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Soooooo why was this shot down?

Yes of course we are. This bill would have eliminated the deduction and created an incentive to move plants to America.

Cut the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and companies will rush into America.

Cut out all special deductions and loopholes and I'd agree to that.

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress

U.S. corporations actually pay incredibly low taxes due to the ever-proliferating loopholes, credits, and deductions in the tax code and the use of overseas tax havens.

U.S. corporate taxes that were actually paid (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 percent in fiscal year 2011, despite corporate profits rebounding to their pre-Great Recession heights. The U.S. both taxes its corporations less and raises less in revenue from corporate taxes than its foreign competitors:

Cut out all special deductions and loopholes and I'd agree to that.

Yup. And eliminate sugar subsidies, ethanol subsides, farm subsidies, green subsidies and all other forms of corporate welfare. Reform workers comp and make our legal system loser pays and we might actually accomplish something.
Is the GOP out of their fucking minds? They just squashed a bill that epitomizes the essence of what they claim to stand for. I don't know who's going to win the Presidential race. But I don't see GOP incumbents doing so well in the Congressional races.

How many jobs bill did the house pass that were shelved by Reid?

15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

The bill would amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state may not require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for the application of pesticides regulated under FIFRA. The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act would ensure that pesticide users are not faced with unnecessary regulations that harm job growth.

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

The bill would strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its ability to use the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases. Without this legislation, the agency will continue with its plan to implement burdensome new rules and regulations on American businesses that will have a significant negative impact on America’s economy while having virtually no positive impact on global temperatures.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 910.

H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act

H.J. Res 37 would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from imposing net neutrality regulations on Internet providers. Net neutrality is likely to cripple competition, restrict innovation, reduce employment and raise costs for all consumers—all of which would only exacerbate the current economic downturn. These job-killing regulations would involve significant new controls on the Internet that would have significant implications for investing in innovation and broadband deployment.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H. J. Res. 37.

H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act

The bill would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to preserve the authority of each State to make determinations relating to the State's water quality standards. This would reduce the federal government’s power over individual state’s water quality standards to help increase job growth.

H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act

This bill is will amend the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to strengthen the review authority of the Financial Stability Oversight Council of regulations issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. The increased accountability will help to prevent harmful job-killing regulations.

H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act

The bill would prohibit the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from ordering any employer to close, relocate or transfer employment under any circumstance. Federal bureaucrats should not be reversing the business decisions of private employers. Washington already has too many harmful regulations that hurt job growth. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act would help ensure that the government agency does not over step their bounds by dictating decisions made by private sector companies.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2587.

H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)

The TRAIN Act would establish an 11-member committee, chaired by the Department of Commerce, to analyze the impacts of a number of major Environment Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The agency often understates the negative impact its rules will have on jobs and energy prices. This is why we need a committee whose sole purpose is to analyze the cumulative impacts of EPA regulations. The TRAIN Act would push back against the EPA's unconstitutional, outrageous rules and regulations that raise energy prices for consumers, destroy jobs and increase our dependence on foreign sources of energy.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2401.

H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

The bill would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations from coming into effect which would place burdensome regulations on the cement industry. The cement industry estimates that the rule could destroy as many as 4,000 jobs. The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act would stop the unnecessary cement MACT rule which will cost thousands of jobs and hamper economic growth.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2581.

H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act

The bill would help to curtail the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Boiler MACT regulations on boilers and industrial incinerators. The Council of Industrial Boiler Owners estimates that the regulations will cost 244,000 jobs. The EPA Regulatory Relief Act would help to roll back unreasonable regulations and save thousands of American jobs.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2250.

H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act

The bill would prohibit the EPA from regulating coal ash as a toxic waste in any state which prefers to develop its own plans in that regard. This bill would further slow the EPA’s Regulatory Trainwreck and could save thousands of jobs in coal-rich states such as West Virginia and Ohio.

