SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

We don’t wonder! The country is going down the shitter because of democrats! Need evidence? Look at their states and cities!
Yea...I'm getting out of the hellhole of New York with it's great education and culture and health care and jumping on a Alabama

Try Mississippi or Louisiana, now that is culture bigly.
Nawlins is the bomb. I could do Baton Rouge but my wife ... not.

Jackson Miss was ok, but the past 20 years have not been kind. The Gulf Coast is not a bad place after the post-karina rebuild.

I don't know of many good places in Ala. Huntsville, Muscle Shoals ..... I could do Point Clear, but my wife .. not

I'm many ways even New Orleans has never recovered from Katrina! I know I worked down there afterwards and went back 2 years ago when my son was living there. Helene it ain't like it was pre Katrina!
I've been down multiple times since Katrina. The Quarter is ok. I haven't been down in the past 3 years or so just because I haven't gone anywhere. My wife's gone up north nearly ten times to see the kid. I take care of the kid's now geriatric pets. LOL

It is just not the same city! It is still the jewel of Louisiana but the state as a whole is pretty backwsrds!
These are the six cock suckers that voted against Trump. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO)
Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA)
Sen. Lisa Murkowksi (R-AK)

Once AGAIN --- and this still hasn't changed as long as there has been a United States --- a Congresscritter's job is NOT to represent a political party; it is to represent their constituents.

Take Isakson. His state is about to host the Super Bowl, with one of the busiest airports in the world, staffed by ATCs charged with keeping all those planes from crashing into each other, who haven't been paid in a month.

Who will be the "cocksucker" when one of those ATCs who's driving for Über to pay the bills, doesn't react quick enough because he's fatigued from putting food on the table?

Here's the short version of this post:

"Fuck you".
And yet Democrats never do anything but represent their party.

No matter how extreme and irrational the demands of the party are.


You are just too brainwashed to understand your idea of what government should be like is only limited to the Republican Party.

Democrats rarely ever do anything that is not explicitly linked to their party’s agenda, even if it is rioting and protesting over yesterday’s progressive agenda being adhered to.

Democrats are nothing but a bunch of racist, sexist hooligans who have tricked tens of millions of idiots into voting for them no matter what they say or do.
I love the sweet smell and the taste of Conservative tears in the afternoon.

No tears, just a massive steam cloud coming out of my ears. This motherfucker needs to DIE, and SOON!!!!!!!

reported. This is against the TOS
Reported ??? Come on Grow up

Yes. even on this board we should not be wishing death upon an elected official. There is a limit to what should be acceptable.
Right and everyone was so outraged by the RBG posts.
Thank you. And something tells me if he has to, a wall will get built in record time where needed. I don’t put anything past him. It will be built before the 2020 elections.
wrong buffalo breath ... better do your homework on this one.

Between you and I, I'm likely the only one who is looking at the actual discrepancy in power with regard the root issue.

You, on the other hand, are just reciting some dumbed down, irrelevant, back assward narrative you heard on your television which has nothing to do with the actual conundrum at hand.

What youl;re doing is asking who's job is it to wash and wax the broken down car when what you should be asking is how the motor got blown and whose job it is to fix it.

But, I've not been around in a while. I'm hungry to feed on one of you big government losers In front of all of your friends, go ahead and make your case. Tell us what you have been told is the actual conundrum here.

Trump can claim national emergency until he is green -

Potential arguments that would rise are whether the border wall is necessary to support the armed forces already deployed at the border, whether the construction has the appropriate approval, and whether the reallocation of funds is justified. Also a matter of debate is who would have legal standing to challenge the president’s declaration.

all to be decided by the SC ....

next contestant ...
I'm not sure it will be that open and shut.

National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301
Fact Sheet

The National Emergencies Act (NEA) authorizes the president to declare a “national emergency.”1 A declaration under NEA triggers emergency authorities contained in other federal statutes. Past NEA declarations have addressed, among other things, the imposition of export controls and limitations on transactions and property from specified nations.2 A national emergency was declared in 2001 after the September 11th terrorist attacks and has been renewed every year since then. (Download a printable PDF.)

