Something I've noticed

Have you noticed anything like this?

  • Fuck you, Pedro, you rightwing fascist asshole. I'm nothing like that! (please describe yourself)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fuck you, Pedro, you leftwing bastard. I'm nothing like that! (please describe yourself)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, but I have noticed different generalized traits (please provide in your answer)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but those generalizations haven't been the ones I've noticed. (please describe what you have)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but those generalizations are reveresed in my experience.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but I have more categories to add for either or both sides.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?

My suggestion: stop living in a 2 dimensional world. There is far, far more to life than liberals versus conservatives. Not even in the US is life so simple.
Sure it is. There's right...and wrong. Ethical, and criminal.

Progressives are wrong headed criminals:

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]
"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Eugenics American Progressivism and the German Idea of the State - Online Library of Law Liberty

I'm going to put your on ignore. You are just too crazy, creepy and sickening to waste time on. :bye1:
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?

My suggestion: stop living in a 2 dimensional world. There is far, far more to life than liberals versus conservatives. Not even in the US is life so simple.
Sure it is. There's right...and wrong. Ethical, and criminal.

Progressives are wrong headed criminals:

"For the Progressives, the governmentā€™s obligation in this regard was perfectly compatible with treating different races (whom they believed were at varying stages of development), differently in law and policy.[13] It also trumped not only the ability of individuals to exercise their now ā€œso-called innate or ā€˜natural rights'ā€ ā€“e.g. the right to live, enjoy oneā€™s physical liberty, acquire and use property, marry, speak, worship God according to the dictates of oneā€™s conscience, etc.ā€“but also an individualā€™s fundamental right to attain his own highest development where the prospect for development was believed to be relatively small, or his restraint was believed to be advantageous to the development of a greater number.[14]
"Perhaps nowhere is the Progressivesā€™ willingness to run roughshod over individual liberty, for the sake of improving America generally, as stark as in their support for eugenics."

Eugenics American Progressivism and the German Idea of the State - Online Library of Law Liberty

I'm going to put your on ignore. You are just too crazy, creepy and sickening to waste time on. :bye1:

All progs feel that way about the truth. You are creepy and sickening indeed. Pssst...I'm not the only one who notices.

You will be reviled in the end, as you deserve. Heck,you're reviled now. You just insulate yourself from it by encapsulating yourself in ignorance.
One thing that is obvious, conservatives are terrified of life.

They need:

Guns - cuz there's a boogyman around every corner ta git you. Even though 65 million school children go through their lives without a gun and without being terrified of every shadow and are happy as larks

Religion - they need an invisible daddy to 'pertect them from the evil doers' and the bad scary world

Scapegoat - they need someone or something to blame everything on 'Commies, Jews, Blacks, Socialists, Gays, Immigrants, Aliens, Bigfoot, Women

Authoritarian control - They are drawn to people that bark orders and act like they 'own the joint' and can tell everyone else what to do. They feel safe following this type of person and they suspend thought to attain this safety Trump, Faux News, Fish Dimbaugh, Bill ORudely...

Conservatives as a group remind one of the trembling hoardes of humans that lived during the dark ages. Scared of life itself and of all the terrifying creatures that live in the forest.
One thing that can be said about USMB nutters with certainty:

They are absolute experts regarding what it takes to be a liberal in America. Not a day goes by without one or more of these geniuses telling liberals what they are or what they think. It's awesome.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

What percentage of the country would you conclude that group includes? Your first criteria alone bumps it to slightly more than half.

Conservatives as a group remind one of the trembling hoardes of humans that lived during the dark ages. Scared of life itself and of all the terrifying creatures that live in the forest.
As usual you accidentally make a great point amid all the empty rhetoric. The conservative personality orientation is focused on the negatives. It's about caution, playing it safe, and weighing options carefully before making a change. We know that there really are wolves in those woods. That's why we survive. That's also why we need the more liberal mindset to keep us moving forward. You're the ones wired not to be happy unless you're out exploring them. It's in your basic mental makeup to crave change and new experiences. That's why you need us: to balance out your tinkering, question the direction of your eternal revolution, and generally keep shit stable and working. In a healthy society the two orientations work off each other. The liberals are society's imagination and ideals and the conservatives are its mind and heart. The problem is that ours is not a healthy society because both sides are out of whack with each other and their role.
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Conservatives as a group remind one of the trembling hoardes of humans that lived during the dark ages. Scared of life itself and of all the terrifying creatures that live in the forest.
As usual you accidentally make a great point amid all the empty rhetoric. The conservative personality orientation is focused on the negatives. It's about caution, playing it safe, and weighing options carefully before making a change. We know that there really are wolves in those woods. That's why we survive. That's also why we need the more liberal mindset to keep us moving forward. You're the ones wired not to be happy unless you're out exploring them. It's in your basic mental makeup to crave change and new experiences. That's why you need us: to balance out your tinkering, question the direction of your eternal revolution, and generally keep shit stable. In a healthy society the two orientations work off each other. The liberals are society's imagination and the conservatives are its heart. The problem is that ours is not a healthy society because both sides are out of whack with each other and their role.

