SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Wanna bet?

Never underestimate Trump stupidity

Just what did trump get for forcing the longest Shutdown in US history?

37% Approval Rating
and the anger of the Far Right

Sounds like it was a great deal....for the Democrats....
No tears, just a massive steam cloud coming out of my ears. This motherfucker needs to DIE, and SOON!!!!!!!

reported. This is against the TOS
Reported ??? Come on Grow up

Yes. even on this board we should not be wishing death upon an elected official. There is a limit to what should be acceptable.
Right and everyone was so outraged by the RBG posts.

I was. One of the benefits of not being a partisan sheep, I can be consistent in my views.

But you would not understand
I try But imho it's very one sided
I love the sweet smell and the taste of Conservative tears in the afternoon.

No tears, just a massive steam cloud coming out of my ears. This motherfucker needs to DIE, and SOON!!!!!!!

Try to calm down man. This is really no way to live.
The government reopened to pay the government workers. After three weeks if democrat leaders continue to prove not caring about our border. Trump will declare the emergency to build the wall.

Pelosi has bigger balls than trump....WHO KNEW?
It looks like once again these dumbass Moon Bats are confused.

There is no budget deal.

Only a temporary halt in the government shutdown to allow the filthy ass Democrats some time to pull their heads out of their asses.
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Not sure where you have been but Trump got his tax cuts and he never promised to reduce spending. When he said he was the king of debt, he was being very serious.

Whom would you like to see as the GOP nominee in 2020?
Almost anyone Trump is an accident waiting to happen,,,,,,,,,,,,Coulter called him the biggest wimp ever lol

Coulter is a dumb bitch, always has been.

Funny to see the Dems fawning all over her now because she is saying mean thing about Trump.

Has to suck being a partisan.
Actually, the bitch is responsible for shutting down Government

Trump is not man enough to ignore her. Coulter is right....he is a wimp
Pelosi and the Dems did not want to pay the furloughed workers. They rejected that deal. Trump now ensures they get paid and puts Pelosi on notice and on the clock. When she runs away again, Trump declares a national emergency and Pelosi gets to cry as the wall starts getting built. She's already losing support in her own party so a deal may get done without her.
He said in his announcement this afternoon that if at the end of the three weeks, the committee they are forming has not come to an agreement, he will declare a national emergency.

The inconcistency comes by way of the fact that he's talking about declaring an emergency with regard to something that is nothing more than a consequence of quite another root problem in government policy completely.

The problem is the monetary policy. This is the Congress own derelict of duty.

But they;re skating around that by creating this big fear tactic in oerder to bring i nmore tyrannical legislation. They're already confiscating phones at the border and downloadign the content of random Americans coming in and out. They already have us being searched just to fly. And now they want to wall to really squeeze us. And next they'll be using the fear mongering to usher in national id.

The whole narrative about a wall for protecting Americans is just another a ruse to gerner more unconstitutional power.

And it's people like the poster with whom you;re responding that spread the nonsense around. They;re completely clueless to the actual root issue. Any discussion they;re gonna stimulate will have nothing to do with the root issue here. It just won't. It's just another mainstream dumbing down exercise.

Really, you have to chuckle at just how out there amercians really are.

As I said, he's wanting to debate how he's gonna wash and wax a car with a blown motor and he's not wanting to talk abotu the blown motor that is the actual kproble mthat needs addressing. Again, it's just a reflectio of how the media really is dumbing down people to the root issues at hand.

Move along. Nothing to see here. Not really. It's like that old saying about playing chesswith a pigeon. The pigeon's just gonna knock over all of the pieces and then strut around crapping all over the board like he won. Ha.

the root of Trumps wall is him lying about building a concrete wall, 2000 miles long, 20 feet high. and MEXICO PAYING FOR IT


The lie is that we have a crisis.
Well now we know.

trump CAVED.

The government is going to reopen WITHOUT one PENNY for that stupid wall.

Nancy Pelosi did the work of the people and will continue to do so.

Which means not one penny for any stupid wall.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?
Lol, the Democrats agreed to negotiate on border security to INCLUDE FUNDING FOR BARRIERS/FENCES/WALL whatever you want to call it.

If the Democrats backtrack and betray their promise, Trump will have the public's sympathy if he simply declares an emergency and builds the wall without any Democrat restrictions, which I am sure is what he is expecting.

