SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

What made me puke was Trump heaping praise on the sacrifice of Federal Workers.

The same workers he demeans in his public speeches to his base

The same workers he froze promotions on

The same workers he denied a cost of living raise to this year
wrong buffalo breath ... better do your homework on this one.

Between you and I, I'm likely the only one who is looking at the actual discrepancy in power with regard the root issue.

You, on the other hand, are just reciting some dumbed down, irrelevant, back assward narrative you heard on your television which has nothing to do with the actual conundrum at hand.

What youl;re doing is asking who's job is it to wash and wax the broken down car when what you should be asking is how the motor got blown and whose job it is to fix it.

But, I've not been around in a while. I'm hungry to feed on one of you big government losers In front of all of your friends, go ahead and make your case. Tell us what you have been told is the actual conundrum here.

Trump can claim national emergency until he is green -

Potential arguments that would rise are whether the border wall is necessary to support the armed forces already deployed at the border, whether the construction has the appropriate approval, and whether the reallocation of funds is justified. Also a matter of debate is who would have legal standing to challenge the president’s declaration.

all to be decided by the SC ....

next contestant ...
I'm not sure it will be that open and shut.

National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301
Fact Sheet

The National Emergencies Act (NEA) authorizes the president to declare a “national emergency.”1 A declaration under NEA triggers emergency authorities contained in other federal statutes. Past NEA declarations have addressed, among other things, the imposition of export controls and limitations on transactions and property from specified nations.2 A national emergency was declared in 2001 after the September 11th terrorist attacks and has been renewed every year since then. (Download a printable PDF.)

What the Law Does

The NEA authorizes the president to declare a national emergency, which declaration activates emergency powers contained in other federal statutes.3During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the president’s declaration of a national emergency under the NEA, coupled with the HHS secretary’s prior determination of a public health emergency under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), permitted the activation of Social Security Act (SSA) Section 1135 waiver authorities. (See Figure A for the text of the 2009 H1N1 NEA declaration.)

How the Law Works
The NEA does not provide any specific emergency authority on its own, but relies on emergency authorities provided in other statutes. A national emergency declaration allows for the activation of these other statutory authorities. Emergency statutory provisions are not activated automatically, however; they must be specifically identified in the president’s declaration before these authorities may be given effect.

NEA Section 201 authorizes the president to declare a national emergency. The proclamation of a national emergency must be immediately transmitted to Congress and published in the Federal Register.1,2 Under NEA Section 301, statutory emergency authorities enabled by the national emergency declaration cannot be exercised until the president specifies the provisions of law under which the president or other officials will act. Such specification may be made either in the declaration or in subsequent Executive Orders published in theFederal Register and transmitted to Congress.

A national emergency can be terminated if the president issues a proclamation or if Congress enacts a joint resolution terminating the emergency. A national emergency will terminate automatically upon the anniversary of the proclamation unless the president renews the proclamation by transmitting notice to Congress within a 90-day period prior to the anniversary date and publishing it in the Federal Register.

National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301 Fact Sheet | State Public Health | ASTHO

If Truman couldnt declare a national emergency during a war, Trump is toast with his wall rhetoric.

It did not enact the National Emergency in 2017 for a wall.
The GOP/DOP controlled 2 other branches of gobmint, and did not give IT a bill to sign for 25B or more
to build the great Douche wall. I wonder why?

The Above still happened again, in 2018.

Now in 2019 after the great Douche BS 35 days of gobmint shut down.
He won't do the National Emergency now. Why? America Lives are at risk.

Nothang like an emergency you can put off.
For 24 months.
And now, 3 weeks more is it great Douche?
There is no budget deal.

Only a temporary halt in the government shutdown to allow the filthy ass Democrats some time to pull their heads out of their asses.

No retreat. No surrender. No quarter. THAT is the expectation. Trump has violated all three with this agreement.
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!
THIS is why you get ridiculed so much.

'Beaten down'?

Democrats who broke from Pelosi and were secretly meeting with the GOP to negotiate a temp deal approached the President...

They did what the failed Speaker did not / could not do.

Also, you make it sound like this is over. Silly snowflake. Congress - Pelosi - has 3 weeks to negotiate a deal or the wall funding will come through Presidential EO after he declares a national Emergency due to the border situation both Democrats and Republicans have called a crisis.

Pelosi is just continuing to look like an incompetent, petty self/party-serving extremist who wants to hurt Trump in 2020 - in short, a failed Speaker ... Because the Dems below her can negotiate and do her job better than she can...

Pelosi is playing Trump

Nothing will change
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!
THIS is why you get ridiculed so much.

'Beaten down'?

Democrats who broke from Pelosi and were secretly meeting with the GOP to negotiate a temp deal approached the President...

They did what the failed Speaker did not / could not do.

Also, you make it sound like this is over. Silly snowflake. Congress - Pelosi - has 3 weeks to negotiate a deal or the wall funding will come through Presidential EO after he declares a national Emergency due to the border situation both Democrats and Republicans have called a crisis.

Pelosi is just continuing to look like an incompetent, petty self/party-serving extremist who wants to hurt Trump in 2020 - in short, a failed Speaker ... Because the Dems below her can negotiate and do her job better than she can...

Pelosi is playing Trump

Nothing will change

Say that in three weeks. The emergency will happen.
What made me puke was Trump heaping praise on the sacrifice of Federal Workers.

The same workers he demeans in his public speeches to his base

The same workers he froze promotions on

The same workers he denied a cost of living raise to this year

WTF is a cost of living raise? I've been working for 25 years and never got one of those. If I got a raise it was based on performance not some arbitrary "cost of living" number pulled out of some politicians asshole.
Trump played it wrong. He thought he could bully his way into a wall just like he thought he could bully his way into the House for the SOTU.