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

The Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230) would establish statutory deadlines for sales of certain oil and gas leases in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). CBO estimates that enacting this legislation would reduce net direct spending by $25 million over the 2011-2016 period and about $40 million over the 2011-2021 period. Restarting offshore leasing will help restore thousands of jobs.

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

The bill would amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the production of American energy resources from the Gulf of Mexico. The Obama administration has delayed or canceled offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. The bill would jump start offshore oil drilling by implementing a 30-day deadline in which the secretary of the U.S. Interior Department would have to make a decision on the Gulf of Mexico drilling permit applications. The bill would likely help to create tens of thousands of jobs and strengthen the economy.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 1229.

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

The bill would reverse President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act and amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas leasing program offer leasing in the areas with the most prospective oil and gas resources and would establish a domestic oil and natural gas production goal. Reversing the offshore moratoriums will help restore thousands of jobs.

H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011

The bill would eliminate needless permitting delays that have stalled important energy production opportunities off the coast of Alaska. Rather than having exploration air permits repeatedly approved and rescinded by the agency and its review board, the EPA will be required to take final action – granting or denying a permit – within six months. The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 would speed up the permit process to help create jobs.

H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

The bill would require the President to issue a final order granting or denying the Presidential Permit for Keystone XL 30 days after the issuance of the final environmental impact statement, but in no event later than November 1, 2011. A Canadian pipeline company, TransCanada, has long sought to increase the capacity of its Keystone pipeline system in order to bring more Canadian crude oil to American refineries. The North American-Made Energy Security Act would boost jobs and lower the price of gasoline for all Americans.

"Job" bills. LOL.
Cut the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and companies will rush into America.

Cut out all special deductions and loopholes and I'd agree to that.

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress

U.S. corporations actually pay incredibly low taxes due to the ever-proliferating loopholes, credits, and deductions in the tax code and the use of overseas tax havens.

U.S. corporate taxes that were actually paid (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 percent in fiscal year 2011, despite corporate profits rebounding to their pre-Great Recession heights. The U.S. both taxes its corporations less and raises less in revenue from corporate taxes than its foreign competitors:

Cut out all special deductions and loopholes and I'd agree to that.

Yup. And eliminate sugar subsidies, ethanol subsides, farm subsidies, green subsidies and all other forms of corporate welfare. Reform workers comp and make our legal system loser pays and we might actually accomplish something.

Careful you might be in agreement with a so called liberal.
And it's actually even worse then that because while the government incents companies to say onshore they punish them with regulations and taxes. Jobs are created by profit. Low, flat, simple taxes create the most wealth and opportunity for everyone. Like it or not, all of economics proves that. kaz

Funny shit right there. Lets see. Taxes are at some of the lowest levels in years.

How's those low tax rates working out for us in the jobs department?

Tax rates aren't low, taxes are. And they are low from the same cause as the unemployment. The terrible economy. Which is caused by the same thing, too much government. I like it though, government destroys the economy then gets to crow about the low taxes. Good job.

Also, our over-burdensome government is worse then taxes paid because of all the myriad of time companies waste avoiding them rather then using their time to be more competitive.

And I know you don't run a business, but jobs are created by demand. Selling your product because of the demand and selling your product for more money than it costs to produce that product, that creates profit.
Wrong again, I'm an MBA, I spent years working on Wall Street and management consulting in New York. And I've bought 5 businesses in the last 3 1/2 years. I spun two off and combined the other three to be a larger company.

You rethugs seem really REALLY confused about how business works. Outsourcing jobs good to rethugs, bringing jobs to America bad. Weird shit.

Wrong and wrong again, at least you're perfect. Missed every point. First, I'm a libertarian not a Republican. And second, I neither advocate offshoring nor onshoring jobs as a government policy. I advocate market efficiency. Which actually was pretty directly the point I argued.
Is the GOP out of their fucking minds? They just squashed a bill that epitomizes the essence of what they claim to stand for. I don't know who's going to win the Presidential race. But I don't see GOP incumbents doing so well in the Congressional races.

How many jobs bill did the house pass that were shelved by Reid?

