'Sometimes Men Have Babies'

I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them

Not to mention, everyone knows how cruel children can be to one another. To choose to put any child through that kind of confusion and social ostracism (regardless of whether one feels that is "right" or not, it happens), is selfish as hell. They need to leave the innocent children out of their confused existences. It only serves their own selfish purposes anyways.
How is that specific to just children of transgender couples? Kids get teased for having a big head.

Because they know IN ADVANCE that these poor kids are going to have it rough, but they don't care because they are selfish and want a baby.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?

Eff off. Nobody needs to "tell" me anything. I can make my own observations and draw my own conclusions based upon that, just as you, race baiter.
What observations did you make? Sounds more like you are guessing. Do you know any children that are messed up or have a difficult life due to this dynamic?
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them

Not to mention, everyone knows how cruel children can be to one another. To choose to put any child through that kind of confusion and social ostracism (regardless of whether one feels that is "right" or not, it happens), is selfish as hell. They need to leave the innocent children out of their confused existences. It only serves their own selfish purposes anyways.
How is that specific to just children of transgender couples? Kids get teased for having a big head.

Because they know IN ADVANCE that these poor kids are going to have it rough, but they don't care because they are selfish and want a baby.
Why would they have it rough? Are you projecting on how you would treat them if you were a child?
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them

Not to mention, everyone knows how cruel children can be to one another. To choose to put any child through that kind of confusion and social ostracism (regardless of whether one feels that is "right" or not, it happens), is selfish as hell. They need to leave the innocent children out of their confused existences. It only serves their own selfish purposes anyways.
How is that specific to just children of transgender couples? Kids get teased for having a big head.

Because they know IN ADVANCE that these poor kids are going to have it rough, but they don't care because they are selfish and want a baby.
Why would they have it rough? Are you projecting on how you would treat them if you were a child?

You are just incredibly ignorant person.
Children with Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Parents
In what way?

All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.

Says you. Not that you know what's going on inside of a person's head or anything. Besides, that is 2 women, not 2 transgendered people who cannot even figure out their own sexuality. I believe that is an unhealthy environment for a child, and it's selfish on the "parents" part to put a child through that kind of thing just so they can have a baby. Sickos.
You keep saying that but I am asking you why and to point out specific examples of the way their lives are made difficult. Most people have a rationale for their conclusions. I used to think like you until the evidence convinced me I was wrong.

I don't have to give you any examples. That is MY opinion. I think these people are effed up and have no business bringing a child into it. It's selfish.
I'm glad you clarified it was just your opinion. I thought you actually had facts to back up your assumptions.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them

Not to mention, everyone knows how cruel children can be to one another. To choose to put any child through that kind of confusion and social ostracism (regardless of whether one feels that is "right" or not, it happens), is selfish as hell. They need to leave the innocent children out of their confused existences. It only serves their own selfish purposes anyways.
How is that specific to just children of transgender couples? Kids get teased for having a big head.

Because they know IN ADVANCE that these poor kids are going to have it rough, but they don't care because they are selfish and want a baby.

yesterday he humped carib gals leg, now it's you

his keyboard must be soaked by now
Children with Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Parents
All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.

Says you. Not that you know what's going on inside of a person's head or anything. Besides, that is 2 women, not 2 transgendered people who cannot even figure out their own sexuality. I believe that is an unhealthy environment for a child, and it's selfish on the "parents" part to put a child through that kind of thing just so they can have a baby. Sickos.
You keep saying that but I am asking you why and to point out specific examples of the way their lives are made difficult. Most people have a rationale for their conclusions. I used to think like you until the evidence convinced me I was wrong.

I don't have to give you any examples. That is MY opinion. I think these people are effed up and have no business bringing a child into it. It's selfish.
I'm glad you clarified it was just your opinion. I thought you actually had facts to back up your assumptions.

I can find links that say otherwise too. Lol. The bottom line is, it is a selfish thing to do on the part of the "parents." Incredibly selfish.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?

Makes their lives more difficult.
In what way?

All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.
Well that speaks volumes about what you consider "well adjusted."

Translation: Accepts sexual deviants as normal = Well adjusted.
Children with Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Parents
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.

Says you. Not that you know what's going on inside of a person's head or anything. Besides, that is 2 women, not 2 transgendered people who cannot even figure out their own sexuality. I believe that is an unhealthy environment for a child, and it's selfish on the "parents" part to put a child through that kind of thing just so they can have a baby. Sickos.
You keep saying that but I am asking you why and to point out specific examples of the way their lives are made difficult. Most people have a rationale for their conclusions. I used to think like you until the evidence convinced me I was wrong.

I don't have to give you any examples. That is MY opinion. I think these people are effed up and have no business bringing a child into it. It's selfish.
I'm glad you clarified it was just your opinion. I thought you actually had facts to back up your assumptions.

I can find links that say otherwise too. Lol. The bottom line is, it is a selfish thing to do on the part of the "parents." Incredibly selfish.
if you could find one you would have posted it. We all know this. Bottom line is you are just an ignorant person spouting your ignorant opinion.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?
People who don't know what gender they are.and cant accept the fact of what gender they are Are defiantly suffering a form of psychosis. When they mutilate and cut off body parts it is an even deeper psychological disorder
What do you think it does to the children?

Makes their lives more difficult.
In what way?

All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.
Well that speaks volumes about what you consider "well adjusted."

