Something Intrinsically Evil Cannot Be the Object of Legal Rights


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010

Released on October 21, Francesco, a documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky, shocked millions of Catholics because Pope Francis visually endorsed the legalization of same-sex unions. Two cardinals, several bishops, priests, and lay Catholics stressed the obvious: The papal endorsement is incompatible with Catholic doctrine. Based on Scripture, Tradition, and her perennial teaching, the Church has always condemned homosexual acts as intrinsically evil and a grave offense to God.1

No one can be so naive as to suppose that two persons of the same sex, both afflicted with a disorderly same-sex attraction, can live together chastely in a mock marriage.
You know, for someone with his own victimisation issues you're surprisingly willing to victimise others.

Why Are Gypsies Hated? |
Gypsies have their own laws and they do not respect others properties or lifes. Most of them are illiterate because they allow children to skip classes or even encourage them to do that. Most of them do not work and just get money from the government (many of them have back problems, leg injures…), from begging or illegal activities such as drugs, smuggling or thievering.
You know, for someone with his own victimisation issues you're surprisingly willing to victimise others.

Gypsies have their own laws and they do not respect others properties or lifes. Most of them are illiterate because they allow children to skip classes or even encourage them to do that. Most of them do not work and just get money from the government (many of them have back problems, leg injures…), from begging or illegal activities such as drugs, smuggling or thievering.

I dont buy into this that Im the same as LGBTQ because of my race, or that race is the same as gender or sexual orientation or sexual lifestyle. It is surprising that you as self declared defender of gays are ready to victimes a race of people just to make a point. And everything which is written here is wrong, and very racist. That gypsies do not respect private property, that gypsies have their own laws, and gypsies really have more illnesses then europans, they also have higher child mortality rate, higher disability frequency, and die younger then their european counterparts. So if they have health problems, it is not because they are scammers. And gypsies do respect private property and all that. Most gypsies do, did you ever met a gypsy? And are you aware of the diversity, that there is not one gypsie but many gypsies just like many americans, or many people where you are from or what you are. Do you know that there are LGBTQ gypsies, and female gypsies? I take your note as racism towards me, but I dont give up my opinion on LGBTQ eventhough you try to victimise me into conformity. That just tells me that communists like you are racist themsefles when they need it and not the friends of my people. The communist european union equals gypsie as social class like LGBTQ, and not even acknowledges they are race or national origin.
I dont buy into this that Im the same as LGBTQ because of my race, or that race is the same as gender or sexual orientation or sexual lifestyle.
Who said you are? I'm saying you're a hateful bigot who can't recognise his own bigotry and who denies it even while rationalising it when it's pointed out.
I dont buy into this that Im the same as LGBTQ because of my race, or that race is the same as gender or sexual orientation or sexual lifestyle.
Who said you are? I'm saying you're a hateful bigot who can't recognise his own bigotry and who denies it even while rationalising it when it's pointed out.

I might be a bigot ok. But I still say that gay sex is intrinsically evil just like pedophilia or zoophilia or incestous sex. It is all in the Bible. And there are gypsies who eat others, who fuck others in the ass or who fuck animals like donkeys. I wouldnt defend them just because they are gypsies.
But one must give credit where it's due, Mort is always happy to throw the first stone...
But one must give credit where it's due, Mort is always happy to throw the first stone...

there is a difference of condemning of someone or hating him because he feels same attraction and a difference of making it a legal object, where it is defined by laws and protected. jesus wouldnt approve of that though, eventhough he might say this man is a sinner and he struggles with same sex attraction we should pray for him.

Released on October 21, Francesco, a documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky, shocked millions of Catholics because Pope Francis visually endorsed the legalization of same-sex unions. Two cardinals, several bishops, priests, and lay Catholics stressed the obvious: The papal endorsement is incompatible with Catholic doctrine. Based on Scripture, Tradition, and her perennial teaching, the Church has always condemned homosexual acts as intrinsically evil and a grave offense to God.1

No one can be so naive as to suppose that two persons of the same sex, both afflicted with a disorderly same-sex attraction, can live together chastely in a mock marriage.
The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were doing all kinds of sinful acts like the city of Nineveh. But everybody that knows the story about story only points out sin that they are not doing as the ultimate sin of all. But they were doing every known sin that there is.
But in the Bible, that it says that God cursed the people of Sodom and Gomorrah for idolatry. They were worshipping unnatural beings that were part human and other different kinds of species. And so it says that God twisted their minds so that no other tribe will respect them. That every other towns will see them as fools and will not follow them like He had done to the city of Babel. But they've kept on offending God.
But from the Biblical times to the 1970s that the mental and physical ill were considered as cursed beings as well. Everyone considered them as sinners until Monsanto products was introduced to the world, causing all kinds of health and mental problems. That being mentally and physically ill is a norm. That we have removed it from the sinner category. But it was never meant to be this way in the beginning. And now there is a new abomination that it is screwing up the hormones in our bodies. God cannot keep His hand over us, protecting us from these creations while we keep on sinning.

Romans 1:26
Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.

John 9
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. ...

Matthew 9:2
Some men brought to him a paralyzed man, lying on a mat. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the man, “Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven.”

Luke 5:24
But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.”

Mark 2:9
Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?

Matthew 15:22
A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.”

Released on October 21, Francesco, a documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky, shocked millions of Catholics because Pope Francis visually endorsed the legalization of same-sex unions. Two cardinals, several bishops, priests, and lay Catholics stressed the obvious: The papal endorsement is incompatible with Catholic doctrine. Based on Scripture, Tradition, and her perennial teaching, the Church has always condemned homosexual acts as intrinsically evil and a grave offense to God.1

No one can be so naive as to suppose that two persons of the same sex, both afflicted with a disorderly same-sex attraction, can live together chastely in a mock marriage.

Yet God blesses the evil and the good. All marriages are mock. Adam and Eve were married?
It's intrinsically evil not to be a Christian, so no one has the right not to be a Christian.
jesus wouldnt approve of that though,
Throw another stone, why don't you?

You're trolling.

It would take another four years of Trump presidency to reverse the same sex marriage law.
It would take another four years of Trump presidency to reverse the same sex marriage law.
would that be after a green light from scotus - some swell times just ahead from the christian court.
jesus wouldnt approve of that though,
Throw another stone, why don't you?

You're trolling.

It would take another four years of Trump presidency to reverse the same sex marriage law.
It would take another four years of Trump presidency to reverse the same sex marriage law.
would that be after a green light from scotus - some swell times just ahead from the christian court.

It took Obama two terms to get it legalized.
You know, for someone with his own victimisation issues you're surprisingly willing to victimise others.

Gypsies have their own laws and they do not respect others properties or lifes. Most of them are illiterate because they allow children to skip classes or even encourage them to do that. Most of them do not work and just get money from the government (many of them have back problems, leg injures…), from begging or illegal activities such as drugs, smuggling or thievering.

Who is he 'victimizing'? Neurotic sexual fetishists aren't 'victims', they're mentally ill self-indulgent outliers who deliberately reject norms and pose a threat to children and public health.
The worst forms of evil have legal rights. That's the thing about legal rights, everyone has them.
Exactly. Government is there to protect our rights, not impose one group's version of good and evil on everyone else.
The worst forms of evil have legal rights. That's the thing about legal rights, everyone has them.
Exactly. Government is there to protect our rights, not impose one group's version of good and evil on everyone else.
Sadly legal rights seem to be either or. Activist groups make sure innocent victims are denied legal rights to give them to the evil. To the guilty.

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