"Sophisticated" NY getting their very first female Governor.....by default.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Why are they so far behind the times? Ol "Redneck" run Texas had one 40 years ago. Good to know all the liberal elite are finally coming around.............sort of.

Why are they so far behind the times? Ol "Redneck" run Texas had one 40 years ago. Good to know all the liberal elite are finally coming around.............sort of.

Sort of like their first V.P, neither received even one vote from the voters.
Hochul is woefully unprepared for this. She was nothing more than a prop so Cuomo could claim he had a woman on the ticket. She’s also being looked at in the Buffalo Billions scam.
Hochul is woefully unprepared for this. She was nothing more than a prop so Cuomo could claim he had a woman on the ticket. She’s also being looked at in the Buffalo Billions scam.
Whoopsie Noodles. She was HORRIBLE as Erie County Comptroller.
Why are they so far behind the times? Ol "Redneck" run Texas had one 40 years ago. Good to know all the liberal elite are finally coming around.............sort of.

In 2014 she campaigned with quite a progressive stance, being anti-Walmart, anti-Exxon, and pro-citizenship for illegal aliens.

Like most Dems, she is for higher taxes on those that already pay the lion's share.

On the positive side, in 2011, she was against NAFTA, saying it was bad for American workers. At that time, she also opposed giving driver's licenses to illegals, but has since changed her tune.

Hochul recently said in a statement that Cuomo’s behavior was “repulsive and unlawful” but added that “because lieutenant governors stand in the line of succession, it would not be appropriate to comment further.” LOL.
She was silent about the allegations directed at Cuomo until he finally resigned. Was she unaware or is she a typical democrat who cares more about politic than what is right?
In 2014 she campaigned with quite a progressive stance, being anti-Walmart, anti-Exxon, and pro-citizenship for illegal aliens.

Like most Dems, she is for higher taxes on those that already pay the lion's share.

On the positive side, in 2011, she was against NAFTA, saying it was bad for American workers. At that time, she also opposed giving driver's licenses to illegals, but has since changed her tune.

Hochul recently said in a statement that Cuomo’s behavior was “repulsive and unlawful” but added that “because lieutenant governors stand in the line of succession, it would not be appropriate to comment further.” LOL.

One of the first things that corrupt Chuck Schumer and Dirty Pelosi did when they took control was remove the cap on the SALT deductions that President Trump made.
The SALT tax deduction forces the low tax states to subsidize the high tax state like New York.
Democrats are greedy, dishonest and corrupt.
New York only has a less corrupt governor now.
Hochul is like all the other Democrat Politicians.
New Yorkers will continue to suffer under the far left extremist, incompetent, greedy and corrupt Democrat Cult.
New York is turning into a banana republic, or maybe it already is.
The vital middle class tax base is fleeing from the Democrat Cult dystopia.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Why are they so far behind the times? Ol "Redneck" run Texas had one 40 years ago.
She was a card-carrying piece of shit, but that's besides the point.

The filthy marxist animals pretend to care about kids and minorities and sexual assault and prison reform.... until they buy their 4th multi-million dollar mansion..... and then they laugh and point at their slack-jawed flock with utter contempt.

Fucking substandard garbage.
That looks like a shit-eating rodent with a makeover. New York remains fucked.


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