What the Law Does

The NEA authorizes the president to declare a national emergency, which declaration activates emergency powers contained in other federal statutes.3During the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic, the president’s declaration of a national emergency under the NEA, coupled with the HHS secretary’s prior determination of a public health emergency under Section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), permitted the activation of Social Security Act (SSA) Section 1135 waiver authorities. (See Figure A for the text of the 2009 H1N1 NEA declaration.)

How the Law Works
The NEA does not provide any specific emergency authority on its own, but relies on emergency authorities provided in other statutes. A national emergency declaration allows for the activation of these other statutory authorities. Emergency statutory provisions are not activated automatically, however; they must be specifically identified in the president’s declaration before these authorities may be given effect.

NEA Section 201 authorizes the president to declare a national emergency. The proclamation of a national emergency must be immediately transmitted to Congress and published in the Federal Register.1,2 Under NEA Section 301, statutory emergency authorities enabled by the national emergency declaration cannot be exercised until the president specifies the provisions of law under which the president or other officials will act. Such specification may be made either in the declaration or in subsequent Executive Orders published in theFederal Register and transmitted to Congress.

A national emergency can be terminated if the president issues a proclamation or if Congress enacts a joint resolution terminating the emergency. A national emergency will terminate automatically upon the anniversary of the proclamation unless the president renews the proclamation by transmitting notice to Congress within a 90-day period prior to the anniversary date and publishing it in the Federal Register.

National Emergencies Act, Sections 201 and 301 Fact Sheet | State Public Health | ASTHO

Looks like Trump can declare the national emergency and it stays subject to annual renewal until a Joint Resolution terminates it. The Senate looks to keep it even if the House votes no. I'm optimistic. This even takes it out of the courts, its normal procedure.
Trump did the right thing. The wrong people were suffering during all of this.

He has now put the ball in the court of the Dems.

Shutdowns are a terrible waste of money, anyone that does not like to see their tax dollars wasted should be happy....guess we know where you stand on that

Who deserves to be suffering according to you? The ball is sitting right where it's always been and won't be moved just because Trump's threatening to allow gov't to shut down again in 3 weeks! If a plane collided during this mess, he would certainly be blamed; hence this huge cave to Pelosi who will continue to b!tch slap this a-hole! He doesn't have a leg to stand on going against her! He could get away with murder with Ryan at the helm of Congress, but she doesn't play and has an iron grip on her Democratic members! "Good luck in 3 weeks Fed workers!" :102:
The President's plan is to declare a national emergency in three weeks, not shut down the government again.
He is going to also enact The Draft and have DemNazi Libtards build the Wall for him. Nancy Pelosi will be the first one drafted in to the new "Wall Force."
Oh. You're laughing at him. You think he will change his mind, huh?

What MIND? :102: :1041: :21: :aargh: :abgg2q.jpg:
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.



I love the sweet smell and the taste of Conservative tears in the afternoon.

Understand something. He is the last chance to save a sovereign nation. We got to this point faster then ROME did in becoming an empire. Even in decline that empire could of last a lot longer. But the endless amounts of illegals and people entering her territory destroyed it within a century. then the Dark Ages started. You could see a way of it happening again here of the three different parties that included the Native American man, the African American Israeli men and the Catholic School kids. You could see who were the smartest and the most reviled. We have smart people of all backgrounds. But cultural backgrounds are now a presedence over the good of a nation. And the Asians are licking their chops. As they prepare to become the dominant people of the world.
when negotiating a deal, always appear that you're constantly being outsmarted. it should look like you're about to lose the deal. and then, at the very last minute, you actually do lose. that's dealmaking! - Trump
Donald Trump is DEAD to me!!!! The worthless waste of flesh and oxygen has no spine and no guts. He should have learned from his inability to come through on prior promises (tax cuts, reduced spending, repeal of ACA, etc...). Each one reduced his support. He has to have realized that giving in on his foundational promise to build the wall would mean an end to the support from his base.

