Sorry, but it’s your fault if you’re offended all the time


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
I truly believe that we are the most whiney, sensitive, thin-skinned, easily offended society in the history of the world. Nobody has ever been as prolific at getting offended as we are. Nobody cries over insignificant nonsense as loudly and consistently as us.

Sorry but it s your fault if you re offended all the time - The Matt Walsh Blog

I totally agree to Matt Walsh. America's favorite pastime is whining and pretending to be offended. Instead of solving problems people turn to emotional manipulation.
Tell a black man you are worried about higher crime rates in black communities and in no time he will tell you: "Oh, I feel racially offended. Systematic racism. White supremacy." This is just an example, it is not only about blacks. Gays, religious minorities, even white majority constantly whines about something.
Yeah, but let's include those offended by providing insurance or baking a cake, too.
The queers were the one's whining. The baker just told them no.
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.
Yeah, but let's include those offended by providing insurance or baking a cake, too.
The queers were the one's whining. The baker just told them no.
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.

It would be different if they were not targeting...and they are
They are not really offended, they just need something to whine and bawl about.
Yep, beat me to it.

This is just a method for putting people on the defensive and gaining an advantage.

They're not "offended".

Even if they are, why should I care?

Thats the attitude people need to start taking.

Your offended? Sorry to hear that, now go away.
So, this guy is offended about people who are offended. He's whining about people whining. And he makes a living doing this?

A short look around his blog shows that what he's really whining about is people who dare to demand the same rights as other Americans enjoy.

He's just another bigot we would never hear about if not for the Internet giving every fool on the planet a voice.

What has his whiny rant to do with Politics?
Yeah, but let's include those offended by providing insurance or baking a cake, too.
The queers were the one's whining. The baker just told them no.
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.
Again with this lie?

No one was denied access to the business. Walk-ins were given the same treatment as all the others.
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.
It would be different if they were not targeting...and they are
Police target criminals all the time. Their job is easier if the general public helps out.
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.
Again with this lie? No one was denied access to the business. Walk-ins were given the same treatment as all the others.
You're the one lying by twisting what I meant by access, i.e. service, not just being able to walk in the door.
Police target criminals all the time. Their job is easier if the general public helps out.
Stop deflecting, that shit is old
You're the one that's deflecting. Lawbreakers are criminals, aren't they? At least that's what righties say if an illegal crosses the border, even if it's only to help his family.

LMAO you're a waste of time....literally. Just another loudmouth left loon...with a childish avatar
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.
Again with this lie? No one was denied access to the business. Walk-ins were given the same treatment as all the others.
You're the one lying by twisting what I meant by access, i.e. service, not just being able to walk in the door.
The queers bought pastries from the baker, the baker didn't want to cater the wedding.
The queers bought pastries from the baker, the baker didn't want to cater the wedding.
If he doesn't want to participate in our society, he can move to Saudi Arabia where that kind of thinking is accepted. Here that's a criminal act and should be treated as such.
Yeah, but let's include those offended by providing insurance or baking a cake, too.
The queers were the one's whining. The baker just told them no.
They're whining about being told they can't have a business open to the public and then deny access to certain groups. That was declared illegal back in the 60s.
Nobody should be forced to do business with sexual deviants and perverts (LGBT folk).

If the law requires re-interpreting, then let's begin getting it re-interpreted.

If the law requires changing, then let's begin changing it.

The 3% cannot bully the 97% in the law-courts for much longer.

For every action, there's an equal and opposite RE-action.

And that reaction is coming.

Perhaps beginning as early as January 20, 2017.

Time to begin sorting this shit out, in favor of the 97%.

Besides... people are getting really tired of listening to these whiny-bitch Three-Percenters.
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