'Songbird' John McTumor: Nationalism is Unpatriotic


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The man gets a medal for service to nation, then criticizes nationalism. This is from a guy they called SONGBIRD in Vietnam. How many American lives were lost due to his actions? McTumor wants to die knowing he screwed President Trump. No matter what Trump brings forth McTumor will vote against it, guaranteed. It should go without saying that traitors hate patriotic nationalists.

McCain: Abandoning Obligations of Int'l Leadership for 'Half-Baked' Nationalism 'As Unpatriotic' As 'Any Other Tired Dogma' - Breitbart

John McCain: Current 'half-baked, spurious nationalism' foreign policy is 'unpatriotic'
You are the traitor and un-American as well as unpatriotic. Your nickname should be TRAITOR. The fact is that McCain is doing what he thinks is right. While I have some differences with him, I respect him as a patriot.
McCain is a filthy liar! If he changed parties to democrat, he would still be a filthy liar, but it might help the republican morons in Arizona realize the were always voting for a democrat!
You're incapable of noticing an honorable man since you're up Trump's ass and no one has EVER accused Trump of being honorable.
John McCain is a bonified hero, maverick and person of integrity.
Trump is slimeball of the highest order and today is a prime example.
You are shameless.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
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McCain is a filthy liar! If he changed parties to democrat, he would still be a filthy liar, but it might help the republican morons in Arizona realize the were always voting for a democrat!
You're incapable of noticing an honorable man since you're up Trump's ass and no one has EVER accused Trump of being honorable.
John McCain is a bonified hero, maverick and person of integrity.
Trump is slimeball of the highest order and today is a prime example.
You are shameless.
Just as Trump said, heroes don't get shot down. Heroes don't cause deaths of 137 men on the USS Forestal, like McTumor did.
McCain is a filthy liar! If he changed parties to democrat, he would still be a filthy liar, but it might help the republican morons in Arizona realize the were always voting for a democrat!
You're incapable of noticing an honorable man since you're up Trump's ass and no one has EVER accused Trump of being honorable.
John McCain is a bonified hero, maverick and person of integrity.
Trump is slimeball of the highest order and today is a prime example.
You are shameless.
Just as Trump said, heroes don't get shot down. Heroes don't cause deaths of 137 men on the USS Forestal, like McTumor did.

I guess heroes don't killed in action either? :rolleyes:
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Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.

He left the Republican Party because "Making America Great Again" is nothing more than a slogan to cover up a nationalist agenda... which already was stated is the OPPOSITE of what our country was founded upon.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.

George Will might be an expert on baseball cards, but not American history! Plus he is a fake, phony, fraud douchebag who hates The Donald for some reason and mumbles! I don't like mumblers! Nationalism is exactly what EVERY fucking country in history was founded on.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.

George Will might be an expert on baseball cards, but not American history! Plus he is a fake, phony, fraud douchebag who hates The Donald for some reason and mumbles! I don't like mumblers! Nationalism is exactly what EVERY fucking country in history was founded on.

Yeah... except he helped Reagan and is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer.
John McCain doesn't even know what he stands for anymore. He's over 80 and losing his mind. What is better, spurious nationalism or globalization of America? Check out Europe and see how well rejection of nationalism is working out for them.
Why doesn't McCain give some suggestions on how to lower the debt from its current $20+ trillion rather than going off on some ideological speech on a Soapbox?

I can see now why Trump said that Rand Paul doesn't like McCain. Here is a guy who gets congratulations from Obama and has his behind crushed by the same Obama, heralding in the biggest socialist movement in American history. After all of this and many incredible challenges facing Americans his concern is Nationalism?

Look, all due respect to someone fighting for their country and I always stood up for McCain as a hero. However, the youth of today, the unemployed and downtrodden today care not one iota about what he did 40+ years ago. These Americans are fighting for their survival and maybe a chance that their children can pursue the American Dream, the last thing they need is someone who has milked every last drop of goodwill and capital from his experience as a POW to wag a finger. It has zero value. He's clearly approving of the status quo, making because he has done well because of it.

One final note, anyone notice how some have all of a sudden become very outspoken and unhappy once Trump closed the door on healthcare subsidies? There are some big donors getting their fingers slammed in the door it seems.
You are the traitor and un-American as well as unpatriotic. Your nickname should be TRAITOR. The fact is that McCain is doing what he thinks is right. While I have some differences with him, I respect him as a patriot.

He's a warmongering bastard whose policies have gotten innocents killed for decades. McCain views the planet as a battlefield and I have no doubt that WWIII is on his bucket list. Fuck him.
The man gets a medal for service to nation, then criticizes nationalism. This is from a guy they called SONGBIRD in Vietnam. How many American lives were lost due to his actions? McTumor wants to die knowing he screwed President Trump. No matter what Trump brings forth McTumor will vote against it, guaranteed. It should go without saying that traitors hate patriotic nationalists.

McCain: Abandoning Obligations of Int'l Leadership for 'Half-Baked' Nationalism 'As Unpatriotic' As 'Any Other Tired Dogma' - Breitbart

John McCain: Current 'half-baked, spurious nationalism' foreign policy is 'unpatriotic'

Nationalism is bullshit, it's often doing bullshit to hide the fact that you're not running the country well.
You are the traitor and un-American as well as unpatriotic. Your nickname should be TRAITOR. The fact is that McCain is doing what he thinks is right. While I have some differences with him, I respect him as a patriot.

He's a warmongering bastard whose policies have gotten innocents killed for decades. McCain views the planet as a battlefield and I have no doubt that WWIII is on his bucket list. Fuck him.

He can't be more warmongering than the President that said Tillerson is wasting his time with diplomacy with North Korea.
John McCain: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”

A great assessment of DT.
John McCain: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”

A great assessment of DT.
Total Bullshit! We're returning this country back to a Nationalist nation.
John McCain: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”

A great assessment of DT.
Total Bullshit! We're returning this country back to a Nationalist nation.

It wasn't a nationalist nation when it was founded nor was it ever meant to be one.
McCain is a filthy liar! If he changed parties to democrat, he would still be a filthy liar, but it might help the republican morons in Arizona realize the were always voting for a democrat!

You are the filthy liar. McCain has more class in his finger than you have in your entire body.

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