Yes. Conservatives are very cautious and weigh options very carefully. Absolutely.
Yes. Conservatives are very cautious and weigh options very carefully. Absolutely.
As usual you accidentally make a great point amid all the empty rhetoric. The conservative personality orientation is focused on the negatives. It's about caution, playing it safe, and weighing options carefully before making a change. We know that there really are wolves in those woods. That's why we survive. That's also why we need the more liberal mindset to keep us moving forward. You're the ones wired not to be happy unless you're out exploring them. It's in your basic mental makeup to crave change and new experiences. That's why you need us: to balance out your tinkering, question the direction of your eternal revolution, and generally keep shit stable. In a healthy society the two orientations work off each other. The liberals are society's imagination and the conservatives are its heart. The problem is that ours is not a healthy society because both sides are out of whack with each other and their role.
This would be the case in a healthy society. This is not something we have. Both halves have abandoned cooperation to fight against each other and try to destroy the other as a viable force. Your side is going to win. It's more committed, more unified, and has the majority of the support of the social and economic elite. This country is pretty much fucked when you do. Luckily, it won't be any more permanent than the fall of the USSR was and will all balance itself out in time after the collapse.
Yes. Conservatives are very cautious and weigh options very carefully. Absolutely.
As usual you accidentally make a great point amid all the empty rhetoric. The conservative personality orientation is focused on the negatives. It's about caution, playing it safe, and weighing options carefully before making a change. We know that there really are wolves in those woods. That's why we survive. That's also why we need the more liberal mindset to keep us moving forward. You're the ones wired not to be happy unless you're out exploring them. It's in your basic mental makeup to crave change and new experiences. That's why you need us: to balance out your tinkering, question the direction of your eternal revolution, and generally keep shit stable. In a healthy society the two orientations work off each other. The liberals are society's imagination and the conservatives are its heart. The problem is that ours is not a healthy society because both sides are out of whack with each other and their role.
This would be the case in a healthy society. This is not something we have. Both halves have abandoned cooperation to fight against each other and try to destroy the other as a viable force. Your side is going to win. It's more committed, more unified, and has the majority of the support of the social and economic elite. This country is pretty much fucked when you do. Luckily, it won't be any more permanent than the fall of the USSR was and will all balance itself out in time after the collapse.

Way to go! You've managed to say that "both sides do it" and that "my side" winning will fuck the country! What an awesome piece of level headed commentary.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?

Or they're elitist assholes who have had everything handed to them all their lives, who believe they are innately *better* than every other group..i.e., Christians, southerners, people who don't live in NYC, etc.
They also worship Satan, punch puppies on sight, and have at least eight frozen fetuses for summertime snacks in the garage.

It's true! It's all true!

True, true, true.

Yes. Conservatives are very cautious and weigh options very carefully. Absolutely.
As usual you accidentally make a great point amid all the empty rhetoric. The conservative personality orientation is focused on the negatives. It's about caution, playing it safe, and weighing options carefully before making a change. We know that there really are wolves in those woods. That's why we survive. That's also why we need the more liberal mindset to keep us moving forward. You're the ones wired not to be happy unless you're out exploring them. It's in your basic mental makeup to crave change and new experiences. That's why you need us: to balance out your tinkering, question the direction of your eternal revolution, and generally keep shit stable. In a healthy society the two orientations work off each other. The liberals are society's imagination and the conservatives are its heart. The problem is that ours is not a healthy society because both sides are out of whack with each other and their role.
This would be the case in a healthy society. This is not something we have. Both halves have abandoned cooperation to fight against each other and try to destroy the other as a viable force. Your side is going to win. It's more committed, more unified, and has the majority of the support of the social and economic elite. This country is pretty much fucked when you do. Luckily, it won't be any more permanent than the fall of the USSR was and will all balance itself out in time after the collapse.