15 Real Jobs Bills Stalled in the Senate | FreedomWorks

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

The bill would amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) to clarify that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or a state may not require a permit under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act for the application of pesticides regulated under FIFRA. The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act would ensure that pesticide users are not faced with unnecessary regulations that harm job growth.

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

The bill would strip the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of its ability to use the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gases. Without this legislation, the agency will continue with its plan to implement burdensome new rules and regulations on American businesses that will have a significant negative impact on America’s economy while having virtually no positive impact on global temperatures.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 910.

H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act

H.J. Res 37 would prohibit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) from imposing net neutrality regulations on Internet providers. Net neutrality is likely to cripple competition, restrict innovation, reduce employment and raise costs for all consumers—all of which would only exacerbate the current economic downturn. These job-killing regulations would involve significant new controls on the Internet that would have significant implications for investing in innovation and broadband deployment.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H. J. Res. 37.

H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act

The bill would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to preserve the authority of each State to make determinations relating to the State's water quality standards. This would reduce the federal government’s power over individual state’s water quality standards to help increase job growth.

H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act

This bill is will amend the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to strengthen the review authority of the Financial Stability Oversight Council of regulations issued by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. The increased accountability will help to prevent harmful job-killing regulations.

H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act

The bill would prohibit the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) from ordering any employer to close, relocate or transfer employment under any circumstance. Federal bureaucrats should not be reversing the business decisions of private employers. Washington already has too many harmful regulations that hurt job growth. The Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act would help ensure that the government agency does not over step their bounds by dictating decisions made by private sector companies.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2587.

H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)

The TRAIN Act would establish an 11-member committee, chaired by the Department of Commerce, to analyze the impacts of a number of major Environment Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. The agency often understates the negative impact its rules will have on jobs and energy prices. This is why we need a committee whose sole purpose is to analyze the cumulative impacts of EPA regulations. The TRAIN Act would push back against the EPA's unconstitutional, outrageous rules and regulations that raise energy prices for consumers, destroy jobs and increase our dependence on foreign sources of energy.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2401.

H.R. 2681, Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act

The bill would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations from coming into effect which would place burdensome regulations on the cement industry. The cement industry estimates that the rule could destroy as many as 4,000 jobs. The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act would stop the unnecessary cement MACT rule which will cost thousands of jobs and hamper economic growth.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2581.

H.R. 2250, EPA Regulatory Relief Act

The bill would help to curtail the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Boiler MACT regulations on boilers and industrial incinerators. The Council of Industrial Boiler Owners estimates that the regulations will cost 244,000 jobs. The EPA Regulatory Relief Act would help to roll back unreasonable regulations and save thousands of American jobs.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 2250.

H.R. 2273, Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act

The bill would prohibit the EPA from regulating coal ash as a toxic waste in any state which prefers to develop its own plans in that regard. This bill would further slow the EPA’s Regulatory Trainwreck and could save thousands of jobs in coal-rich states such as West Virginia and Ohio.

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

The Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act (H.R. 1230) would establish statutory deadlines for sales of certain oil and gas leases in the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). CBO estimates that enacting this legislation would reduce net direct spending by $25 million over the 2011-2016 period and about $40 million over the 2011-2021 period. Restarting offshore leasing will help restore thousands of jobs.

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

The bill would amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to facilitate the production of American energy resources from the Gulf of Mexico. The Obama administration has delayed or canceled offshore lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico. The bill would jump start offshore oil drilling by implementing a 30-day deadline in which the secretary of the U.S. Interior Department would have to make a decision on the Gulf of Mexico drilling permit applications. The bill would likely help to create tens of thousands of jobs and strengthen the economy.

Click here to see our key vote notice in support of H.R. 1229.

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

The bill would reverse President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act and amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to require that each 5-year offshore oil and gas leasing program offer leasing in the areas with the most prospective oil and gas resources and would establish a domestic oil and natural gas production goal. Reversing the offshore moratoriums will help restore thousands of jobs.

