Someone Should Ask Bernie,"Can You Name A Doctor Who Will Work For About 40,000 a Year" ?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Bernie and his push for free medical care for all, yet Bernie never brings up how to really pay for it. But still, who are these Doctors that will be happy to treat patients for very little money? Doctors do not want to wait between 30 and 60 days to be reinbursed by a democrat run government,,,but thats if they even get reinbursed.
Bernie and his push for free medical care for all, yet Bernie never brings up how to really pay for it. But still, who are these Doctors that will be happy to treat patients for very little money? Doctors do not want to wait between 30 and 60 days to be reinbursed by a democrat run government,,,but thats if they even get reinbursed.
Bernie wants to make us more like Venezuela
Democrats don't think this far ahead. We all know the quality of healthcare in the US would decline if we had single-payer. With "free" healthcare, the lines get longer because people come for every sniffle and cough with no co-pay. Many come just to talk out their problems(trust me, I know this). We will need more doctors and the way to get more is to lower standards. We will also have to pay them much less because the government doesn't pay as well as private insurance. Maybe single-payer means the doctors will all be government employees and governed by them. Boy, that outta go really well. I mean, just look how efficient and proficient most government run institutions are. Said nobody ever.

Single payer would absolutely destroy quality healthcare in this country. On a positive note, it may curtail illegal immigration to some extent. No reason to come to the US for quality healthcare.
It's almost like you people think the idea of a national health system has never been tried.
Bernie and his push for free medical care for all, yet Bernie never brings up how to really pay for it. But still, who are these Doctors that will be happy to treat patients for very little money? Doctors do not want to wait between 30 and 60 days to be reinbursed by a democrat run government,,,but thats if they even get reinbursed.

Refugee witch doctors from deepest darkest Africa might well be willing to, if they come from a village where the average per capita income is $100 a year.

This is who will be providing the healthcare for the Hoi Polloi. Top western doctors from Johns Hopkins and the Cleveland Clinic will be handling the health needs of the well connected Inner Party as well as the nation's Illegal Alien population and other favored groups.
i wonder if bernie will offer to help assist in the paper work for 300 million people seeking free health care
Is this what doctor's earn in Canada?

No. It's a bullshit loaded question.

does bernie actually think that the average wait time to see a doctor will be about 30 minutes with his plan?
Bernie and his push for free medical care for all, yet Bernie never brings up how to really pay for it. But still, who are these Doctors that will be happy to treat patients for very little money? Doctors do not want to wait between 30 and 60 days to be reinbursed by a democrat run government,,,but thats if they even get reinbursed.
they won't, that would expose the old russian commie. I was proud of mikey stating it last night.
Bernie and his push for free medical care for all, yet Bernie never brings up how to really pay for it. But still, who are these Doctors that will be happy to treat patients for very little money? Doctors do not want to wait between 30 and 60 days to be reinbursed by a democrat run government,,,but thats if they even get reinbursed.
C'mon man. You can do better than that. There is much more fear mongering to do and lies to tell. Maybe you could bring back the death panel lie. I expected better.
does bernie actually think that the average wait time to see a doctor will be about 30 minutes with his plan?
What's the wait time for people who can not afford to see a doctor because of high deductible plans or no insurance at all?
It's almost like you people think the idea of a national health system has never been tried.
Bernie got all tongue tied last night. healthcare for all and not touching what already exists, or a version of what already exists, or adding something to what ever exists, I'm not sure but this is how imagined his reasoning,

If the cost of higher education goes down under bernie, then the doctors won't have those huge education bills to pay for. It'll take time, but affordable education should be on any candidates list if that candidate wants to work for the people instead of for the corporations and ultra rich. The saying is 'of the people, by the people, for the people', remember.
Bernie and his push for free medical care for all, yet Bernie never brings up how to really pay for it. But still, who are these Doctors that will be happy to treat patients for very little money? Doctors do not want to wait between 30 and 60 days to be reinbursed by a democrat run government,,,but thats if they even get reinbursed.

Sometime ya don't want to ask the question.


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