He picked a fight over a stupid wall. Not border security, a wall. A 40' Concrete wall.

Now Trump has pissed off his feeble minded base.

He dragged down Mitch McConnell (if he could be any lower), and Senate Republicans.

Now we will wait 3 weeks & the day before McConnell will vote & it won't last & we start all over gain.

Trump Can't govern. He thinks he can bully. Won't work.
Wall construction is going very well elsewhere off the border.

Try to calm down man. This is really no way to live.

My BP is up about 20 points and my heart rate is up as well. I literally can’t keep anything in my stomach right now. Not even water.
I don't know what to make of you man. You usually strike me as a racist SOB, but damn it, I don't want you to keel over.

Turn off the TV and the radio, and don't go on social media for the weekend. Rest up, and spend some time w/your family.
Last edited:
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!

I love it how you're really insecure Trump being the bigger person here. By opening it back up temporarily it helps the government workers to get their back pay. That's the bigger person who doesn't give millions to the Iranian regime.
That's your spin on it. He has already caused then untold misery . Airports were cancelling flights. Government contracts will never be compensated for their losses .His approval rating are cratering. He got his ass handed to him. And your pathetic deflection to the conspiracy theory about Obama and Iran is noted and dismissed.

Oy.....hysterical again. What is this shit with the radical emotional response from the radical left? Everything is either tragic or a crisis or both. Ghey
This is comical. Did you watch Trump's announcement. He's gonna call the Dems' bluff and sign a bill to reopen the government for 3 weeks to give the Dems time to reach a compromise with Republicans. If there is no fair deal reached after 3 weeks, Trump will invoke his constitutional power to declare a national emergency for border security and will secure the border via that route. This is not "caving in"--this is Trump giving the Dems an ultimatum to either be reasonable or see him secure the border through executive action.
I saw where the Senate unanimously passed the bill. That is pretty telling i think. For two things.

First, with all GOP Senators on record as having approved the temporary re-opening, it lays down their marker to the left of where Trump (and presumably his supporters) are. I think they were looking at the 2018 election results—especially the 7 governor chairs that flipped red to blue.

Secondly, and as a larger issue going forward, where will the Body be on other matters such as new-NAFTA ratification, where will the Senate be on possible removal from office if Stone flips on Trump, where will the Senate be when the three weeks are up and the rubber has to hit the road again.

The markets reacted favorably to the shutdown ending.

I think this may be a sign of the wheels coming off the wagon as far as automatic Senatorial support for the Blob goes.
No retreat. No surrender. No quarter. THAT is the expectation. Trump has violated all three with this agreement.
And yet when the dust settles a lack of border protection will be blamed on dems & this scuffle’s particulars will be long forgotten. Only the outcome will matter.
This is comical. Did you watch Trump's announcement. He's gonna call the Dems' bluff and sign a bill to reopen the government for 3 weeks to give the Dems time to reach a compromise with Republicans. If there is no fair deal reached after 3 weeks, Trump will invoke his constitutional power to declare a national emergency for border security and will secure the border via that route. This is not "caving in"--this is Trump giving the Dems an ultimatum to either be reasonable or see him secure the border through executive action.

un huh…

Just like he said:
He was going to close the entire southern border….
Lock up Hillary…
Never settle with the Trump U plaintiffs…
Comey better hope there are no tapes of their conversation…
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!
THIS is why you get ridiculed so much.

'Beaten down'?

Democrats who broke from Pelosi and were secretly meeting with the GOP to negotiate a temp deal approached the President...

They did what the failed Speaker did not / could not do.

Also, you make it sound like this is over. Silly snowflake. Congress - Pelosi - has 3 weeks to negotiate a deal or the wall funding will come through Presidential EO after he declares a national Emergency due to the border situation both Democrats and Republicans have called a crisis.

Pelosi is just continuing to look like an incompetent, petty self/party-serving extremist who wants to hurt Trump in 2020 - in short, a failed Speaker ... Because the Dems below her can negotiate and do her job better than she can...

Pelosi is playing Trump

Nothing will change

Say that in three weeks. The emergency will happen.
Last card in Trumps hand

He is not much of a poker player
This is comical. Did you watch Trump's announcement. He's gonna call the Dems' bluff and sign a bill to reopen the government for 3 weeks to give the Dems time to reach a compromise with Republicans. If there is no fair deal reached after 3 weeks, Trump will invoke his constitutional power to declare a national emergency for border security and will secure the border via that route. This is not "caving in"--this is Trump giving the Dems an ultimatum to either be reasonable or see him secure the border through executive action.

In the eyes of a rightard, being “reasonable” means foregoing ones position and taking it up the ass by the president.

No retreat. No surrender. No quarter. THAT is the expectation. Trump has violated all three with this agreement.
And yet when the dust settles a lack of border protection will be blamed on dems & this scuffle’s particulars will be long forgotten. Only the outcome will matter.

Nobody will care

Little has changed in the last ten years
What made me puke was Trump heaping praise on the sacrifice of Federal Workers.

The same workers he demeans in his public speeches to his base

The same workers he froze promotions on

The same workers he denied a cost of living raise to this year

WTF is a cost of living raise? I've been working for 25 years and never got one of those.

Um I think I know what I've been paid, asshole.
This is comical. Did you watch Trump's announcement. He's gonna call the Dems' bluff and sign a bill to reopen the government for 3 weeks to give the Dems time to reach a compromise with Republicans. If there is no fair deal reached after 3 weeks, Trump will invoke his constitutional power to declare a national emergency for border security and will secure the border via that route. This is not "caving in"--this is Trump giving the Dems an ultimatum to either be reasonable or see him secure the border through executive action.
He’d be an idiot to do that. Best slide out of an impossible project being able to blame dems I’d think.

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