H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011

The bill would eliminate needless permitting delays that have stalled important energy production opportunities off the coast of Alaska. Rather than having exploration air permits repeatedly approved and rescinded by the agency and its review board, the EPA will be required to take final action – granting or denying a permit – within six months. The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011 would speed up the permit process to help create jobs.

H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

The bill would require the President to issue a final order granting or denying the Presidential Permit for Keystone XL 30 days after the issuance of the final environmental impact statement, but in no event later than November 1, 2011. A Canadian pipeline company, TransCanada, has long sought to increase the capacity of its Keystone pipeline system in order to bring more Canadian crude oil to American refineries. The North American-Made Energy Security Act would boost jobs and lower the price of gasoline for all Americans.

"Job" bills. LOL.

Read through all those bills in less than eleven minutes huh? Hack.
So not one real answer. Just like I thought. The majority of the GOP considers itself to be more important than the country as a whole.

"The Senate cannot originate tax bills" is a real answer. Even Democrats are subject to the law.

And yes, it's a tax bill. Here's the text:

Full Text of S. 3364: Bring Jobs Home Act - GovTrack.us

Looks again like the President wants to choose winners and losers. Really?? Is that the job of the POTUS???
This one thinks it is. Of course, this one is concerned only with his agenda and his donors...not America.
So, the GOP didn't allow it to be voted on because Obama (of course) didn't push hard enough? THAT is your reason?? Otherwise the GOP liked the bill, they just didn't hear the magic words from Obama?

Obama didn't allow for GOP amendments.

Why vote on dictated, one-sided legislation ?

Remember, it's the role of the opposition party to rubber-stamp POTUS' agenda.

At least, until the GOP takes the White House. Then dissent will once again be the highest form of patriotism.
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative - CNN.com

This looks to be a good bill to promote bringing back jobs, private business jobs, to American soil. But the majority of the GOP in the senate blocked it from even being allowed to be voted on. Why?

This screams of partisan politics and again placing priority on blocking anything that the president does as priority #1 even when it comes at the cost of creating American jobs.

So, can someone please explain it to me.

you ask why which indicates you didnt read your own article.

Start with that idiot............
Why are we giving manufacturers a tax break for shipping plants and jobs out of the country anyway?

Of course we aren't doing that.

Yes of course we are. This bill would have eliminated the deduction and created an incentive to move plants to America.

Cut the corporate rate from 35% to 20% and companies will rush into America.
Through deductions no corporation pays 35% tax. The average rate they actually pay is 18.5%. So why aren't the companies rushing into America???
If you'd read your own link you would know why. Harry Reid wouldn't allow any amendments, as usual. He runs the Senate like his own personal fiefdom, changing the way the Senate has operated for DECADES, all to advance his partisan political agenda.

Had the Republicans done this shit to Democrats when they were in the minority we'd STILL be hearing about it.

One of you loons said he put on too many amendments...

Get your story straight.

Why not just vote on the bill. And if you want to do some other things that are good, introduce a bill to do that.

Unless your goal is to strangle the economy until November so that people will be scared into voting for a weird Mormon Robot.

Hey, I read the bill and I know why the Rethugs didn't support it. It was easy to pick out and I am surprised many of you didn't pick up on it.

First, the bill didn't say anything about stopping abortion and de funding Planned Parenthood. (both hot button, job creating issues for rethugs.)

Second. There was no proposed tax cut for the ultra wealthy. (the Rethugs number one priority, cause the rich are really struggling)

Third. There was no provision to eliminate the Health Care law. (and we all know what that means. rut ro.)

In baseball and the Congress, three strikes and that bill is outta there.

But stay tuned. The rethugs are all set to bring their job creation bill to the floor for a vote.
If you wanna know what is in it, see the three items above.
The Senate is not allowed to originate tax bills. You two can stop your childish foot-stamping now.
One of you loons said he put on too many amendments...

Get your story straight.

Why not just vote on the bill. And if you want to do some other things that are good, introduce a bill to do that.

Unless your goal is to strangle the economy until November so that people will be scared into voting for a weird Mormon Robot.

