Sorry RW Loons, Hillary did not break the law according to FOX news

According to left wing loons FOX is not real news so why are taking what you hear on it serious now? Is FOX only real news for you when they say stuff you agree with?
the "left wing loons" are correct fox is not real news...
Then why are they using them in this thread as a source in support of Hillary? You don't use something you don't consider a legitimate news source to support your claim unless of course you know FOX is legitimate and are being a hypocrite.
isn't the state department partly to blame not insisting and making sure she had a government email account?

Government isn't capable of doing littlest things, but you guys want to give them more responsibility.

Hey wether what she did was illegal or not is irrelevant because she won't be charged, but illegal is where you libs set the bar??? The bitch went as far as to have her own servers to circumvent the government. That's ok for you liberal fools?????
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Don't get mad at us its the MSM attacking Hillary, we are enjoying the show. :laugh:


MSM is "attacking" Hilliary?

Don't you mean they've been reporting the news?

Please post a link to where MSM "attacked" Hillary.



^^^ (points and laughs)
you guys are missing the point.....don't you realize how it must have infuriated fox news to say that!

First, I didn't hear the story, but I can promise you this. It IS ILLEGAL. PERIOD. All correspondence by a political official representing the government of the United States is bound by the Official Records act. For the SOS - who holds the same Security Clearance (how the hell she was ever approved for a security clearance boggles my mind) but nonetheless, for the SOS to circumvent the law and actually have control her own server is a direct violation of the law. Will she be prosecuted? Of course not. She is above the law. My God, wake the hell up America!
thing is- JEB did it as well. Karl rove did it. they're all scumbags including HRH no doubt. I would never vote for her because she believes its "her turn", among other reasons not to vote for a corporate dem. .
Sorry, Dot, but I gotta save this one
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Don't get mad at us its the MSM attacking Hillary, we are enjoying the show. :laugh:


MSM is "attacking" Hilliary?

Don't you mean they've been reporting the news?

Please post a link to where MSM "attacked" Hillary.



^^^ (points and laughs)

IOW, you made it up.
Harf: “Not Pertinent” To Know If Contents Of Hillary’s Emails Had Classified Material (Video):ahole-1::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Real Clear Politics ^ | 03/05/2015
QUESTION: And then one follow-up question from yesterday: Do you have anything further on whether there’s going to be a comprehensive review of the contents of these emails or how it is that you’ve reached the, I guess, decision that there was no classified information included?
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Wouldn't make any difference if she killed someone, or traded insider information to make $150,000, would it? Or traveled all over the world with her 40 person team on taxpayer expense, right? Oh, that's right.....Vince Foster killed himself, wrapped himself up in that rug and carried his own dead body to the park...I forgot...

The only person I can see experiencing a "wet dream" is you. Probably the closet you have come to a real woman, right?

But you're right - when you are above the law - What difference does it make? Right?? The biggest problem I see with your assertion is that you (apparently) wouldn't give one hoot in hell if she had just done a stretch in Leavenworth, would it?

And people wonder why I say that this country is doomed.........

Shit for Brains...

Ken Starr investigated it and said it was suicide.

The RW on this board has just gone to the dogs...
Hey, you believed her when she said she couldn't remember Benghazi.

So why would you not also believe her when she tells you that e-mail account received only two messages and they were both spam?
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:


Just one legal analyst says Hillary didn't break the law and you jump for joy. However Megyn Kelly is/was a Lawyer, Judge Napolitano is a Judge, Greta Van Susteren is a former criminal defense attorney. There are three other legal analysts who say she did in fact break the law. By the way, Jonna Spilbor runs a law firm in Poughkeepsie, New York who currently is not doing well in assisting her clients in MINOR traffic litigation, therefore her interpretation of the law should be called into question. This is what happens when liberal posts a gotcha thread and fails. Hard.

Jonna Spilbor Law - Poughkeepsie NY Yelp
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"Fox and Friends" brought in Judge Andrew Napolitano to ask him whether this is a big deal.

He answered that indeed it is a "very, very big deal" because the Federal Records Act requires the government to have custody of the official records and documents of public officials.

"She violated that act by effectively taking those records from government custody and putting them into her own," he said, adding that the government could bring a civil action to try to get the documents back.

He said, though, that it could be impossible for Clinton to get the documents back now. Napolitano likened this to the investigation of former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus because Clinton - who had the same level of security clearance as President Obama - allegedly "transferred classified documents from government custody to her own email accounts."

"That is a potential crime. That is the same thing for which General Petraeus is being investigated by the Justice Department," said Napolitano, adding that there's no way someone with this much experience in government would not know these record-keeping laws.

"What is she trying to hide and what will the government do about it?" he asked, noting how aggressively the Obama administration has gone after people suspected to have leaked classified information.

Why the Bombshell Report on Hillary s Private Emails Is a Very Big Deal
Okay, I'm about to lay the smack down on the OP here (note this isn't a threat of violence).

