SOTU: Obama and Dems should be proud, despite GOP Gloom and doom bs- Best econ, UE, of any...ACA AE

n other words ... the last 5 years.

And how can it be Trump/Cruz?? Trump is a birther. He says Cruz isn't eligible.

That is correct. that is why the establishment needs cleansing. All out ASAP. Frauds.

I don't know about Cruz birth. Not my issue. He produced his paper right away rather than lie about it for years. Barry Soretuo or whatever...........kept his stuff hidden. Many things still hidden. nice.
n other words ... the last 5 years.

And how can it be Trump/Cruz?? Trump is a birther. He says Cruz isn't eligible.

That is correct. that is why the establishment needs cleansing. All out ASAP. Frauds.

I don't know about Cruz birth. Not my issue. He produced his paper right away rather than lie about it for years. Barry Soretuo or whatever...........kept his stuff hidden. Many things still hidden. nice.
Who cares if it's not your issue? You're the one posting "Trump Cruz." But Trump doesn't think Cruz is eligible.

If you're gonna make shit up, don'tcha think it should at least be within the realm of reality?
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Who cares if it's not your issue? You're the one posting "Trump Cruz." But Trump doesn't think Cruz is eligible.

If you're gonna make shit up, don'tcha think it should at least be within the realm of reality?

.........interesting. this is now a fact? Cruz proved what he is right away. Is it legal or not? I don't know? Get it cleaned up now.

I heard Trump say he does not know, also. I did not hear him ever say Cruz is not legal.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.

They actually put Student loan stuff into the health care crap, so I heard.

Hence Obama wanting taxpayers to fund 2 years of free community college for everyone. Just follow the money >>> teachers unions and higher education >>> Democratic party kickback accounts.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Ignorant twit. Dems just made payments 10% of income at most and 20 year cap, and NOT from banks. Duh, dupe. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.

They actually put Student loan stuff into the health care crap, so I heard.

Hence Obama wanting taxpayers to fund 2 years of free community college for everyone. Just follow the money >>> teachers unions and higher education >>> Democratic party kickback accounts.
3 million tech jobs going unfilled...thanks GOP and silly dupes. Party first!!
Who cares if it's not your issue? You're the one posting "Trump Cruz." But Trump doesn't think Cruz is eligible.

If you're gonna make shit up, don'tcha think it should at least be within the realm of reality?

.........interesting. this is now a fact? Cruz proved what he is right away. Is it legal or not? I don't know? Get it cleaned up now.
Holy shit. Sorry, I forgot I'm talking to idiots.

Did I say it's a fact?

Did I even say I believe it?

I said that's what Trump said. So how is Trump gonna pick Cruz when he doesn't believe he's eligible?

I heard Trump say he does not know, also. I did not hear him ever say Cruz is not legal.
Here, now you've heard him say it .... speaking of Obama, he said to be president, an individual has to be born in the U.S.
Donald Trump said:
"To be honest with you, I want him to have a birth certificate because that would mean that his presidency was, I guess you'd have to say, illegal. You have to be born in the United States. I hope he was born in the United States. But I want to get rid of the word ‘hope'. I want to know for sure."
Despite almost criminal obstruction and fear mongering. Solar power is up 2000%, Pot legal, Gay Marriage, much cheaper college loans, low health cost rise,. Better than 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, and a corrupt world depression.
Hillary should run on the Obama economy and homosexual marriage.
I want to see her to lose all 50 States.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Ignorant twit. Dems just made payments 10% of income at most and 20 year cap, and NOT from banks. Duh, dupe. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

I see I touched a nerve, student loans are a democratic party cash cow FACT! Where did hundreds of billions of stimulus money end up? The poor didn't get it, no it was funneled into the public and private union coffers to be kicked back to Democrat candidates. Baltimore got over 900 million dollars in stimulus money, the poor got a paltry 3 million of that for jobs training wow thanks Dems. /sarcasm
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Ignorant twit. Dems just made payments 10% of income at most and 20 year cap, and NOT from banks. Duh, dupe. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

