews as one of it's main priorities.
The Books of Matthew and John are explicit enough in their goals.

You think the Jephy story is gorier than what Stalin did?
You think the Jephy story is gorier than the secular mass slaughters of the 20th century?
Heck, the Jephy story isn't even explicit that he offered her up as a sacrifice, it simply said she returned to her father to allow him to keep his vow.
39 And it came to pass at the end of two months, that she returned unto her father, who did with her according to his vow which he had vowed

According to you, if one Jew in history did something, which the Bible exposes, it makes us all monsters.
If an atheist commits 60 million murders, you will continue to ascribe the religion of that person's parents to that person.
You think the Jephy story is gorier than what Stalin did?
truth be told, marxism - bolsheviks were culminations over a great period of time against the monarch / desert religion alliances perpetuated throughout history till the predictable occurrence of martial rebellion, mainly as a final break from superstition than economics.

the stories in their books are fabrications compared to the reality of the crucifiers and their unrepentant behaviors. all three desert religions.
Religion is another way to control you and at some point it may occur to you that the god in these "holy books" may be entities pretending to be the God.

Maybe God is just the source of all Consciousness and Energy and we are all connected to it.

Your errors are grotesquely wrong.
1. NOBODY makes anybody go to church, or conduct their lives in accordance with the Bible.
2. Socialists controlled and still control billions, without God.



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