1) There was a failure by the State Department to keep the emails secure. Under The Federal Recordkeeping Act, agencies are supposed to have safeguards which prevent records from being removed, however as seen here, that did not occur:

Under 44 USC §3105

§ 3105. Safeguards

The head of each Federal agency shall establish safeguards against the removal or loss of records the head of such agency determines to be necessary and required by regulations of the Archivist. Safeguards shall include making it known to officials and employees of the agency--

(1) that records in the custody of the agency are not to be alienated or destroyed except in accordance with sections 3301-3314 of this title, and

(2) the penalties provided by law for the unlawful removal or destruction of records.


2) Under 18 U.S.C. § 2071, she committed a crime simply by retaining the emails and conducting official business from a private server, the emails of which are Government property under law:

"(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.

(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States."


3) She, as Secretary of State, also violated federal regulations by failing to report her own concealment of federal documents belonging to her Department on a private server, and retaining such records after stepping down from her post:

34 CFR §1230.14

"The agency must report promptly any unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records in the custody of that agency to the National Archives and Records Administration, Modern Records Programs (NWM), 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, phone number 301-837-1738.

(a) The report must include:

(1) A complete description of the records with volume and dates if known;

(2) The office maintaining the records;

(3) A statement of the exact circumstances surrounding the removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records;

(4) A statement of the safeguards established to prevent further loss of documentation; and

(5) When appropriate, details of the actions taken to salvage, retrieve, or reconstruct the records."


34 CFR §1222.24 (a)(6)

"(a) Agencies must ensure that procedures, directives and other issuances; systems planning and development documentation; and other relevant records include recordkeeping requirements for records in all media, including those records created or received on electronic mail systems. Recordkeeping requirements must:

(6) Include procedures to ensure that departing officials and employees do not remove Federal records from agency custody and remove nonrecord materials only in accordance with §1222.18."

This, my friends, makes Hillary Clinton legally liable. If they can charge General Patraeus for this, then she is just as easily culpable. The whole system is designed to maintain file integrity, those who claim she didn't break the law are suggesting the law is anamorphic in nature and gives her some leeway in this issue, which is false.
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When you LOSE a declared Socialist that has his own TV show...The Hildebeast has a huge problem!

Lawrence O'Donnell Slams Hillary on Email Scandal

NewsBusters ^
Ah! The nudge to remove Hillary Clinton from the stage. Some get it. Some don't. Among those who don't get it is Alex Wagner who lacks the subtlety to see that the exit of Hillary could very probably mean the entrance of the "progressive" heroine, Elizabeth Warren. Lawrence O'Donnell gets it which is probably why he was very critical of Hillary's email situation. The subtext in this video seems to be Lawrence O'Donnell trying to ease Hillary from the scene as Alex continues to guzzle the Clinton Kool-Aide without really thinking ahead. First we shall see Alex perform her Clinton...
Oh and if any of those emails were lost or deleted, or are unrecoverable, she could be sent to jail and fined. Some people are saying that it may be impossible to recover them, which is bad for Hillary.
Are you actually excited about Hillary? Tell me how to do that.

I supported Hillary over Obama. She can beat any Republican in the field. No? Okay, who can beat her?

Hillary won't win the primary assuming she even runs, which I doubt, but yes, she absolutely could lose a general election. You're a fool if you honestly believe she's a done deal.
Fox News Legal Analysts Hillary Clinton Didn t Break the Law Mediaite

“I’m going to say no, because at the time she did what she did when she used her own personal email, the law was very nebulous,” former prosecutorJonna Spilbor said in response to Carlson’s question about Clinton breaking the law. “It didn’t say you couldn’t use your own email, it said any government use of email had to be preserved. So what did she violate?” she asked. As long as Clinton can still retrieve the emails in question, Spilbor said, “There’s no law broken.”

I know this will ruin you temporary wet dream. But Hillary did nothing wrong. She will still be President in 2016.....:banana:

Here is the truth about the federal regulation that she clearly broke.

"Mrs. Clinton’s exclusive use of personal email for her government business is unusual for a high-level official, archive experts have said. Federal regulations, since 2009, have required that all emails be preserved as part of an agency’s record-keeping system. In Mrs. Clinton’s case, her emails were kept on her personal account and her staff took no steps to have them preserved as part of State Department record."

Glad to know I'm not the only one who saw that.
Sunlight Found Official: Hillary ‘Far More Egregious’ Than Others’ E-mail Use (Video) ^
Sunlight Foundation Policy Director John Wonderlich said that Hillary Clinton’s use of her private e-mail was “far more egregious” than other scandals involving e-mail use on Thursday’s broadcast of “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” on MSNBC. “Imagine a cabinet secretary coming in and saying ‘I’m going to work out of my own office, and I’m going to hire my own security detail, and I’m going to bring in a private PR team to manage our communications.’ That would never be accepted, but for some reason, in terms of e-mail, people are getting away with that, and the last speaker...

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