Way to go! You've managed to say that "both sides do it" and that "my side" winning will fuck the country! What an awesome piece of level headed commentary.
I feel like you still don't really understand what I'm saying. Both orientations have a complementary role. Progress and stability. Revolution and reconstruction. What might be and what is. You explore and we keep the home fires burning. Currently neither is content with their role. They both push for total victory against the other. Dominance isn't enough. The goal is to snuff out the other as a viable force in society completely. We would be fucked if my orientation's side won, because the pendulum would swing just as far back the other way and we'd see a sharp regression and calcification. We'd be like a boat whose crew ripped out the engine and threw it overboard so it doesn't go too fast. It would completely paralyze any growth. That's not likely to happen though. Your side is going to win and push us towards its own brand of collapse. We'll be like a boat whose c It's obviously going to be pretty shitty for the country when you finally win and successfully overturn any remaining stability. Luckily that's not going to be permanent and we'll find ourselves with more of a USSR situation than PRC.

On reflection, it seems like the source of the conflict is that neither side understands why the other is important to their own wellbeing. The conservatives seem convinced that the way we see the world can stay exactly like it is forever, while the liberals seem equally convinced that they can continue to sledgehammer the foundations of society out from under everyone without anyone there to rebuild or replace them. It's ultimately shortsightedness in either case.
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Yes. Conservatives are very cautious and weigh options very carefully. Absolutely.
As usual you accidentally make a great point amid all the empty rhetoric. The conservative personality orientation is focused on the negatives. It's about caution, playing it safe, and weighing options carefully before making a change. We know that there really are wolves in those woods. That's why we survive. That's also why we need the more liberal mindset to keep us moving forward. You're the ones wired not to be happy unless you're out exploring them. It's in your basic mental makeup to crave change and new experiences. That's why you need us: to balance out your tinkering, question the direction of your eternal revolution, and generally keep shit stable. In a healthy society the two orientations work off each other. The liberals are society's imagination and the conservatives are its heart. The problem is that ours is not a healthy society because both sides are out of whack with each other and their role.
This would be the case in a healthy society. This is not something we have. Both halves have abandoned cooperation to fight against each other and try to destroy the other as a viable force. Your side is going to win. It's more committed, more unified, and has the majority of the support of the social and economic elite. This country is pretty much fucked when you do. Luckily, it won't be any more permanent than the fall of the USSR was and will all balance itself out in time after the collapse.

Way to go! You've managed to say that "both sides do it" and that "my side" winning will fuck the country! What an awesome piece of level headed commentary.
I feel like you still don't really understand what I'm saying. Both orientations have a complementary role. Progress and stability. Revolution and reconstruction. What might be and what is. You explore and we keep the home fires burning. Currently neither is content with their role. They both push for total victory against the other. Dominance isn't enough. The goal is to snuff out the other as a viable force in society completely. We would be fucked if my orientation's side won, because the pendulum would swing just as far back the other way and we'd see a sharp regression and calcification. We'd be like a boat whose crew ripped out the engine and threw it overboard so it doesn't go too fast. It would completely paralyze any growth. That's not likely to happen though. Your side is going to win and push us towards its own brand of collapse. We'll be like a boat whose c It's obviously going to be pretty shitty for the country when you finally win and successfully overturn any remaining stability. Luckily that's not going to be permanent and we'll find ourselves with more of a USSR situation than PRC.

On reflection, it seems like the source of the conflict is that neither side understands why the other is important to their own wellbeing. The conservatives seem convinced that the way we see the world can stay exactly like it is forever, while the liberals seem equally convinced that they can continue to sledgehammer the foundations of society out from under everyone without anyone there to rebuild or replace them. It's ultimately shortsightedness in either case.

I understand what you are saying. And....I think it is a bunch of hooey.

This is a center left nation. The idea that liberals haven't been willing to compromise is RIDICULOUS. It is intransigence on the part of "conservatives" that you are witnessing. Period.

Liberal ideals built the foundations of this society.....we don't take sledgehammers to it.
I understand what you are saying. And....I think it is a bunch of hooey.

This is a center left nation. The idea that liberals haven't been willing to compromise is RIDICULOUS. It is intransigence on the part of "conservatives" that you are witnessing. Period.