Translation: Accepts sexual deviants as normal = Well adjusted.
Not surprising you have no clue of what normal or well adjusted means.

well ad·just·ed
  1. successfully altered or moved so as to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.
    "her eyes were well adjusted to the darkness"
    • (of a person) mentally and emotionally stable.
      adjective: well adjusted; adjective: well-adjusted
      "a well-adjusted, happy child is less likely to be physically ill"
Makes their lives more difficult.
In what way?

All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.
Well that speaks volumes about what you consider "well adjusted."

Translation: Accepts sexual deviants as normal = Well adjusted.
Not surprising you have no clue of what normal or well adjusted means.

well ad·just·ed
  1. successfully altered or moved so as to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.
    "her eyes were well adjusted to the darkness"
    • (of a person) mentally and emotionally stable.
      adjective: well adjusted; adjective: well-adjusted
      "a well-adjusted, happy child is less likely to be physically ill"
Your response supports exactly nothing pertaining to your prior comment.

Pretty lame.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?
People who don't know what gender they are.and cant accept the fact of what gender they are Are defiantly suffering a form of psychosis. When they mutilate and cut off body parts it is an even deeper psychological disorder
Who told you they didnt know what gender they were?
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?
People who don't know what gender they are.and cant accept the fact of what gender they are Are defiantly suffering a form of psychosis. When they mutilate and cut off body parts it is an even deeper psychological disorder

I am especially struck by the claim that "gender" doesn't mean anything and is a "social construct." These are things the left claim all the time, but if that's the case, then why is it so important for these people to have the genitalia of the opposite sex? And why the need to dress as men or women? They are obviously quite delusional. It's sad, and if it makes them feel better to live like they do, then who am I to say they cannot? But when it comes to bringing innocent children into the delusion, that is just wrong on many different levels.
In what way?

All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.
Well that speaks volumes about what you consider "well adjusted."

Translation: Accepts sexual deviants as normal = Well adjusted.
Not surprising you have no clue of what normal or well adjusted means.

well ad·just·ed
  1. successfully altered or moved so as to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result.
    "her eyes were well adjusted to the darkness"
    • (of a person) mentally and emotionally stable.
      adjective: well adjusted; adjective: well-adjusted
      "a well-adjusted, happy child is less likely to be physically ill"
Your response supports exactly nothing pertaining to your prior comment.

Pretty lame.
Your response fails as a coherent response to my post showing you dont own a dictionary.
I'm sorry, but at some point people simply need psychological help

I am glad you found some.....
You don't think these people have psychological problems?
Yes I do. Been dealing with transgendered demanding pregnancy tests from the hospitals lately. They definately have screws loose.
it's beyond me how people could read this story and not believe these people dont need psychological help
That should be a clue that you simply lack the ability to understand people are different. Just because someone doesnt follow a model of behavior you subscribe to doesnt make them crazy. it makes them.....different.
Cutting off perfectly good body parts is mutilation. Not knowing what gender you are is a psychosis as well

Agreed. However, it is how one handles their challenges in life that determines their future. The world is changing so fast, they may just fit right in, down the line. :shock:

That man who had been a woman, who gave birth to 3 kids a few years ago?? He and his wife are now divorced. Too bad, because I liked him, based upon the times I heard him being interviewed, and the three children, so precious and adorable.

I'll be back with a link, in case I misrepresented something. I need to know, too.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?

When asked what they will tell their children one day about “who Mommy and Daddy are,” Nick said, “Gradually, and in ways that they can understand. I mean eventually the questions will come about. Schools calling us and saying, ‘Your child said that his mommy has a penis’ and things like that.”
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?
People who don't know what gender they are.and cant accept the fact of what gender they are Are defiantly suffering a form of psychosis. When they mutilate and cut off body parts it is an even deeper psychological disorder

I am especially struck by the claim that "gender" doesn't mean anything and is a "social construct." These are things the left claim all the time, but if that's the case, then why is it so important for these people to have the genitalia of the opposite sex? And why the need to dress as men or women? They are obviously quite delusional. It's sad, and if it makes them feel better to live like they do, then who am I to say they cannot? But when it comes to bringing innocent children into the delusion, that is just wrong on many different levels.
Thats because gender is a social construct. There were times when playing sports was not something a female did. Its a role not a biological fact.
I don't really care what the transgendered adults do. If they want to pretend they are men or women, then whatever, but I do have a problem when they bring children into their effed up existence. I find it to be incredibly selfish.
What do you think it does to the children?
confuses them
Who told you that?

When asked what they will tell their children one day about “who Mommy and Daddy are,” Nick said, “Gradually, and in ways that they can understand. I mean eventually the questions will come about. Schools calling us and saying, ‘Your child said that his mommy has a penis’ and things like that.”
I dont see where it says this will confuse them.
What do you think it does to the children?

Makes their lives more difficult.
In what way?

All kinds of ways, obviously.
No its not obvious. Thats why I asked. A girl I dated had 2 women for parents. She was one of the most well adjusted people I have ever met.
Well that speaks volumes about what you consider "well adjusted."

Translation: Accepts sexual deviants as normal = Well adjusted.

Lol! I know it! It's a sick concept, very sick indeed. These people are obviously suffering from a mental illness. To treat them as if they are not is not really doing them any favors. I think the problem is that they need treatment, but the psychiatrists have no idea how to treat this disorder because it is one of those that is basically untreatable, so in order for these people to not have completely miserable existences, they go along with the delusion. I don't know if that is right though.

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