SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.



I love the sweet smell and the taste of Conservative tears in the afternoon.

I stated it before and I'll state it again, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will BREAK Donald!! And she did.
Won't be the last time either.
He's going to learn.

You have already lost the war.

Democrats are 100% mentally impotent.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
I stated it before and I'll state it again, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will BREAK Donald Trump!! And she did.
I laughed when I read those right-wing posts putting down Pelosi. Those morons completely underestimated her. Trump is nowhere, not remotely, in Pelosi's league politically, intellectually.or in terms of mental toughness.
There are major differences in them. She works for the illegals, he works for Americans, he cares about the Angel moms, she will not even look at them. She gave Obamaturd and Bush walls, she hates Trump more than she cares about this country. Trump loves America!
Trump loves America so much he has conspired against it when he ran for president. Try again.
Government to open, and no money up front for Trump's Ego Wall.

What does she win? A chance to negotiate for funding for the wall like she promised or the government shuts down again? Unless she lives up to the idea of negotiating in an honest and open way, I'm not sure she won all that much.

I'm thinking Democrats have already accepted that Nancy/Democrats in Congress will refuse to negotiate in good faith. I suspect they won't as well otherwise they wouldn't consider this a win but an opportunity to solve the crisis at the border and get 800,000 government employees paid.
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so finally are trump supporter gonna realize what fools they are? i seriously doubt is sad to see federal workers being used by either party but in his own words trump owns this so his ass buddy mitch mconnell
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
I stated it before and I'll state it again, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will BREAK Donald Trump!! And she did.
I laughed when I read those right-wing posts putting down Pelosi. Those morons completely underestimated her. Trump is nowhere, not remotely, in Pelosi's league politically, intellectually, or in terms of mental toughness.
Coulter calls Trump a wimp bigger than even GHW Bush may he rip
These are the six cock suckers that voted against Trump. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sen. Lisa Murkowksi (R-AK)

Once AGAIN --- and this still hasn't changed as long as there has been a United States --- a Congresscritter's job is NOT to represent a political party; it is to represent their constituents.

Take Isakson. His state is about to host the Super Bowl, with one of the busiest airports in the world, staffed by ATCs charged with keeping all those planes from crashing into each other, who haven't been paid in a month.

Who will be the "cocksucker" when one of those ATCs who's driving for Über to pay the bills, doesn't react quick enough because he's fatigued from putting food on the table?

Here's the short version of this post:

"Fuck you".
. No fuck you. You flamboyant little faggot.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
I stated it before and I'll state it again, Speaker Nancy Pelosi will BREAK Donald Trump!! And she did.
I laughed when I read those right-wing posts putting down Pelosi. Those morons completely underestimated her. Trump is nowhere, not remotely, in Pelosi's league politically, intellectually.or in terms of mental toughness.
There are major differences in them. She works for the illegals, he works for Americans, he cares about the Angel moms, she will not even look at them. She gave Obamaturd and Bush walls, she hates Trump more than she cares about this country. Trump loves America!
Trump loves America so much he has conspired against it when he ran for president. Try again.
Prove it!
We elected the greatest Dealmaker if all time
Someone who would show DC how things are done in the business world

Trump came off like an inept little boy as Pelosi showed him the ropes

You keep posting like the game is over?! It is not Game-Set-Match. Nothing has been decided yet, except that the workers can get paid. The game goes on for at least 2-years, and probably 6-more after Trump wins in 2020. Any bets on how much legislation Nancy and her Animal House gets passed?

Nancy is not looking to pass legislation while Trump is President

In terms of the wall..... Game, Set, Match

Gridlock is usually a good thing. So I'm okay with the status quo if you are.
However, the wall is NOT over just yet. Trump has the National Emergency card to play. After that, if needed, I'm sure there are other way he can fund and build the wall.
1. Take some funding from Foreign Aid
2. Take some funding from Tariffs
3. Take some money from Defense
4. Take some funding from disaster relief
5. Other funding sources
I'll let you know when it's Game-Set-Match

He can’t use that funding

these idiots cant fathom the fact Trump needs the House before he can spend a damn dime ...
These are the six cock suckers that voted against Trump. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sen. Lisa Murkowksi (R-AK)

Once AGAIN --- and this still hasn't changed as long as there has been a United States --- a Congresscritter's job is NOT to represent a political party; it is to represent their constituents.

Take Isakson. His state is about to host the Super Bowl, with one of the busiest airports in the world, staffed by ATCs charged with keeping all those planes from crashing into each other, who haven't been paid in a month.

Who will be the "cocksucker" when one of those ATCs who's driving for Über to pay the bills, doesn't react quick enough because he's fatigued from putting food on the table?

Here's the short version of this post:

"Fuck you".
And yet Democrats never do anything but represent their party.

No matter how extreme and irrational the demands of the party are.
He said in his announcement this afternoon that if at the end of the three weeks, the committee they are forming has not come to an agreement, he will declare a national emergency.

The inconcistency comes by way of the fact that he's talking about declaring an emergency with regard to something that is nothing more than a consequence of quite another root problem in government policy completely.

