Soros: US is in a cold war with China that threatens to turn into hot one, China an enemy of freedom

The country is "not the only authoritarian regime in the world but it's undoubtedly the wealthiest, strongest and most developed in machine learning and artificial intelligence," the billionaire says.

He described how Beijing was developing a centralized database that will use algorithms to determine whether a person poses a threat to the one-party system.

This so-called social credit system was described as "frightening and abhorrent" by Soros

China's foreign ministry hit back, saying his comments were "not even worth refuting."
Just what Soros would love...two power houses going at each other.....Georgie will be 6 ft under soon and the world will be better off for it....
Soros surprises me. I didn't think he had it in him to object to any lessening of people's human rights and freedoms
....unless he's just throwing around some b.s.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:
Nope, China is a serious threat, if only for the cyber crimes and theft of intellectual property.

Hey, by the way, you never responded in ther other thread after i showed you that blacks commit over half of all murders. Thats because you are a coward with zero integrity.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:
Nope, China is a serious threat, if only for the cyber crimes and theft of intellectual property.

Hey, by the way, you never responded in ther other thread after i showed you that blacks commit over half of all murders. Thats because you are a coward with zero integrity.

All of the Trumpsters here are all Soros haters & Soros = bad.

You should have posted a link in the other thread to back up your 'opinion' instead of shitting on this thread with your SPAM.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:
Nope, China is a serious threat, if only for the cyber crimes and theft of intellectual property.

Hey, by the way, you never responded in ther other thread after i showed you that blacks commit over half of all murders. Thats because you are a coward with zero integrity.

All of the Trumpsters here are all Soros haters & Soros = bad.

You should have posted a link in the other thread to back up your 'opinion' instead of shitting on this thread with your SPAM.
I most definitely posted the link, but you never responded. Thats because you have no integrity.

As for Soros, yes, hes awful.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

I voted for Trump, but what choice did have...Hellary lol. That said, I can appreciate where Soros is coming from. It’s a different kind of Cold War, but we are definitely at odds with a very formidable opponent in China.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

I voted for Trump, but what choice did have...Hellary lol. That said, I can appreciate where Soros is coming from. It’s a different kind of Cold War, but we are definitely at odds with a very formidable opponent in China.

I agree with the "formidable opponent in China" concept.

I was telling folks 25 years ago that one day China would 'own' the US and people just laughed at me.

Those were the same folks I was telling 40 years ago that marijuana should be legalized & taxed; they laughed too.

None of those folks are laughing any longer; concerning either matter.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

I voted for Trump, but what choice did have...Hellary lol. That said, I can appreciate where Soros is coming from. It’s a different kind of Cold War, but we are definitely at odds with a very formidable opponent in China.

I agree with the "formidable opponent in China" concept.

I was telling folks 25 years ago that one day China would 'own' the US and people just laughed at me.

Those were the same folks I was telling 40 years ago that marijuana should be legalized & taxed; they laughed too.

None of those folks are laughing any longer; concerning either matter.
Wow! Maybe we should build a statue of you so we can all bow down and pay our respects.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

I voted for Trump, but what choice did have...Hellary lol. That said, I can appreciate where Soros is coming from. It’s a different kind of Cold War, but we are definitely at odds with a very formidable opponent in China.

I agree with the "formidable opponent in China" concept.

I was telling folks 25 years ago that one day China would 'own' the US and people just laughed at me.

Those were the same folks I was telling 40 years ago that marijuana should be legalized & taxed; they laughed too.

None of those folks are laughing any longer; concerning either matter.

I would go as far to say they are going to own us. There were a bunch of chicken littles saying the same thing in the 80s when the Japanese were making heavy investments in the US.

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

I voted for Trump, but what choice did have...Hellary lol. That said, I can appreciate where Soros is coming from. It’s a different kind of Cold War, but we are definitely at odds with a very formidable opponent in China.

I agree with the "formidable opponent in China" concept.

I was telling folks 25 years ago that one day China would 'own' the US and people just laughed at me.

Those were the same folks I was telling 40 years ago that marijuana should be legalized & taxed; they laughed too.

None of those folks are laughing any longer; concerning either matter.
Wow! Maybe we should build a statue of you so we can all bow down and pay our respects.


being able to 'see down the road' does not require a seer; it only requires one that pays attention, which I have done from a very early age

Statue? :21:

all of the Trump crowd are CONSTANTLY telling everyone here that Soros is the Devil so, no one is gonna believe that article.

They will just say, Soros = bad.

In other words the Trump crowd here will say China is a our best friend :21: just like the Russians are. :26:

I voted for Trump, but what choice did have...Hellary lol. That said, I can appreciate where Soros is coming from. It’s a different kind of Cold War, but we are definitely at odds with a very formidable opponent in China.

I agree with the "formidable opponent in China" concept.

I was telling folks 25 years ago that one day China would 'own' the US and people just laughed at me.

Those were the same folks I was telling 40 years ago that marijuana should be legalized & taxed; they laughed too.

None of those folks are laughing any longer; concerning either matter.

I would go as far to say they are going to own us. There were a bunch of chicken littles saying the same thing in the 80s when the Japanese were making heavy investments in the US.

good luck with those treasuries & that debt ..........

....... oh; and that's besides the manufacturing that China does MANY times cheaper

Chuck and Nancy are controlled by Globalists. It is the Evil Globalists against the rest of us. They own K Street. Trump is their nemesis because he is not owned by anyone and reports to us.

The ruthless Globalists have no regard for humanity and favor China’s brand of Communism since it keeps people under control and integrates well with Multi-national Corps. They are using Islam and migration in the West as their weapon to wipe out Christian culture. After that, they will install Chinese
style Communism.
Chuck and Nancy are controlled by Globalists. It is the Evil Globalists against the rest of us. They own K Street. Trump is their nemesis because he is not owned by anyone and reports to us.

The ruthless Globalists have no regard for humanity and favor China’s brand of Communism since it keeps people under control and integrates well with Multi-national Corps. They are using Islam and migration in the West as their weapon to wipe out Christian culture. After that, they will install Chinese
style Communism.

Trump IS OWNED; he is owned by Satan.
Soros surprises me. I didn't think he had it in him to object to any lessening of people's human rights and freedoms
....unless he's just throwing around some b.s.
The problem is perception, you have been perverted into thinking that George Soros is a very bad man and you believe every lie thrown out there by the echo chamber masters.
US and China have military ambitions and for many years the US and China have had a cold war. Just because of Republican traitors like Nixon, through GHW Bush pushing for trade with our old enemies for the profit of the corporations.
Chuck and Nancy are controlled by Globalists. It is the Evil Globalists against the rest of us. They own K Street. Trump is their nemesis because he is not owned by anyone and reports to us.

The ruthless Globalists have no regard for humanity and favor China’s brand of Communism since it keeps people under control and integrates well with Multi-national Corps. They are using Islam and migration in the West as their weapon to wipe out Christian culture. After that, they will install Chinese
style Communism.

Trump IS OWNED; he is owned by Satan.
Vanity and pride are Trump's worst enemies he carries in his pocket.
Chuck and Nancy are controlled by Globalists. It is the Evil Globalists against the rest of us. They own K Street. Trump is their nemesis because he is not owned by anyone and reports to us.

The ruthless Globalists have no regard for humanity and favor China’s brand of Communism since it keeps people under control and integrates well with Multi-national Corps. They are using Islam and migration in the West as their weapon to wipe out Christian culture. After that, they will install Chinese
style Communism.
They are being bought and paid for with the money of people who buy products from corporations just like the Republicans.

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