You're not paying attention, Joe. 'Filling the tree' is the tactic of proposing so many Democrat amendments that the Republicans can't get any of their amendments looked at, let alone voted on. Harry Reid won't allow ANYTHING on the floor from the Republican side.

If you knew half of what you THINK you know, you'd know that.

Guy, I've been invovled in Politics for 30 years, and frankly, whining that you don't get your way on stuff is sort of unmanly.
Then perhaps you should stop it.
If they made the bill JUST about that one aspect and didn't change OTHER taxes too in it then you would have a great argument.

However, if you read the 150+ pages you will see a ton of other stuff tacked onto the bill that ruins that one good part you bring up about shifting ONE tax break. Read it, there are many other breaks for these wealthy corporations aka "Job Creators".

ok, I'm a little lost here. Are we still talking about the S.3364 Bring Jobs Home Act in the OP?
Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
There is only 1 page.


DOH I was reading the wrong bill this whole time!

Crap...now i have to read that one and come back and see where I stand.

Ok so I took the time to go over the bill.

That bill looks pretty good to me, except for one part which I will quote below.

Was there any ammendments attached to it during the process? If there were what were said attached ammendments? I ask because that is my suspsicion, that something else ended up being attached to this good bill in order to stop republicans from voting for it.

One part of the bill the republicans may have had a problem with was the language regarding us possessions

(e) Application to United States Possessions-


(A) MIRROR CODE POSSESSIONS- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make periodic payments to each possession of the United States with a mirror code tax system in an amount equal to the loss to that possession by reason of section 45S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Such amount shall be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury based on information provided by the government of the respective possession.

(B) OTHER POSSESSIONS- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make annual payments to each possession of the United States which does not have a mirror code tax system in an amount estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury as being equal to the aggregate benefits that would have been provided to residents of such possession by reason of section 45S of such Code if a mirror code tax system had been in effect in such possession. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to any possession of the United States unless such possession has a plan, which has been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, under which such possession will promptly distribute such payment to the residents of such possession.

^^^ see that, it requires that any negative impact this legislation has on us possessoins and other possessions be paid, in a dollar amount, to said possessions. This could definately add a lot to the deficit and national debt as a result and the republicans, if they want their base to support them, can't be signing off on bills that may add to the debt.
Can someone please give me an honest answer about what is wrong with this legislation and why it wasn't even allowed to come to a vote?

GOP senators block top Obama jobs initiative - CNN.com

This looks to be a good bill to promote bringing back jobs, private business jobs, to American soil. But the majority of the GOP in the senate blocked it from even being allowed to be voted on. Why?

This screams of partisan politics and again placing priority on blocking anything that the president does as priority #1 even when it comes at the cost of creating American jobs.

So, can someone please explain it to me.

you ask why which indicates you didnt read your own article.

Start with that idiot............

I didn't see a good reason in the article. Did you?
The Senate is not allowed to originate tax bills. You two can stop your childish foot-stamping now.

I'm sorry Dave, but in this case you are incorrect. Appropriation bills must originate in thew House, and cannot originate in the Senate. A tax bill is not an appropriation bill, so it can indeed originate in the Senate.
ok, I'm a little lost here. Are we still talking about the S.3364 Bring Jobs Home Act in the OP?
Bill Text - 112th Congress (2011-2012) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
There is only 1 page.


DOH I was reading the wrong bill this whole time!

Crap...now i have to read that one and come back and see where I stand.

Ok so I took the time to go over the bill.

That bill looks pretty good to me, except for one part which I will quote below.

Was there any ammendments attached to it during the process? If there were what were said attached ammendments? I ask because that is my suspsicion, that something else ended up being attached to this good bill in order to stop republicans from voting for it.

One part of the bill the republicans may have had a problem with was the language regarding us possessions

(e) Application to United States Possessions-


(A) MIRROR CODE POSSESSIONS- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make periodic payments to each possession of the United States with a mirror code tax system in an amount equal to the loss to that possession by reason of section 45S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Such amount shall be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury based on information provided by the government of the respective possession.

