'Songbird' John McTumor: Nationalism is Unpatriotic

McCain is a filthy liar! If he changed parties to democrat, he would still be a filthy liar, but it might help the republican morons in Arizona realize the were always voting for a democrat!
You're incapable of noticing an honorable man since you're up Trump's ass and no one has EVER accused Trump of being honorable.
John McCain is a bonified hero, maverick and person of integrity.
Trump is slimeball of the highest order and today is a prime example.
You are shameless.
Just as Trump said, heroes don't get shot down. Heroes don't cause deaths of 137 men on the USS Forestal, like McTumor did.

Trump who refused to serve like the cowardly dog he is. Take your goddamned lies and go to the devil which is where bigots like you belong.
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.

You are against making America great. White supremacists like yourself do not make America great.
Yeah... except he helped Reagan and is a Pulitzer Prize winning writer.

Reagan was senile and "Pulitzer" and other MSM awards confirm Will is a Swamp Rat! Does he have a Hollywood star along side filthy, ugly jewish, jerk off, sexual assaulter DEMOCRAT WEINSTEIN! That must make it right....right? :p
Trump who refused to serve like the cowardly dog he is. Take your goddamned lies and go to the devil which is where bigots like you belong.

Please stop taking Opiods! They dull the mind and reduce sexual desire according to medical research!
Why doesn't McCain give some suggestions on how to lower the debt from its current $20+ trillion rather than going off on some ideological speech on a Soapbox?

I can see now why Trump said that Rand Paul doesn't like McCain. Here is a guy who gets congratulations from Obama and has his behind crushed by the same Obama, heralding in the biggest socialist movement in American history. After all of this and many incredible challenges facing Americans his concern is Nationalism?

Look, all due respect to someone fighting for their country and I always stood up for McCain as a hero. However, the youth of today, the unemployed and downtrodden today care not one iota about what he did 40+ years ago. These Americans are fighting for their survival and maybe a chance that their children can pursue the American Dream, the last thing they need is someone who has milked every last drop of goodwill and capital from his experience as a POW to wag a finger. It has zero value. He's clearly approving of the status quo, making because he has done well because of it.

One final note, anyone notice how some have all of a sudden become very outspoken and unhappy once Trump closed the door on healthcare subsidies? There are some big donors getting their fingers slammed in the door it seems.

Having compassion for people who are struggling is not a weakness. Your talk about socialism is telling those people to drop dead. Bigotry disguised as nationalism is something that we should be concerned about.

The fact is that Trump supporters are lying to Americans. Blaming foreigners for our problems and stirring up hate to make up for those lies. McCain wants to fix Obamacare like a majority of Americans want. The fact that you do not like that his views does not mean he is for the status quo.
John McCain: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”

A great assessment of DT.
Total Bullshit! We're returning this country back to a Nationalist nation.

You are Bullshit!! Your nationalism is bigotry disguised as nationalism.
Trump who refused to serve like the cowardly dog he is. Take your goddamned lies and go to the devil which is where bigots like you belong.

Please stop taking Opiods! They dull the mind and reduce sexual desire according to medical research!

Considering you don't have a brain, you talk big. you and your cowardly Trump.

Considering you're troll-feces, you talk big when you have nothing to offer this thread but random, hissy-fit insults. You haven't made a single point whatsoever, just filthy liberal delirium.
John McCain: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”

A great assessment of DT.
Total Bullshit! We're returning this country back to a Nationalist nation.

You are Bullshit!! Your nationalism is bigotry disguised as nationalism.
My nationalism is pride and patriotism. Your tainted racial impunity and love for open borders is not the kind of person the founders wanted as citizens of this country. Read the Naturalization Act of 1790.
Why doesn't McCain give some suggestions on how to lower the debt from its current $20+ trillion rather than going off on some ideological speech on a Soapbox?

I can see now why Trump said that Rand Paul doesn't like McCain. Here is a guy who gets congratulations from Obama and has his behind crushed by the same Obama, heralding in the biggest socialist movement in American history. After all of this and many incredible challenges facing Americans his concern is Nationalism?

Look, all due respect to someone fighting for their country and I always stood up for McCain as a hero. However, the youth of today, the unemployed and downtrodden today care not one iota about what he did 40+ years ago. These Americans are fighting for their survival and maybe a chance that their children can pursue the American Dream, the last thing they need is someone who has milked every last drop of goodwill and capital from his experience as a POW to wag a finger. It has zero value. He's clearly approving of the status quo, making because he has done well because of it.

One final note, anyone notice how some have all of a sudden become very outspoken and unhappy once Trump closed the door on healthcare subsidies? There are some big donors getting their fingers slammed in the door it seems.

Having compassion for people who are struggling is not a weakness. Your talk about socialism is telling those people to drop dead. Bigotry disguised as nationalism is something that we should be concerned about.

The fact is that Trump supporters are lying to Americans. Blaming foreigners for our problems and stirring up hate to make up for those lies. McCain wants to fix Obamacare like a majority of Americans want. The fact that you do not like that his views does not mean he is for the status quo.

This discussion is about Nationalism. You are either a sovereign, patriotic nation that shares the same values or you aren't. Too many on the left confuse nationalism, with anti-immigrant. It's an extremely false and dangerous narrative to position it like this.