I hope this motherfucker chokes to death on his next Big Mac. He needs to be primaried for 2020 and replaced with an actual Conservative, to give the GOP any shot to control even a single part of the Government.


Not sure where you have been but Trump got his tax cuts and he never promised to reduce spending. When he said he was the king of debt, he was being very serious.

Whom would you like to see as the GOP nominee in 2020?
Almost anyone Trump is an accident waiting to happen,,,,,,,,,,,,Coulter called him the biggest wimp ever lol

Coulter is a dumb bitch, always has been.

Funny to see the Dems fawning all over her now because she is saying mean thing about Trump.

Has to suck being a partisan.
Never cared much for her but she calls it right once in a great while And partisan?? You like being in the middle or falling for the trump BS ? That's your business, but as far as I'm concerned Trump is the worst ever to darken our doors and I liked you much better on the side of justice and the American way lol
racist lol the fucking maga hat just replaced the klan hood
and how is grabbing pussies....seems you just dont pay attention to what is going on and drink the gop kool aid

six people have now been indicted that were in trumps circle
Government to open, and no money up front for Trump's Ego Wall.

What does she win? A chance to negotiate for funding for the wall like she promised or the government shuts down again? Unless she lives up to the idea of negotiating in an honest and open way, I'm not sure she won all that much.

I think Democrats have already accepted that Nancy/Democrats in Congress will refuse to negotiate in good faith, I suspect they won't as well otherwise they wouldn't consider this a win..

Tell ya what Lumps.

I'm gonna buy the house up the street. I'll tell the real estate agent that you're paying for it.

What's that? You never agreed to that? Why won't you "negotiate in good faith"?

I'd ask for an explanation but I'm not really interested in what you have to say..

Winner of a response!
the root of Trumps wall is him lying about building a concrete wall, 2000 miles long, 20 feet high. and MEXICO PAYING FOR IT


Dude, I could have turned on Fox News to hear that dumbed down horse pucky.

The government is the magnet which draws them here. Period. The welfare is what draws them here for the most part. As soon as they come here and have kids, they apply for welfare for them. Then we pay for their education, their medical, they get social security later on (at least they think they will, that money won't be there) they get food stamps, they get a monthly check., They get housing. We could go on.

All the speak about the wall is nothing more than a distraction from the fact of the matter. To place blame on a consequence of a problem rather than hacving the fortitude to accept responsibility for the problem. And it;s a bipartiusan affair, I'd add.

That wall nnsense is so far removed from the actua l root cause of all of the illegal immigration that it's laughable to even read it.

What that wall will bring are more unconstitutional searches and seizures. It will usher in national id. Once we get national id, freedom as we know it is dead, do youerself a favor and read past legislation on it. Hell, now they even want our social media profiles. They're already detaining us and downloading our phones at the border at whim.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

And, as always, the people such as yourself will love them.
I love the sweet smell and the taste of Conservative tears in the afternoon.

No tears, just a massive steam cloud coming out of my ears. This motherfucker needs to DIE, and SOON!!!!!!!

reported. This is against the TOS
Reported ??? Come on Grow up

Yes. even on this board we should not be wishing death upon an elected official. There is a limit to what should be acceptable.
Right and everyone was so outraged by the RBG posts.

I was. One of the benefits of not being a partisan sheep, I can be consistent in my views.

But you would not understand
So what you are saying is Pelosi doesn't care about border security or Federal Workers.

And now she has 3 weeks to put up or shut up before The President declares a National Emergency.

No, now President Trump has acknowledged that Nancy Pelosi has removed his balls and is now carrying them in her purse, the wall issue will quietly die so Trump doesn't endure the further public humiliation of having him remove them and show them to the American public AGAIN, since she's done so twice just this weeks.