(B) OTHER POSSESSIONS- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make annual payments to each possession of the United States which does not have a mirror code tax system in an amount estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury as being equal to the aggregate benefits that would have been provided to residents of such possession by reason of section 45S of such Code if a mirror code tax system had been in effect in such possession. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to any possession of the United States unless such possession has a plan, which has been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, under which such possession will promptly distribute such payment to the residents of such possession.

^^^ see that, it requires that any negative impact this legislation has on us possessoins and other possessions be paid, in a dollar amount, to said possessions. This could definately add a lot to the deficit and national debt as a result and the republicans, if they want their base to support them, can't be signing off on bills that may add to the debt.

I appreciate the few of you who at least attempted to give this some thought and come up with an actual answer. Thanks!
Using my Tax money to bribe companies to create jobs... That about sums it up imo. I cannot imagine why the Republicans would block this. lol. When is this mad spending spree of our Tax dollars EVER going to end, or at least become fiscally responsible? Nice work by the Liberal media in claiming Republicans were blocking jobs, when essentially they were trying to reign in more reckless spending disguised as being a "creator of jobs". Buying jobs with OUR Tax money does not exactly sound like a very good idea to me.
Cut out all special deductions and loopholes and I'd agree to that.

Reality Check: Effective U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Much Lower Than Most Other Developed Nations | ThinkProgress

U.S. corporations actually pay incredibly low taxes due to the ever-proliferating loopholes, credits, and deductions in the tax code and the use of overseas tax havens.

U.S. corporate taxes that were actually paid (the effective rate) fell to a 40 year low of 12.1 percent in fiscal year 2011, despite corporate profits rebounding to their pre-Great Recession heights. The U.S. both taxes its corporations less and raises less in revenue from corporate taxes than its foreign competitors:

Cut out all special deductions and loopholes and I'd agree to that.

Yup. And eliminate sugar subsidies, ethanol subsides, farm subsidies, green subsidies and all other forms of corporate welfare. Reform workers comp and make our legal system loser pays and we might actually accomplish something.

Careful you might be in agreement with a so called liberal.

Careful you might be in agreement with a so called far-right tea party supporter.
DOH I was reading the wrong bill this whole time!

Crap...now i have to read that one and come back and see where I stand.

Ok so I took the time to go over the bill.

That bill looks pretty good to me, except for one part which I will quote below.

Was there any ammendments attached to it during the process? If there were what were said attached ammendments? I ask because that is my suspsicion, that something else ended up being attached to this good bill in order to stop republicans from voting for it.

One part of the bill the republicans may have had a problem with was the language regarding us possessions

(e) Application to United States Possessions-


(A) MIRROR CODE POSSESSIONS- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make periodic payments to each possession of the United States with a mirror code tax system in an amount equal to the loss to that possession by reason of section 45S of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Such amount shall be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury based on information provided by the government of the respective possession.

(B) OTHER POSSESSIONS- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make annual payments to each possession of the United States which does not have a mirror code tax system in an amount estimated by the Secretary of the Treasury as being equal to the aggregate benefits that would have been provided to residents of such possession by reason of section 45S of such Code if a mirror code tax system had been in effect in such possession. The preceding sentence shall not apply with respect to any possession of the United States unless such possession has a plan, which has been approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, under which such possession will promptly distribute such payment to the residents of such possession.

^^^ see that, it requires that any negative impact this legislation has on us possessoins and other possessions be paid, in a dollar amount, to said possessions. This could definately add a lot to the deficit and national debt as a result and the republicans, if they want their base to support them, can't be signing off on bills that may add to the debt.

I appreciate the few of you who at least attempted to give this some thought and come up with an actual answer. Thanks!

it wasn't an attempt... I succeeded ;)
Was there any ammendments attached to it during the process?

As I stated and linked earlier, there were 3 Dem sponsored amendments offered, and 8 GOP sponsored. Reid refused to allow any of them to come to a vote. As such, there is no congressional record, so we'll never know what was in them unless the sponsors publicize them.

Forum List