The problem is the monetary policy. This is the Congress own derelict of duty.

But they're skating around that by creating this big fear tactic in order to bring in more tyrannical legislation. They're already confiscating phones at the border and downloading the content of random Americans coming in and out. They already have us being searched just to fly. And now they want to wall to really squeeze us. And next they'll be using the fear mongering to usher in national id.

The whole narrative about a wall for protecting Americans is just another a ruse to garner more unconstitutional power.

And it's people like the poster with whom you're responding that spread the nonsense around. They're completely clueless to the actual root issue. Any discussion they're gonna stimulate will have nothing to do with the root issue here. It just won't. It's just another mainstream dumbing down exercise.

Really, you have to chuckle at just how many mainstream television news entertainment drones there are out there spreading around a dumbed down narrative just because they don't know any better..

As I said, he's wanting to debate how he's gonna wash and wax a car with a blown motor in order to sell it to soem unsuspecting sucker and he's not wanting to talk about the blown motor that is the actual problem that needs addressing. Again, it's just a reflection of how the media really is dumbing down people to the root issues at hand.

Move along. Nothing to see here. Not really. It's like that old saying about playing chesswith a pigeon. The pigeon's just gonna knock over all of the pieces and then strut around crapping all over the board like he won. Ha.
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so finally are trump supporter gonna realize what fools they are? i seriously doubt is sad to see federal workers being used by either party but in his own words trump owns this so his ass buddy mitch mconnell

In fact just yesterday one of the R Senatepeople pointed the finger at Flashbulb Man. "This is your fault'.
Oh man I was hoping this would be true.

The Drudge Report? Seriously?

Do you have any credible and reputable sources on this?

I really want the shutdown to end but because of the history of non stop lies and conspiracies at drudge report It's impossible for me to believe very much of what they report.

There was a report that trump is going to have an open press conference at 1:30 today but it was reported in regard to the arrest of stone this morning. Since it's open all the press is going to ask about is the arrest this morning.

I think that drudge has gotten it right that trump will go before the press today but I don't think he is right about the subject matter.

You are a loon, right?


Actually no I'm not.

I just did a search on this again. When I posted that my search resulted that there was to be an open press conference at 1:30 though it didn't say why. Which is why I posted the above.

I've done another search and I've found something that the announcement will be on a way forward on the shutdown. A possible short term deal to reopen the government.

So it looks like it is going to be about the shutdown. I like I said above, I hope it's true.
CNN thinks it will be a three week re-opening. Disappointing but kicking the can seems to be D.C.'s favorite form of exercise the past couple years.

I sure wish Trump wasn't ALWAYS a half hour late -- does he do it on purpose to whet the audience's appetite or is he just always having a hair crisis?

I think someone told him how much it irks you and he enjoys "Punking" you.

Well now we know.

trump CAVED.

The government is going to reopen WITHOUT one PENNY for that stupid wall.

Nancy Pelosi did the work of the people and will continue to do so.

Which means not one penny for any stupid wall.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?
You are wrong , it is a temporary agreement. If the wall isn't agreed to, the government shuts down again.
Government to open, and no money up front for Trump's Ego Wall.

What does she win? A chance to negotiate for funding for the wall like she promised or the government shuts down again? Unless she lives up to the idea of negotiating in an honest and open way, I'm not sure she won all that much.

I think Democrats have already accepted that Nancy/Democrats in Congress will refuse to negotiate in good faith, I suspect they won't as well otherwise they wouldn't consider this a win..

Tell ya what Lumps.

I'm gonna buy the house up the street. I'll tell the real estate agent that you're paying for it.

What's that? You never agreed to that? Why won't you "negotiate in good faith"? How 'bout a pro-rated down payment?
I looked a little bit into this national emergency thing--it's complicated because he needs to cite and go by existing statutes in order to do anything, and I did NOT look at those statutes he needs to rely on. That's for the likes of you to figure out; Statutese is pretty much indecipherable to me.

I realize there will be a challenge if he tries to use a national emergency to build walls. It reminds me of the three travel ban attempts. Tied up in court for months and months, some injunctions.

All in all, I hope they come to a mutually satisfactory compromise.

This article is a pretty good brief overview.

Trump says he likes to make big deals. If I were a Democratic congressperson, I would offer the full amount he wants for a wall ($25 billion) in exchange for a comprehensive slate of immigration reforms, e.g. the DREAM act, a pathway to legal permanent resident status for long-term illegal residents meeting some minimum criteria (employment, lack of significant criminal records), maybe an expanded temporary work visa program for migrant workers. There is plenty to negotiate over there.

But, others have made the argument that Trump and the GOP congress in general have not really offered much in exchange for the wall in part because they don't actually think the wall is very valuable. I think that's likely true of congress. It fits the way this saga has unfolded. I also think a wall is not particularly valuable but I'd give them one in exchange for meaningful reform.

What I think will probably actually happen is that Trump will sign some longer term budget which includes money for border security but no actual wall. It's not clear why anyone should expect round 2 of this to be much different than round 1, apart from the possibility of an emergency declaration.
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Now that’s some funny shit. Don’t throw away your knee pads so fast.

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