No he will not. Voters do not see a wall as a necessary part of border security and do not see a wall as a justification for shutting the government down/. That will not change in 3 weeks.
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown
Of the 16 Trump caves threads started by unhinged, sputtering Libs, I will respond to this one.

This is temporary to give relief to the Federal workers. Trump does the right thing and you still ridicule him. You all should be ashamed of yourselves and your pettiness.


trump needs some hair color and orange glow for his skin....maybe the pressure is getting to him....?
Pelosi and the Dems did not want to pay the furloughed workers. They rejected that deal. Trump now ensures they get paid and puts Pelosi on notice and on the clock. When she runs away again, Trump declares a national emergency and Pelosi gets to cry as the wall starts getting built. She's already losing support in her own party so a deal may get done without her.
Have ALL the Republicans come on board to sign a bill to build that damn wall yet?

How about some relevant facts instead?

One need look no further than the Berlin Wall. Or the Patriot Act, for that matter.

The only people who ever got shot were people who were trying to escape from behind the Berlin Wall.

Force is anti-moral. Government is force. We want as little of it as possible.The root cause of all of the illegal immigration is the federal government.

For previous reference, the government said the terrorists hated us for our freedoms. And that we should be afraid. Thawe needed the government to protect us. Yet it was those terrorist cells in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government who attacked our freedoms and do so constantly today. And now they want a wall that they say will solve a problem they themselves created. Though, they donlt talk about that. Huh uh. All in the name of security, of course. And, again, the people loved them fo it. As I recall, the Founders warned us about unconstitutional standing armies, too....


Youre in luck, class is running short today.
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It looks like once again these dumbass Moon Bats are confused.

There is no budget deal.

Only a temporary halt in the government shutdown to allow the filthy ass Democrats some time to pull their heads out of their asses.
Pelosi and the Dems did not want to pay the furloughed workers. They rejected that deal. Trump now ensures they get paid and puts Pelosi on notice and on the clock. When she runs away again, Trump declares a national emergency and Pelosi gets to cry as the wall starts getting built. She's already losing support in her own party so a deal may get done without her.
Have ALL the Republicans come on board to sign a bill to build that damn wall yet?

Deflection noted. Three weeks will tell the tale. National emergency may be declared when the DEMOCRATS refuse to negotiate anything. As they went on national TV and swore to do when government reopened.
Congratulations on your victory, liberals. The American people get the shaft again in favor of foreign illegals that will take even more food off the plates of poor and middle class Americans. Well done. Enjoy your American-flag-burning celebrations tonight!
He said in his announcement this afternoon that if at the end of the three weeks, the committee they are forming has not come to an agreement, he will declare a national emergency.

The inconcistency comes by way of the fact that he's talking about declaring an emergency with regard to something that is nothing more than a consequence of quite another root problem in government policy completely.

The problem is the monetary policy. This is the Congress own derelict of duty.

But they;re skating around that by creating this big fear tactic in oerder to bring i nmore tyrannical legislation. They're already confiscating phones at the border and downloadign the content of random Americans coming in and out. They already have us being searched just to fly. And now they want to wall to really squeeze us. And next they'll be using the fear mongering to usher in national id.

The whole narrative about a wall for protecting Americans is just another a ruse to gerner more unconstitutional power.

And it's people like the poster with whom you;re responding that spread the nonsense around. They;re completely clueless to the actual root issue. Any discussion they;re gonna stimulate will have nothing to do with the root issue here. It just won't. It's just another mainstream dumbing down exercise.

Really, you have to chuckle at just how out there amercians really are.

As I said, he's wanting to debate how he's gonna wash and wax a car with a blown motor and he's not wanting to talk abotu the blown motor that is the actual kproble mthat needs addressing. Again, it's just a reflectio of how the media really is dumbing down people to the root issues at hand.

Move along. Nothing to see here. Not really. It's like that old saying about playing chesswith a pigeon. The pigeon's just gonna knock over all of the pieces and then strut around crapping all over the board like he won. Ha.

the root of Trumps wall is him lying about building a concrete wall, 2000 miles long, 20 feet high. and MEXICO PAYING FOR IT


The lie is that we have a crisis.

I'm thinking gullible left wingers suckholing fake news is the bottom line crisis.

Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown
Hey Smith!! What is so damned funny??!!

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