Something to THRILL USMB Republicans: Trump fires entire HIV/AIDS Council

The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR
No one believes that except you and Obama...if it were true then why hasn't Trump ruined it yet? Dumb ass
Cutting waste?
Like the Sec of the Interior flying a National Parks head 3,000 miles to scold him for tweeting about scientific data of climate change?
That type of waste?

Like Scott Pruitt hiring a disgraced banker to run all the Superfund sites ???
And then when subpoenaed to show the progress he made after 11 months on the job.... he admitted he hadn't done a god damn thing.
Trump administration is the most wasteful one I've seen in40 years
If a government agency has outlived their usefulness why keep it? just to make you happy?
Who's going to decide it " outlived it's usefulness?" You? Trump?
His whole administration is a waste. Will he disban it?
I see you couldn't address my examples of trump waste.

Who has decided it was useful to begin with?

No one, so begone!
President Trump fires council advising on HIV/AIDS

Several members slammed Trump's planned American Health Care Act (AHCA), saying it would leave many of the 1.1 million Americans with HIV/AIDS without access to proper treatment. AHCA failed to pass in Congress this year, despite several attempts.

Trump has sought to make $150 million in cuts to HIV/AIDS programs in the 2018 fiscal year budget, as well as deep cuts to global projects to fight AIDS and other diseases, Newsweek reported.

The health agency estimates that some 162,500 people (15% of all those living with the condition) are unaware that they are HIV positive.


Republicans have wanted those Americans to die for a long time. They must be really excited.

Pastors Praise Anti-Gay Massacre in Orlando, Prompting Outrage

For the gays who voted for Donald Trump, you are so fuked. Hope it was worth it. You had to know it was coming. After all, he's Donald Trump and leads the Republican Party.
The one good thing Bush did was allocate money for AIDS.
The only thing.
We're all still waiting for this piece of shit president to do one single good thing.
The only good thing was AIDS funding? What about "No Child Left Behind"?
Is our children larnin? You Liberals love that stuff, right?
NCLB was a failure. Ask any teacher that had to implement it.
What? A Federal government Motherhood program that a Liberal admits was a failure? By golly maybe we are getting somewhere.
Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.

Then you can thank obama for losing more Democrat seats this november
Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.
Rammy thinks Obama beating Trump 8-1 in legislative accomplishments is " funny."
Especially since Obamadid his 8 in 3 months and Trump's measly one in 11 months.
So do I.
Isn’t it interesting how dean like usual is making an argument based on emotion? It’s never fact based for him
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Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.
Rammy thinks Obama beating Trump 8-1 in legislative accomplishments is " funny."
Me too.

What’s funny isn’t you seem to think passing legislation is how you govern effectively
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Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.
Keep drinking the koolaid
Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.

Then you can thank obama for losing more Democrat seats this november
Really? Like in Alabama, Virginia, NJ and Wash state?
Trump is the greatest president ever.

After every president growing and growing the government and its truly useless agencies, Trump is finally cutting them.

Reasonable, your turn is soon to come! Better start looking for an honest job.
Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.
Keep drinking the koolaid
Doesn't know the facts . Funny.
Trump is the greatest president ever.

After every president growing and growing the government and its truly useless agencies, Trump is finally cutting them.

Reasonable, your turn is soon to come! Better start looking for an honest job.

Lowest approval rating of ANY president ever.
All signs indicate a " blood bath" in November and Trump was advised about this.
Your measly 36% is laughable.
64% of the country is thoroughly embarrassed of this president.
Genius thinks the least productive congress in American history will win in November. Lol
Least productive just got us a tax cut and has the economy humming like we haven't seen it in years...oh yeah I can't wait to watch your head explode....
The Obama economy was already humming. Giving a huge tax cut for the rich now is like giving Lebron James CPR.

Funny you think one legislative accomplishment in one long year is a huge success.
Especially since Americans think it's the worst bill in 40 years.

Obamahad 8 legislative accomplishments in his first 2 months in comparison.

Then you can thank obama for losing more Democrat seats this november
Really? Like in Alabama, Virginia, NJ and Wash state?

It’s November 2018 already?

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