I see I touched a nerve, student loans are a democratic party cash cow FACT! Where did hundreds of billions of stimulus money end up? The poor didn't get it, no it was funneled into the public and private union coffers to be kicked back to Democrat candidates. Baltimore got over 900 million dollars in stimulus money, the poor got a paltry 3 million of that for jobs training wow thanks Dems. /sarcasm
How does the DNC get money from loans? lol dupe.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Ignorant twit. Dems just made payments 10% of income at most and 20 year cap, and NOT from banks. Duh, dupe. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

I see I touched a nerve, student loans are a democratic party cash cow FACT! Where did hundreds of billions of stimulus money end up? The poor didn't get it, no it was funneled into the public and private union coffers to be kicked back to Democrat candidates. Baltimore got over 900 million dollars in stimulus money, the poor got a paltry 3 million of that for jobs training wow thanks Dems. /sarcasm
How does the DNC get money from loans? lol dupe.
They get paid back to Obama's personal bank account, of which, he tithes 10 percent back to the DNC.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Ignorant twit. Dems just made payments 10% of income at most and 20 year cap, and NOT from banks. Duh, dupe. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

I see I touched a nerve, student loans are a democratic party cash cow FACT! Where did hundreds of billions of stimulus money end up? The poor didn't get it, no it was funneled into the public and private union coffers to be kicked back to Democrat candidates. Baltimore got over 900 million dollars in stimulus money, the poor got a paltry 3 million of that for jobs training wow thanks Dems. /sarcasm
How does the DNC get money from loans? lol dupe.

Its not my fault I'm 4x as smart as you. I guess its not your station in life to understand.
Student loans are a Democratic party cash cow, sucks to be students slaved out to the debt but this keeps the contributions flowing into the Democratic party coffers.
Ignorant twit. Dems just made payments 10% of income at most and 20 year cap, and NOT from banks. Duh, dupe. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.

I see I touched a nerve, student loans are a democratic party cash cow FACT! Where did hundreds of billions of stimulus money end up? The poor didn't get it, no it was funneled into the public and private union coffers to be kicked back to Democrat candidates. Baltimore got over 900 million dollars in stimulus money, the poor got a paltry 3 million of that for jobs training wow thanks Dems. /sarcasm
How does the DNC get money from loans? lol dupe.

Its not my fault I'm 4x as smart as you. I guess its not your station in life to understand.
Gee, you would think someone as smart as you would know how to spell. :ack-1:
5 Obama Successes Republicans Pretend Never Happened

Republicans have consistently said that a president cannot take responsibility for a strong economy — unless of course he’s a Republican.
A weak economy, however, is always a Democratic president’s fault. And if a Republican president presides over the worst financial crisis in a half-century after seven years in office, that is clearly the fault of poor people.

President Obama is in an awkward position when it comes to the economy. It’s only great if you compare it to the last 14 years. But with 50 percent of America now saying in the latest CNN poll that his presidency is a success, he figures that he’s now allowed to “take a well-earned victory lap” by answering the question Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) asked for four years: “Where are the jobs?”
“Well, after 12 million new jobs, a stock market that has more than doubled, deficits that have been cut by two-thirds, health care inflation at the lowest rate in nearly 50 years, manufacturing coming back, auto industry coming back, clean energy doubled — I’ve come not only to answer that question, but I want to return to the debate that is central to this country, and the alternative economic theory that’s presented by the other side,” the president said in Cleveland on Wednesday.
5 Obama Successes Republicans Pretend Never Happened

Republicans have consistently said that a president cannot take responsibility for a strong economy — unless of course he’s a Republican.
A weak economy, however, is always a Democratic president’s fault. And if a Republican president presides over the worst financial crisis in a half-century after seven years in office, that is clearly the fault of poor people.

President Obama is in an awkward position when it comes to the economy. It’s only great if you compare it to the last 14 years. But with 50 percent of America now saying in the latest CNN poll that his presidency is a success, he figures that he’s now allowed to “take a well-earned victory lap” by answering the question Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) asked for four years: “Where are the jobs?”
“Well, after 12 million new jobs, a stock market that has more than doubled, deficits that have been cut by two-thirds, health care inflation at the lowest rate in nearly 50 years, manufacturing coming back, auto industry coming back, clean energy doubled — I’ve come not only to answer that question, but I want to return to the debate that is central to this country, and the alternative economic theory that’s presented by the other side,” the president said in Cleveland on Wednesday.

Out of 3,000 individual counties in the United States, only 214 of them have recovery fully from the recession.

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