Liberal ideals built the foundations of this society.....we don't take sledgehammers to it.
You understand how you're illustrating my point, right? All you had to say to that was that America was founded as a Liberal Nation and so clearly every problem is completely the fault of the bad guys. You're showing yourself to be part of the problem here. Despite that, you still inadvertently admitted to one of the main causes of the dysfunction: both are feeding off each other at this point. The more besieged one feels the more it will lash out and put the other on the defensive. Escalation creates further escalation. Neither side is willing to offer a compromise to the clear enemy nor accept any offering less than unconditional surrender. What I said still applies, though: this will ultimately work out in your favor. You have the support of the elite, the funding, and sufficient social control that there's no other way this could work out. The conservatives are basically fighting to the bitter end here. Your victory is already assured. The problems for you only occur when you've eliminated their presence entirely and suddenly realize there's nobody to keep yours in check anymore. Your new order will collapse without balance and something more healthy will eventually grow up to take its place.
I understand what you are saying. And....I think it is a bunch of hooey.

This is a center left nation. The idea that liberals haven't been willing to compromise is RIDICULOUS. It is intransigence on the part of "conservatives" that you are witnessing. Period.

Liberal ideals built the foundations of this society.....we don't take sledgehammers to it.
You understand how you're illustrating my point, right? All you had to say to that was that America was founded as a Liberal Nation and so clearly every problem is completely the fault of the bad guys. You're showing yourself to be part of the problem here. Despite that, you still inadvertently admitted to one of the main causes of the dysfunction: both are feeding off each other at this point. The more besieged one feels the more it will lash out and put the other on the defensive. Escalation creates further escalation. Neither side is willing to offer a compromise to the clear enemy nor accept any offering less than unconditional surrender. What I said still applies, though: this will ultimately work out in your favor. You have the support of the elite, the funding, and sufficient social control that there's no other way this could work out. The conservatives are basically fighting to the bitter end here. Your victory is already assured. The problems for you only occur when you've eliminated their presence entirely and suddenly realize there's nobody to keep yours in check anymore. Your new order will collapse without balance and something more healthy will eventually grow up to take its place.

You are repeating yourself. It still isn't making sense.
I understand what you are saying. And....I think it is a bunch of hooey.

This is a center left nation. The idea that liberals haven't been willing to compromise is RIDICULOUS. It is intransigence on the part of "conservatives" that you are witnessing. Period.

Liberal ideals built the foundations of this society.....we don't take sledgehammers to it.
You understand how you're illustrating my point, right? All you had to say to that was that America was founded as a Liberal Nation and so clearly every problem is completely the fault of the bad guys. You're showing yourself to be part of the problem here. Despite that, you still inadvertently admitted to one of the main causes of the dysfunction: both are feeding off each other at this point. The more besieged one feels the more it will lash out and put the other on the defensive. Escalation creates further escalation. Neither side is willing to offer a compromise to the clear enemy nor accept any offering less than unconditional surrender. What I said still applies, though: this will ultimately work out in your favor. You have the support of the elite, the funding, and sufficient social control that there's no other way this could work out. The conservatives are basically fighting to the bitter end here. Your victory is already assured. The problems for you only occur when you've eliminated their presence entirely and suddenly realize there's nobody to keep yours in check anymore. Your new order will collapse without balance and something more healthy will eventually grow up to take its place.

You are repeating yourself. It still isn't making sense.
You said you understood it. What exactly doesn't make sense?
I understand what you are saying. And....I think it is a bunch of hooey.

This is a center left nation. The idea that liberals haven't been willing to compromise is RIDICULOUS. It is intransigence on the part of "conservatives" that you are witnessing. Period.

Liberal ideals built the foundations of this society.....we don't take sledgehammers to it.
You understand how you're illustrating my point, right? All you had to say to that was that America was founded as a Liberal Nation and so clearly every problem is completely the fault of the bad guys. You're showing yourself to be part of the problem here. Despite that, you still inadvertently admitted to one of the main causes of the dysfunction: both are feeding off each other at this point. The more besieged one feels the more it will lash out and put the other on the defensive. Escalation creates further escalation. Neither side is willing to offer a compromise to the clear enemy nor accept any offering less than unconditional surrender. What I said still applies, though: this will ultimately work out in your favor. You have the support of the elite, the funding, and sufficient social control that there's no other way this could work out. The conservatives are basically fighting to the bitter end here. Your victory is already assured. The problems for you only occur when you've eliminated their presence entirely and suddenly realize there's nobody to keep yours in check anymore. Your new order will collapse without balance and something more healthy will eventually grow up to take its place.

You are repeating yourself. It still isn't making sense.
You said you understood it. What exactly doesn't make sense?

