Source: Preparations underway for Obama vacation on Martha's Vineyard

Actually, Truthmatters, I shouldn't have been short. And I apologize. The fact is Ted's house is now, I think, attached to some kind of foundation set up in his will. I attempted an unsuccessful joke as to how the Kennedy compound is still frightenly informal with all kinds of guests coming and going. I meant no disrespect to them, or even Obama. Ted was a great man, and his gregariousness in light of the family history goes to that greatness.

Even though his politics weren't to my liking all the time.
why is it the right is all pissed at the black guy getting a vacation TOO?
Actually, Truthmatters, I shouldn't have been short. And I apologize. The fact is Ted's house is now, I think, attached to some kind of foundation set up in his will. I attempted an unsuccessful joke as to how the Kennedy compound is still frightenly informal with all kinds of guests coming and going. I meant no disrespect to them, or even Obama. Ted was a great man, and his gregariousness in light of the family history goes to that greatness.

Even though his politics weren't to my liking all the time.

His constituents loved him, He represented them well.

Obama has as much right as any president to a vaction
Actually, Truthmatters, I shouldn't have been short. And I apologize. The fact is Ted's house is now, I think, attached to some kind of foundation set up in his will. I attempted an unsuccessful joke as to how the Kennedy compound is still frightenly informal with all kinds of guests coming and going. I meant no disrespect to them, or even Obama. Ted was a great man, and his gregariousness in light of the family history goes to that greatness.

Even though his politics weren't to my liking all the time.

His constituents loved him, He represented them well.

Obama has as much right as any president to a vaction

Lets see.....Republicans fucked up Obama's Christmas vacation with their Fiscal Cliff non-crisis
Obama skipped last summer vacation

Now Republicans are bitching that Obama wants vacation this summer

Can you feel the pain?
This whole thread is another perfect example of what a bunch of crybaby bitches the right wingers are.
The predictable irony of Obamabots defending this is that they raised hell over Bush taking "too many vacations" when most of the time he just went back to his own house in Texas.

Bush took more vacation than any other president in the history of our country. I'd really like to see some set rules in place on the number of vacation days a president is allowed each year, what they do with those vacation days, I don't really care about.
This whole thread is another perfect example of what a bunch of crybaby bitches the right wingers are.

Oh, whatthefuckever.. you lefty moonbats shit your britches over what a private company pays its employees, but are fine with president running around scaring the shit out of the low information crowd about how much their services are going to be cut over the sequester, then plans a multi-million dollar outing for his family on the taxpayer's dime?

Could you possibly be any more full of shit?
Anyhow.. why does this Obama motherfucker need a vacation? He doesn't do shit... all h does is campaign, party, vacation and deflect... how exhausting can that really be?
This whole thread is another perfect example of what a bunch of crybaby bitches the right wingers are.

Oh, whatthefuckever.. you lefty moonbats shit your britches over what a private company pays its employees, but are fine with president running around scaring the shit out of the low information crowd about how much their services are going to be cut over the sequester, then plans a multi-million dollar outing for his family on the taxpayer's dime?

Could you possibly be any more full of shit?

Obama has cancelled his last vacations to stay in the white house to get work done, something unheard of to the right wing trash that just run away onto vacation like the punks they are.

Not to mention every other day it would be reported "bush is back on vacation at crawford" two days later, "bush is on vacation again at camp david" W couldn't make it a week before going on vacation again.

The GOP are some lazy SOB's and their sheep even worse. The president has been busting his ass, he deserves a vacation.
The predictable irony of Obamabots defending this is that they raised hell over Bush taking "too many vacations" when most of the time he just went back to his own house in Texas.

Bush took more vacation than any other president in the history of our country.

And most of those times, he went home to Crawford, Texas to his ranch. Not thousands of miles to Hawaii or to Snob Land in Martha's Vineyard.
The predictable irony of Obamabots defending this is that they raised hell over Bush taking "too many vacations" when most of the time he just went back to his own house in Texas.

Bush took more vacation than any other president in the history of our country.

And most of those times, he went home to Crawford, Texas to his ranch. Not thousands of miles to Hawaii or to Snob Land in Martha's Vineyard.

Not most of the time, but every time, Bush was available and working. When obama is on vacation, he is incommunicado. He cannot be reached by anyone. So much for the fiction that the president is the president when he's on vacation or not.
Bush took more vacation than any other president in the history of our country.

And most of those times, he went home to Crawford, Texas to his ranch. Not thousands of miles to Hawaii or to Snob Land in Martha's Vineyard.

Not most of the time, but every time, Bush was available and working. When obama is on vacation, he is incommunicado. He cannot be reached by anyone. So much for the fiction that the president is the president when he's on vacation or not.

Your fuking stupidity is astounding. I mean that. You are fuking absolutely amazing in the things you say. Idiot.
The predictable irony of Obamabots defending this is that they raised hell over Bush taking "too many vacations" when most of the time he just went back to his own house in Texas.

Bush took more vacation than any other president in the history of our country.

And most of those times, he went home to Crawford, Texas to his ranch. Not thousands of miles to Hawaii or to Snob Land in Martha's Vineyard.


Vacation is vacation. Whether its in Texas or Hawaii.

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