SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

These are the six cock suckers that voted against Trump. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sen. Lisa Murkowksi (R-AK)

Once AGAIN --- and this still hasn't changed as long as there has been a United States --- a Congresscritter's job is NOT to represent a political party; it is to represent their constituents.

Take Isakson. His state is about to host the Super Bowl, with one of the busiest airports in the world, staffed by ATCs charged with keeping all those planes from crashing into each other, who haven't been paid in a month.

Who will be the "cocksucker" when one of those ATCs who's driving for Über to pay the bills, doesn't react quick enough because he's fatigued from putting food on the table?

Here's the short version of this post:

"Fuck you".
And yet Democrats never do anything but represent their party.

No matter how extreme and irrational the demands of the party are.

The government is open for three weeks and at the end of that time, they will probably have nothing but another CR to vote through. I don't call that "winning." And the Pres will take the national emergency route and get his wall anyway.

I think it's exceptionally unlikely that Trump ever gets an actual wall built by calling a national emergency. I'm not saying he won't try it, although you can argue that if he were confident that it would work he would have done it already. Who knows how a court case involving that declaration would go, but it's a certainty that there would be one and that there would be an injunction preventing any building until it was decided.
I looked a little bit into this national emergency thing--it's complicated because he needs to cite and go by existing statutes in order to do anything, and I did NOT look at those statutes he needs to rely on. That's for the likes of you to figure out; Statutese is pretty much indecipherable to me.

I realize there will be a challenge if he tries to use a national emergency to build walls. It reminds me of the three travel ban attempts. Tied up in court for months and months, some injunctions.

All in all, I hope they come to a mutually satisfactory compromise.
Do the Democrats want to tie up the reopening of the government for months and months waiting for this to go then the courts?
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Not sure where you have been but Trump got his tax cuts and he never promised to reduce spending. When he said he was the king of debt, he was being very serious.

Whom would you like to see as the GOP nominee in 2020?
He said in his announcement this afternoon that if at the end of the three weeks, the committee they are forming has not come to an agreement, he will declare a national emergency.

The inconcistency comes by way of the fact that he's talking about declaring an emergency with regard to something that is nothing more than a consequence of quite another root problem in government policy completely.

The problem is the monetary policy. This is the Congress own derelict of duty.

But they;re skating around that by creating this big fear tactic in oerder to bring i nmore tyrannical legislation. They're already confiscating phones at the border and downloadign the content of random Americans coming in and out. They already have us being searched just to fly. And now they want to wall to really squeeze us. And next they'll be using the fear mongering to usher in national id.

The whole narrative about a wall for protecting Americans is just another a ruse to gerner more unconstitutional power.

And it's people like the poster with whom you;re responding that spread the nonsense around. They;re completely clueless to the actual root issue. Any discussion they;re gonna stimulate will have nothing to do with the root issue here. It just won't. It's just another mainstream dumbing down exercise.

Really, you have to chuckle at just how out there amercians really are.

As I said, he's wanting to debate how he's gonna wash and wax a car with a blown motor and he's not wanting to talk abotu the blown motor that is the actual kproble mthat needs addressing. Again, it's just a reflectio of how the media really is dumbing down people to the root issues at hand.

Move along. Nothing to see here. Not really. It's like that old saying about playing chesswith a pigeon. The pigeon's just gonna knock over all of the pieces and then strut around crapping all over the board like he won. Ha.

the root of Trumps wall is him lying about building a concrete wall, 2000 miles long, 20 feet high. and MEXICO PAYING FOR IT

So let's say negotiations go poorly, and Trump declares a national emergency

It's not like we're all headed to bomb shelters to count cans of beans, right?

Government to open, and no money up front for Trump's Ego Wall.

What does she win? A chance to negotiate for funding for the wall like she promised or the government shuts down again? Unless she lives up to the idea of negotiating in an honest and open way, I'm not sure she won all that much.

I think Democrats have already accepted that Nancy/Democrats in Congress will refuse to negotiate in good faith, I suspect they won't as well otherwise they wouldn't consider this a win..

Tell ya what Lumps.

I'm gonna buy the house up the street. I'll tell the real estate agent that you're paying for it.

What's that? You never agreed to that? Why won't you "negotiate in good faith"?

I'd ask for an explanation but I'm not really interested in what you have to say..
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Not sure where you have been but Trump got his tax cuts and he never promised to reduce spending. When he said he was the king of debt, he was being very serious.

Whom would you like to see as the GOP nominee in 2020?
Almost anyone Trump is an accident waiting to happen,,,,,,,,,,,,Coulter called him the biggest wimp ever lol
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.

I can not disagree with you on this. For whatever reason he might have had, Trump did the right thing. The Dems should be happy, but instead they use it to attack even more...and then people wonder why our country is going down the shitter.
We don’t wonder! The country is going down the shitter because of democrats! Need evidence? Look at their states and cities!
Yea...I'm getting out of the hellhole of New York with it's great education and culture and health care and jumping on a Alabama

Try Mississippi or Louisiana, now that is culture bigly.
Nawlins is the bomb. I could do Baton Rouge but my wife ... not.

Jackson Miss was ok, but the past 20 years have not been kind. The Gulf Coast is not a bad place after the post-karina rebuild.

