Sophisticated but low-tech power grid attack baffles authorities

This story is also OLD. If it was terrorism why hasn't it been repeated? My guess would be some rowdy kids or drunk adult.

Did you hear about this before I posted it? How much else may we not know. Maybe, as the article stated, this was a dry run for something bigger. I really, really have a hard time believing that two drunks with AK47 (guessing) shot up 14(?) transformers over a period of time. Plus they cut the fiber optics.

Maybe this was a test of response time.

Just discussing.
This was not a mere shoot'em up. How did they get into the underground vault?

You probably think "vault" means something with a giant four foot thick door with a timed combination lock that requires two people turning keys at the same time to open, right?

It is more likely accessible through a manhole.
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An attack on our infrastructure that, if the article is to be believed, was planned and well executed.
Some shit was shot up. End of story. Unless of course you want to make money. Who in this situation is trying to profit?

You should have heard the breathless reporting of a missing dog on the local news yesterday. Gripping stuff! I don't understand why it didn't go national!

Reductio ad absurdum


Oh. My. God. The sophistacated terrorists must have brought...dunh dunh dunh...a ladder!
This story is also OLD. If it was terrorism why hasn't it been repeated? My guess would be some rowdy kids or drunk adult.

Did you hear about this before I posted it? How much else may we not know. Maybe, as the article stated, this was a dry run for something bigger. I really, really have a hard time believing that two drunks with AK47 (guessing) shot up 14(?) transformers over a period of time. Plus they cut the fiber optics.

Maybe this was a test of response time.

Just discussing.

Fox News reported this story last week and if memory serves me right it happened over a month ago. I don't have a hard time believing kids could do this because I did similar stupid shit when I was a teen. I also heard it was done with a sniper/hunting rifle.

Random vandalism or perhaps a drunk disgruntled ex employee. Highly unlikely that it's terrorism

This was not a mere shoot'em up. How did they get into the underground vault?

You probably think "vault" means something with a giant four foot thick door with a timed combination lock that requires two people turning keys at the same time to open, right?

It is more likely accessible through a manhole.

An ordinary room that is underground, accessible through a manhole.
I found this information on the Blaze.

•On April 16, 2013 six men launched an attack on a critical power station in California.
•The attack consisted of hundreds of AK-47 rounds being unleashed on 10 large transformers — and it was first called “vandalism.”
•But the former chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission calls it “the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred.”
•It has largely gone unreported, although TheBlaze did cover it last December.
•Dr. Peter Vincent Pry tells TheBlaze, “If it was a terrorist attack, the electric power industry and the media are almost certainly in error to describe it as a ‘failed attack.’”
•Former CIA director James Woolsey adds, “Without electricity we aren’t a civilization, and this is a major societal vulnerability.”

Here is the article with pictures: Chilling: Why An Underreported, ?Significant Incident of Domestic Terrorism? Might Not Be a Failed Attack at All | Video |

Here is he original WSJ report: Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism
Now folks, why is this different then Fort Hood where that too should have been called terrorism. What else can this be?
To be honest, I would rather this NOT be on national news.
If it is on the national news - it is broadcasted worldwide.
You take water treatment facilities of small-medium sized towns. There is no backup.
A small bomb could take out the water supply for weeks, or even months. Everything would shut down.

What water treatment? Many small towns (including mine) just don't have any...everyone has their own well.
I find the repeated statement in the newspaper article that it was not an act of terrorism disingenuous. The spokesperson doth protest too much.

Interesting too how the perps knew exactly where each vulnerable part of the security system was.

Ohhhhh, they knew where the vulnerable part of the security system was? Then how was the attack captured on security video?

These substations are everywhere. There is one less than a mile from my house. You probably drive by one or two of them every day. You fools are making it sound like it was a real act of brilliant tactical planning to shoot one up. These things are nothing but a bank of transformers inside a chain link fence. A 7-Eleven would be more of a challenge.

"Sophisticated" attack, my ass.

I don't know of any sub-stations around my area that has any security let alone cameras. This was much more then just a sub-station. Granted it is a relatively easy target but apparently there was security that sub stations don't usually get. Which raises the question of whom was watching the cameras. Could be they were not security but for remote monitoring.

There is one near my mother's's fenced, but otherwise unprotected. No cameras, you can pull your car right up to the fence. (In fact, that's where parking for the adjacent Little League field is.)
No comments? Not even an opinion on what is going on?

This would be an excellent way for SECURITY CORPORATIONS to be pump up their bottom lines.

Just a thought, not an accuasation.

I thought that too. The article says that the utility is thinking of raising rates to pay for new security. That also got me wondering. But this seems way too big for that to be the motive.

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