Sorry RW Loons, Hillary did not break the law according to FOX news

Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Yo, a little early to celebrate don`t you think? They still need to go through her emails dunce! :cuckoo:


View attachment 37491
the dunce of dunces speaks...

View attachment 37493

thanks for reinforcing my point..
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Damn you really must be desperate if you're quoting a Fox News analysts. The larger question is, was there classified information on that unsecured server she used? Since she controls access how will ever know? Unless the guy that hacked her has that info, do you think he's holding something back, say as an October surprise next year.

Actually, I am enjoying the parade of you RW loons critisizinegthe Golden Temple.....FOX......NEWS!

Frigin Hilarious! :spinner:
you guys are missing the point.....don't you realize how it must have infuriated fox news to say that!

First, I didn't hear the story, but I can promise you this. It IS ILLEGAL. PERIOD. All correspondence by a political official representing the government of the United States is bound by the Official Records act. For the SOS - who holds the same Security Clearance (how the hell she was ever approved for a security clearance boggles my mind) but nonetheless, for the SOS to circumvent the law and actually have control her own server is a direct violation of the law. Will she be prosecuted? Of course not. She is above the law. My God, wake the hell up America!
Wake the hell up to the fact that no crime will be committed until records are withheld or "lost" as they were when an estimated 12 million emails were magically "lost" from the RNC servers during the Bush administration. It's not even unusual for high ranking government officials to have their own servers as emails on government servers are subject to untimely leaks.

Ah...I see... so then Lois Lerner and the Head of the IRS are going to jail? All private Email by government employees are MANDATED by law to be retained on SECURE government servers. Not some radio shack server in her bedroom. Now, YOU wake the hell up. Those emails are the property of the American people. NOT her royal highness.
seems the lawyers differ with you on this case, maybe there is a difference between a government employee and an appointed or elected position?
Actually, I am enjoying the parade of you RW loons critisizinegthe Golden Temple.....FOX......NEWS!

Frigin Hilarious! :spinner:

Well, Americans don't give a dam' who's doin' the lyin', we just know that who ever it is, they're practicing the tenets of Left-think and we simply and unapologetically reject whoever that is.

Now I didn't read the OP article, because a Leftist posted it, thus it's a lie... . So, what would be the point of considering it?
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Here is the truth about the federal regulation that she clearly broke.

"Mrs. Clinton’s exclusive use of personal email for her government business is unusual for a high-level official, archive experts have said. Federal regulations, since 2009, have required that all emails be preserved as part of an agency’s record-keeping system. In Mrs. Clinton’s case, her emails were kept on her personal account and her staff took no steps to have them preserved as part of State Department record."
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Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran journalist, and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news publication providing its audience with original reporting, in-depth investigations, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news. In four years, The Daily Caller readership has grown to more than 16.5 million unique visitors per month and draws more than 59 million monthly pageviews. Stay informed by subscribing to our daily emails, liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter. Mobile apps for The Daily Caller are available for download on the iPhone, iPad and Android platforms. These user-friendly apps provide readers with the full range of The Daily Caller’s website offerings on the go.
can you say completely bias? I knew you could...
seems the lawyers differ with you on this case, maybe there is a difference between a government employee and an appointed or elected position?


Folks, you can NOT make this crap up!
It seems you guys are just making up what is legal and what is not depending on the party of the politician in question. Personally it would not really hurt my feelings if Hillary ends up getting charged with a crime but so far all the reputable sources say that as long as she complies with legal orders for disclosure there is no crime.
isn't the state department partly to blame not insisting and making sure she had a government email account?
this faux rage and panic is hilarious (pun intended)
what would you folks do in areal crisis ?

We've seen the willful ignorance and apathy over global climate change while they went all to pieces over Ebola.


But there was good reason then! It was called "Control of the Senate. Scare the crap out of voters and they will vote for a Republican. WORKS EVERY TIME!
According to left wing loons FOX is not real news so why are taking what you hear on it serious now? Is FOX only real news for you when they say stuff you agree with?
About Us
Founded in 2010 by Tucker Carlson, a 20-year veteran journalist, and Neil Patel, former chief policy advisor to Vice President Cheney, The Daily Caller is a 24-hour news publication providing its audience with original reporting, in-depth investigations, thought-provoking commentary and breaking news. In four years, The Daily Caller readership has grown to more than 16.5 million unique visitors per month and draws more than 59 million monthly pageviews. Stay informed by subscribing to our daily emails, liking us on Facebook and following us on Twitter. Mobile apps for The Daily Caller are available for download on the iPhone, iPad and Android platforms. These user-friendly apps provide readers with the full range of The Daily Caller’s website offerings on the go.
can you say completely bias? I knew you could...
I can. Hilary Clinton is completely biased.

After all, it was HER WORDS...not those of the Daily Caller.

Thanks for playing.
According to left wing loons FOX is not real news so why are taking what you hear on it serious now? Is FOX only real news for you when they say stuff you agree with?
the "left wing loons" are correct fox is not real news...
Can't you just imagine...on stage during a debate in the primaries Hillary being asked about this and the over seas bling she has received? The DNC is already looking for another candidate. She may escape jail but her political desires are fini!

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