I don't know of many good places in Ala. Huntsville, Muscle Shoals ..... I could do Point Clear, but my wife .. not

I'm many ways even New Orleans has never recovered from Katrina! I know I worked down there afterwards and went back 2 years ago when my son was living there. It ain't like it was pre Katrina!
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The difference between business and government: business is a dog eat dog world. and government is exactly the reverse!
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Not sure where you have been but Trump got his tax cuts and he never promised to reduce spending. When he said he was the king of debt, he was being very serious.

Whom would you like to see as the GOP nominee in 2020?
Almost anyone Trump is an accident waiting to happen,,,,,,,,,,,,Coulter called him the biggest wimp ever lol

Coulter is a dumb bitch, always has been.

Funny to see the Dems fawning all over her now because she is saying mean thing about Trump.

Has to suck being a partisan.
So let's say negotiations go poorly, and Trump declares a national emergency

It's not like we're all headed to bomb shelters to count cans of beans, right?


wrong buffalo breath ... better do your homework on this one.

Between you and I, I'm likely the only one who is looking at the actual discrepancy in power with regard the root issue.

You, on the other hand, are just reciting some dumbed down, irrelevant, back assward narrative you heard on your television which has nothing to do with the actual conundrum at hand.

What youl;re doing is asking who's job is it to wash and wax the broken down car when what you should be asking is how the motor got blown and whose job it is to fix it.

But, I've not been around in a while. I'm hungry to feed on one of you big government losers In front of all of your friends, go ahead and make your case. Tell us what you have been told is the actual conundrum here.

Trump can claim national emergency until he is green -

Potential arguments that would rise are whether the border wall is necessary to support the armed forces already deployed at the border, whether the construction has the appropriate approval, and whether the reallocation of funds is justified. Also a matter of debate is who would have legal standing to challenge the president’s declaration.

all to be decided by the SC ....

next contestant ...
I'm not sure it will be that open and shut.

National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301
Fact Sheet

The National Emergencies Act (NEA) authorizes the president to declare a “national emergency.”1 A declaration under NEA triggers emergency authorities contained in other federal statutes. Past NEA declarations have addressed, among other things, the imposition of export controls and limitations on transactions and property from specified nations.2 A national emergency was declared in 2001 after the September 11th terrorist attacks and has been renewed every year since then. (Download a printable PDF.)

What the Law Does

The NEA authorizes the president to declare a national emergency, which declaration activates emergency powers contained in other federal statutes.3During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the president’s declaration of a national emergency under the NEA, coupled with the HHS secretary’s prior determination of a public health emergency under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), permitted the activation of Social Security Act (SSA) Section 1135 waiver authorities. (See Figure A for the text of the 2009 H1N1 NEA declaration.)

How the Law Works
The NEA does not provide any specific emergency authority on its own, but relies on emergency authorities provided in other statutes. A national emergency declaration allows for the activation of these other statutory authorities. Emergency statutory provisions are not activated automatically, however; they must be specifically identified in the president’s declaration before these authorities may be given effect.

NEA Section 201 authorizes the president to declare a national emergency. The proclamation of a national emergency must be immediately transmitted to Congress and published in the Federal Register.1,2 Under NEA Section 301, statutory emergency authorities enabled by the national emergency declaration cannot be exercised until the president specifies the provisions of law under which the president or other officials will act. Such specification may be made either in the declaration or in subsequent Executive Orders published in theFederal Register and transmitted to Congress.

A national emergency can be terminated if the president issues a proclamation or if Congress enacts a joint resolution terminating the emergency. A national emergency will terminate automatically upon the anniversary of the proclamation unless the president renews the proclamation by transmitting notice to Congress within a 90-day period prior to the anniversary date and publishing it in the Federal Register.

National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301 Fact Sheet | State Public Health | ASTHO

Looks like Trump can declare the national emergency and it stays subject to annual renewal until a Joint Resolution terminates it. The Senate looks to keep it even if the House votes no. I'm optimistic. This even takes it out of the courts, its normal procedure.
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Lol, you had been told before live in it now!
I can not disagree with you on this. For whatever reason he might have had, Trump did the right thing. The Dems should be happy, but instead they use it to attack even more...and then people wonder why our country is going down the shitter.
We don’t wonder! The country is going down the shitter because of democrats! Need evidence? Look at their states and cities!
Yea...I'm getting out of the hellhole of New York with it's great education and culture and health care and jumping on a Alabama

Try Mississippi or Louisiana, now that is culture bigly.
Nawlins is the bomb. I could do Baton Rouge but my wife ... not.

Jackson Miss was ok, but the past 20 years have not been kind. The Gulf Coast is not a bad place after the post-karina rebuild.

I don't know of many good places in Ala. Huntsville, Muscle Shoals ..... I could do Point Clear, but my wife .. not

I'm many ways even New Orleans has never recovered from Katrina! I know I worked down there afterwards and went back 2 years ago when my son was living there. Helene it ain't like it was pre Katrina!
I've been down multiple times since Katrina. The Quarter is ok. I haven't been down in the past 3 years or so just because I haven't gone anywhere. My wife's gone up north nearly ten times to see the kid. I take care of the kid's now geriatric pets. LOL
I love the sweet smell and the taste of Conservative tears in the afternoon.

No tears, just a massive steam cloud coming out of my ears. This motherfucker needs to DIE, and SOON!!!!!!!

reported. This is against the TOS
Reported ??? Come on Grow up

Yes. even on this board we should not be wishing death upon an elected official. There is a limit to what should be acceptable.

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