Wrong choice of words. You aren't speaking truth. It amounts to nonsense.
Almost every committed leftist (liberal, socialist, communist, etc) I've known has fallen under at least a few categories: female; feminist; pro-choice; unemployed or working a typically service oriented unskilled job; on welfare; in college (often for some form of humanities degree); atheist or practicing Jewish; at least moderately anti-American; from an abusive background; suffering from restricted health; and typically only wants to talk about politics at any given time. The more of these categories they fall into, the more committed they are and the faster they drop you for having a difference of opinion in any particular area.

Almost every committed conservative I've known has had their own categories, with the more dedicated typically falling into more: male; anti-feminist, anti-egalitarian, or both; pro-birth (meaning opposed to both abortion and many things that prevent it); working some form of manufacturing or maintenance job; could probably qualify for welfare; has attended either no college or community college; some form of Protestant; at least moderately patriotic (more commonly the "Murika" version of "patriotism" than the real thing) from a poor but stable background; in unremarkable health; and typically only wants to talk about politics and/or religion at any given time. As above, the more categories they meet the more committed they are to the cause and the less difference of opinion they can handle before dropping you.

I have to wonder if there's something to this. Has anyone else noticed these trends? Is there anything I missed?

Rarely have so many words been lined up to say so little.

Out of all that the only descriptions that even vaguely apply to me would be "from a poor but stable background" and "in unremarkable health". But that's hardly specific.

Moreover you're not at all clear what you're talking about right at the outset: leftists, Liberals, socialists and communists are four different things. Your other fatal flaw is that in both sections, the conservative one and the four-tiered quadrafantasy, you've got everybody in the world consumed with the political. Don't know what planet you're on but around here it just doesn't work that way.

Ergo I went with "have no idea wtf you're talking about".
I understand what you are saying. And....I think it is a bunch of hooey.

This is a center left nation. The idea that liberals haven't been willing to compromise is RIDICULOUS. It is intransigence on the part of "conservatives" that you are witnessing. Period.

Liberal ideals built the foundations of this society.....we don't take sledgehammers to it.

You understand how you're illustrating my point, right? All you had to say to that was that America was founded as a Liberal Nation and so clearly every problem is completely the fault of the bad guys. You're showing yourself to be part of the problem here. Despite that, you still inadvertently admitted to one of the main causes of the dysfunction: both are feeding off each other at this point. The more besieged one feels the more it will lash out and put the other on the defensive. Escalation creates further escalation. Neither side is willing to offer a compromise to the clear enemy nor accept any offering less than unconditional surrender. What I said still applies, though: this will ultimately work out in your favor. You have the support of the elite, the funding, and sufficient social control that there's no other way this could work out. The conservatives are basically fighting to the bitter end here. Your victory is already assured. The problems for you only occur when you've eliminated their presence entirely and suddenly realize there's nobody to keep yours in check anymore. Your new order will collapse without balance and something more healthy will eventually grow up to take its place.

Pedro you are right in the roles conservatism and liberalism play in human populations. It expresses itself more along the line of a spectrum rather than a schism type split. People are conservative in some parts of their lives and progressive in others.

There was a moment that propelled conservatives in the U.S. to push for 'victory' over progressives. That was the resignation of Richard Nixon under threat of impeachment. The conservative ruling cohort was at once utterly embarrassed, traumatized, and angered by this. As I noted, conservatives view leaders not really as people, but more as father figures, or saviors. And when their father is publicly shamed it strikes to the core of a conservative. The odd part is it didn't matter that Nixon brought his shame on himself. All that mattered was he was forced out 'by the other side'. Revenge by the conservative elites is what has been playing out ever since.

The construction of conservative talk radio and more importantly, Faux News, were deliberate endeavors to try to slowly social engineer the society over to their side. Of course most conservatives on this and all message boards will flail around denying such a thing but it is fact. This conservative media, along with conservative think tanks, have been daily drilling into the heads of its regular listeners, "hate them, they are not us", "they are not American", "they are foreign", "all the problems in the country are their fault (scapegoat)".

You only have to listen, you don't have to interpret anything, just listen to conservative talk radio and Faux News. It boils down to this, "life is miserable because of THEM". It is a lie of course, but conservative media isn't worried about truth. They are concerned about defeating the other.

And this is relatively new to American society. Conservatives have always fought politically and voted their conscience. What is new is the 'us vs them' absolute that conservative media puts out 24/7. And there is no equal opposite. Faux News and conservative media create a strawman 'the main stream media' and then throw rocks at it and demand all their followers do the same. They demonize everything that isn't THEM. Again, its soul purpose is to herd conservatives into a corner of 'us vs them' group think.

And at some point when someone is throwing rocks at you, you start throwing them back. This is what has brought American society to this point.
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