Soon You'll be Paying £20 for a Pint of Beer Under Biden

Talk about crying in your beer. This won't go over well with the public.

---Cost of Beer Must Rise to £20 a Pint, Industry Tsar Warns---

Problem is electrical costs are unregulated for commercial businesses in the UK and the providers are requiring long-term contracts based on current prices at the peak of a crisis. No fear. Their new PM will get it sorted. She looks like a boozer.
Talk about crying in your beer. This won't go over well with the public.

---Cost of Beer Must Rise to £20 a Pint, Industry Tsar Warns---

Other than reducing the global supply of oil, which pushes up the price of everything, what does Biden have to do with the price of beer in Britian?
I've no love lost for Bi9den, but he has nothing to do with this.

The thread title is retarded...
If trump were president libs would blame everything on him

So you cant have it both ways

But I dont think trump would ever make so many stupid decisions like biden has

Meaning the left would have to work much harder to demonize trump

Soon You'll be Paying £20 for a Pint of Beer Under Biden​

You mean Joe plans to abandon the US Dollar? :smoke:

---Cost of Beer Must Rise to £20 a Pint, Industry Tsar Warns---
Don't worry, I'm sure that Tommy Tainant will be able to easily afford it with the salary he makes modeling unisex boy/girl tranny outfits for his Fall School Collection.
Yeah, I bet you would

You dont care who is presidrnt as long as its not trump

Well, that would certainly explain why I voted for him twice, you ignorant fuck.

You're not real fuckin' bright, are you?

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