Blaming foreigners isn't the objective, it is the objective to win against foreign governments though. It's a global competition. Are you saying that someone from Mexico who becomes an American citizen cannot be patriotic? How about a Cuban? Or a Muslim from the Middle East? Is he/she not allowed to wrap themselves in the American flag and proclaim their nationalism for America? Are Asian, Black, Middle Eastern, Indian citizens in America not allowed to be patriotic and support American Nationalism? Of course they are and they do. I've seen in your own country, in "Little Puerto Rico" in New York and elsewhere.

I find it disturbing too, that a member of the U.S government is suggesting that nationalism is a problem. You sure as hell BETTER BE a nationalist if you are in the U.S government. If McCain or anyone else is working for a foreign government their colleagues might want to contact the FBI or CIA and they can clear that issue up right quick. Treason is FAR worse than Nationalism.

China is Nationalist, so is Japan, Saudi Arabia, the Ukraine, Israel, Kenya, Sweden and a hundred countries in between. When the Olympics are run every four years, who do you root for to be successful? America or some other country?

There is nothing wrong with Nationalism. Yes, America needs to have a global presence and they do, but they don't have to be some "globalist", spending American tax dollars on global socialists/communists and boondoggles. Money spent has to be for a specific NATIONALISTIC purpose. Not to allow foreign governments to "catch up" to America.

Finally, McCain was probably the first person to demand pride and patriotism when America was attacked on 9/11. He probably demands the highest respect and regard for American soldiers who fight and die for American, for your freedom. How or why would anyone care if America is just a flop house of people who care little about the nation of America?

God Bless America! Get 'er done Trump!
China is Nationalist, so is Japan, Saudi Arabia, the Ukraine, Israel, Kenya, Sweden and a hundred countries in between. When the Olympics are run every four years, who do you root for to be successful? America or some other country?

I don't watch the Olympics and don't care about them and neither do most people. These are sports no one cares about the rest of the time, why pretend every four years that we do?
China is Nationalist, so is Japan, Saudi Arabia, the Ukraine, Israel, Kenya, Sweden and a hundred countries in between. When the Olympics are run every four years, who do you root for to be successful? America or some other country?

I don't watch the Olympics and don't care about them and neither do most people. These are sports no one cares about the rest of the time, why pretend every four years that we do?

You care when it's an American vs another country don't you? If not, you are not a nationalist. The question is, how deep does this indifference run in America? Do you root for Russia, China or North Korea to win also?
Dear Lord! The occupant of the Hanoi Hilton's lips are flapping again!?

I look forward to the day when I no longer hear about him or Hillary, ever again.
John McCain: “To fear the world we have organized and led for three-quarters of a century, to abandon the ideals we have advanced around the globe, to refuse the obligations of international leadership and our duty to remain ‘the last best hope of earth’ for the sake of some half-baked, spurious nationalism cooked up by people who would rather find scapegoats than solve problems is as unpatriotic as an attachment to any other tired dogma of the past that Americans consigned to the ash heap of history.”

A great assessment of DT.
Total Bullshit! We're returning this country back to a Nationalist nation.

Keep thinking that!

If Democrats run a strong candidate in 2020, well you will be crying while screaming white pride...

Trump is a damn joke and making a joke out of his supporters and voters, but hey I am having a good laugh!
You are the traitor and un-American as well as unpatriotic. Your nickname should be TRAITOR. The fact is that McCain is doing what he thinks is right. While I have some differences with him, I respect him as a patriot.

McCain thinks screwing over POTUS at every juncture is his purpose these days

You are the traitor and un-American as well as unpatriotic. Your nickname should be TRAITOR. The fact is that McCain is doing what he thinks is right. While I have some differences with him, I respect him as a patriot.

He's a warmongering bastard whose policies have gotten innocents killed for decades. McCain views the planet as a battlefield and I have no doubt that WWIII is on his bucket list. Fuck him.

He can't be more warmongering than the President that said Tillerson is wasting his time with diplomacy with North Korea.

Well he is, the NK nut-job came out and said he is not interested in diplomacy until they develop missiles that can reach the East Coast

You care when it's an American vs another country don't you? If not, you are not a nationalist. The question is, how deep does this indifference run in America? Do you root for Russia, China or North Korea to win also?

Nope, don't care about them at all. Except for Women's Beach Volleyball...

I wonder if the leftists in this thread realize their tyrannical hero lincoln was a staunch nationalist?
Former Republican George Will said the same thing today. Nationalism is the exact OPPOSITE of what the Founding Fathers of the U.S. intended the country to stand for.
George Will is an establishment elitist. He's part of the swamp. He's against making America great again.

He left the Republican Party because "Making America Great Again" is nothing more than a slogan to cover up a nationalist agenda... which already was stated is the OPPOSITE of what our country was founded upon.
It wasnt founded upon globalism either.
They believed in trade and relied on the french during the "start up"
All because they wanted sovereignty. It wasnt founded upon nationalism but that doesnt go against what it was founded upon either.
FFS, they fought FOR FREEDOM and sovereignty.
“by the people, of the people, and for the people” That is talking about americans. Not mexicans or syrians.
George Will is a fucking idiot.

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