Something Else To Consider About Donald J. Trump

I like Marco, just think he is out of his league this time around, and his gang of 8 bill did him in. It is what it is, and because of it, Marco is history!

Nah, Tuesday night will be an EPIC moment in American history. :salute:
I'd say that if I pick all the Powerball numbers tonight...tomorrow night I'll be a millionaire.

The chances of Trump being impeached, me winning the Powerball and Rubio getting the nomination are all roughly equal.

Approximately 256,000,000 to 1.

I like Marco, just think he is out of his league this time around, and his gang of 8 bill did him in. It is what it is, and because of it, Marco is history!

I agree. To be honest, I find all of the top three acceptable. And when Kasich entered the race, I liked him as well, but the more he talked, the less I liked him.

Rubio isn't ready yet...and if he stays in the race and gets trounced in Florida...that will likely be the end for him in politics.

I'm also like Cruz, but he can't win the general election IMO.

Trump is the only one who is ready, and can win. That's the long and the short of it.
I'd say that if I pick all the Powerball numbers tonight...tomorrow night I'll be a millionaire.

The chances of Trump being impeached, me winning the Powerball and Rubio getting the nomination are all roughly equal.

Approximately 256,000,000 to 1.

Hey, they said we'd never walk on the MOON and then....


You'll walk on the moon before Rubio gets the nomination.

If you're going to dream...dream big.

Tom on the moon.png
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