Something for our CLUELESS PARTISANS to mill over


Mr. Forgot-it-All
Jun 5, 2008
Just in case any of you are still stupid enough to think that the Republicans and Democrates are waging a real battle of ideologies?

Look, JUST LOOK, at the how the CORPORATOCRACY funds our POLS of BOTH TEAMS

Read it and weap, citizens


source of original data compiliation

Do ya get it yet, kiddies?
Of course people play both sides.

It's called covering contingencies. And it's good to know which corrupt politician is looking for an insider trading deal as well
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The partisan sheeple will never get it.
Sad but true.

So, tell rdean and TruffMocker about it. They're as partisan as it gets. I've known for quite a long time that both sides are as bad as the other.

Remember Obama claiming how his money came from 'grass roots'? :lol:
$fractal1.gif public financing..., Public Financing..., PUBLIC FINANCING...,

Hmmm..., click on gif :confused:
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Yes, Barack Obama is going to run a $Billion Presidential Campaign on $1.00 donations. Yeah, that's it. Some people will always be sheople. It is what it is.
Some of us got it long ago. What took you so long?

Yet you still support Romney. So what exactly have you "gotten"?

Given that it's not gonna change by November, and given that Romney is a smart man, yea... I support him.

If you think I'm gonna support that lunatic Paul and his 'WWIII' policies, you can forget about it. I'm not keen on taking the whole planet into another global conflict.
Just in case any of you are still stupid enough to think that the Republicans and Democrates are waging a real battle of ideologies?

They're engaged in a partisan power struggle, with unintended ideological consequences.

The canard that is the ‘two party system’ has inadvertently resulted in keeping extremists from either left or right from gaining absolute control, resulting in moderate governments during at least the last 40 years, with occasional radical aberrations checked by the courts.

It is indeed naïve to believe corporate funding of campaigns will be stopped anytime soon, or that some sort of top-down ‘reform’ is viable, such as term limits, various pointless Constitutional amendments, or the election of neo-populists like Ron Paul.

Real reform can only come at the very local level, must be sincere and non-partisan, i.e. not the ‘tea party’ route, and will take decades to realize.
The partisan sheeple will never get it.
Sad but true.

As you spout Liberal ideology left and right, he was talking to all the partisans ( me included)

But my point is that no POLITICIAN is going to turn down any contributions except from certain vile sources and then only if caught. On either side.

And last I checked Romney is pretty rich, he doesn't have to be beholden to any of them.
Just in case any of you are still stupid enough to think that the Republicans and Democrates are waging a real battle of ideologies?

They're engaged in a partisan power struggle, with unintended ideological consequences.

The canard that is the ‘two party system’ has inadvertently resulted in keeping extremists from either left or right from gaining absolute control, resulting in moderate governments during at least the last 40 years, with occasional radical aberrations checked by the courts.

It is indeed naïve to believe corporate funding of campaigns will be stopped anytime soon, or that some sort of top-down ‘reform’ is viable, such as term limits, various pointless Constitutional amendments, or the election of neo-populists like Ron Paul.

Real reform can only come at the very local level, must be sincere and non-partisan, i.e. not the ‘tea party’ route, and will take decades to realize.

Another lefty pretending other wise.
Some of us got it long ago. What took you so long?

Yet you still support Romney. So what exactly have you "gotten"?

Given that it's not gonna change by November, and given that Romney is a smart man, yea... I support him.

If you think I'm gonna support that lunatic Paul and his 'WWIII' policies, you can forget about it. I'm not keen on taking the whole planet into another global conflict.
Especially when WWIII was already fought and won by proxy. Soviets lost.
Yet you still support Romney. So what exactly have you "gotten"?

Given that it's not gonna change by November, and given that Romney is a smart man, yea... I support him.

If you think I'm gonna support that lunatic Paul and his 'WWIII' policies, you can forget about it. I'm not keen on taking the whole planet into another global conflict.
Especially when WWIII was already fought and won by proxy. Soviets lost.

Got jack shit to do with it. Isolationist policies - such as those espoused by Paul will not only be destructive to our country - but to others - and that can't be good for us, or them. This 'Libertarian' thing can't work.... we cannot just withdraw from the world.
Given that it's not gonna change by November, and given that Romney is a smart man, yea... I support him.

If you think I'm gonna support that lunatic Paul and his 'WWIII' policies, you can forget about it. I'm not keen on taking the whole planet into another global conflict.
Especially when WWIII was already fought and won by proxy. Soviets lost.

Got jack shit to do with it. Isolationist policies - such as those espoused by Paul will not only be destructive to our country - but to others - and that can't be good for us, or them. This 'Libertarian' thing can't work.... we cannot just withdraw from the world.
Agreed. WE should be proactive to promote liberty to those that wish it. Paul is wrong on the ideals of the Founders.

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