SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH GERMANY , VIDEO > 4 Muscovite imperialists attacked a person with a Ukrainian flag walking down the street in Germany.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
SOMETHING IS VERY WRONG WITH GERMANY , VIDEO > 4 Muscovite imperialists attacked a person with a Ukrainian flag walking down the street in Germany.

I can´t imagine such imperialist - VATNIK - sralinist orgy in Sweden....

Context always matters. (From your own tweet;)


It really depends on whether it occurred on the Eastern side or Western side of Germany.

If it is on the side of Germany that Russia liberated? And the current government of Germany is suppressing celebrations of the Russian victory over the Nazis in Europe?

Well, I guess you are probably just too dumb to understand the ramifications of what the hell is going on, so you are a lost cause right now.

Even Zelenskyy told Ukrainians they could not celebrate the Russian victory over the Nazis, and I heard report that the older ones, ignored that faggot, and went out and put flowers on the graves of their comrades anywho. . . .

So if you don't know the full story behind these victory day videos? Best you just chill on your outrage.


So #Treptow?
We are basically talking about East Berlin, in E. Germany?

How old are you?


Most accurate comment in that video;

"So werden Russen und Ukrainer gegeneinander ausgespielt und der Ami lacht sich ins Fäustchen...."

So Russians and Ukrainians are played off against each other and the Yank is laughing up his sleeve....

NATO goes on high alert on Victory Day, Putin issues warning to West | Redacted with Clayton Morris​

Russian ambassador is doused in red paint and branded a 'fascist' by pro-Ukraine activists while laying flowers at Soviet war memorial in Poland​

Sad. They sacrificed more of their countrymen to free Europe, and now, folks brainwashed by the same fascist, neo-Nazis, have them acting like flying monkeys.
Good lord, I can't believe anyone falls for this BS.

If Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism, then everything that Britain and the US have been doing the last century have been nothing but terrorism.

Who the hell do you think you are fooling? :dunno:


Most of Dresden was destroyed after the British and US attack

Tens of thousands died, many suffocated in the firestorm


Major landmarks in the city were gutted

". . . But the bombing has become one of the most controversial Allied acts of World War Two. Some have questioned the military value of Dresden. Even British Prime Minister Winston Churchill expressed doubts immediately after the attack.

"It seems to me that the moment has come when the question of bombing of German cities simply for the sake of increasing the terror, though under other pretexts, should be reviewed," he wrote in a memo.

"The destruction of Dresden remains a serious query against the conduct of Allied bombing."


". . . Nazi Germany immediately used the bombing to attack the Allies. The Propaganda Ministry claimed Dresden had no war industry and was only a city of culture. Though local officials said about 25,000 people had died - a figure historians agree with now - the Nazis claimed 200,000 civilians were killed.

In the UK, Dresden was known as a tourist destination, and some MPs and public figures questioned the value of the attack. A story at the time published by the Associated Press news agency said the Allies were conducting terror bombing, spreading further alarm.

US and UK military planners, however, insisted the attack was strategically justified, in the same way as attacks on other cities - by disrupting industry, destroying workers' homes and crippling transport in Germany. . . . "

Don't even get me started on all the wars since.
2 errors
1) ussr (died 30 years ago )
2) occupied for 50 years

So you agree, it was the Eastern side of Germany that was liberated from the fascists, and then, subsequently put under the yoke of state socialism?

Your equivocation is noted.
Moscow empire is a crap hole , and has always been so


Where do the resources and raw materials for imperialism come from?

Do you have any idea how Neo-liberalism and globalism even work?

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