Name one thing that Nancy will get passed. You can't because everything that Animal House passes is DOA either in the Senate or Trump's veto. I was always a fan of gridlock, especially when dems are involved. Don't forget, she has been showing signs of TIA, so lets see how the pressure of getting nothing done wears on her and the rest of the Animal House.
She doesn’t have to get things done
It is Trump facing impeachment and up for election
How is that wall coming?
What did you have to give to get it?

Impeachment isn't a problem with a GOP Senate, 67 Votes is not going to happen.
Re-election isn't a worry either. The dems don't have a candidate worth voting for.
The wall is still in contention, whether the dems play nice and fund it (doubtful), or Trump goes the national emergency route (probable)is being decided. Maybe if RBG gets replaced by Amy Coney Barrett the emergency wall would be a no-brainer.

They didn’t have enough Republican votes to impeach Nixon either....until the report came out and Nixon took the easy out....So will Trump Got Stone today
Unlimited National Emergency powers for a President is something even Republicans don’t want

You keep putting all your eggs in Mueller's basket, we'll see.
Stone wasn't charged with anything collusion related, they were all chikin-shit process crimes, like Flynn & Popadope
The oldlady posted the National Emergency power template and it looks to me that the only way it gets terminated is with a "Joint Resolution", which I doubt the Senate would approve. So I'm cautiously optimistic that Trump can legally declare an emergency and build his wall, unless a Joint Resolution stops it.
Trump ends up looking like the reasonable one who cares about America.

Pelosi gets 3 weeks to negotiate / compromise and get a deal that includes funding for a wall...

If she continues to refuse to negotiate / compromise, after Democrats under her broke ranks to work with the GOP to secure this Temp deal, Trump will declare a National Emergency and fund / build the wall.

All the pressure is now on Pelosi to do something with the deal her fellow Democrats negotiated on their own and brought to her.

If she fails again, Trump will get the wall, & Pelosi will look like a failed obstructionist do-nothing Speaker...
poor poor trump voters.....i find it so amusing....poor poor things....he basically fucked his own base.....

I'm thinking the necessary border walls will be built with or without Congressional Democrats doing their job.Trump will declare a national emergency and the 800,000 government employees won't be getting screwed over by the loony precocious Democrats in Congress
Last edited:
Of the 16 Trump caves threads started by unhinged, sputtering Libs, I will respond to this one.

This is temporary to give relief to the Federal workers. Trump does the right thing and you still ridicule him. You all should be ashamed of yourselves and your pettiness.
Nancy Pelosi has Trump quaking in his boots.

Having said that I am glad Trump gave in and took the appropriate action. He started this problem and at lease he was man enough to end it....for now.
He is watching himself get hammered on Fox right now
It will not work out well
If I were Trump, I would do the unexpected and give the middle finger to Coulter, Hannity and Limbaugh. I would say the action he took was to get the nation back on track and he was declaring his independence from those and other right-wing morons. His poll numbers would soar.
hate to see anything good happen to him but you are imho 100% right
the root of Trumps wall is him lying about building a concrete wall, 2000 miles long, 20 feet high. and MEXICO PAYING FOR IT


Dude, I could have turned on Fox News to hear that dumbed down horse pucky.

The government is the magnet which draws them here. Period. The welfare is what draws them here for the most part. As soon as they come here and have kids, they apply for welfare for them. Then we pay for their education, their medical, they get social security later on (at least they think they will, that money won't be there) they get food stamps, they get a monthly check., They get housing. We could go on.

All the speak about the wall is nothing more than a distraction from the fact of the matter. To place blame on a consequence of a problem rather than hacving the fortitude to accept responsibility for the problem. And it;s a bipartiusan affair, I'd add.

That wall nnsense is so far removed from the actua l root cause of all of the illegal immigration that it's laughable to even read it.

What that wall will bring are more unconstitutional searches and seizures. It will usher in national id. Once we get national id, freedom as we know it is dead, do youerself a favor and read past legislation on it. Hell, now they even want our social media profiles. They're already detaining us and downloading our phones at the border at whim.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

And, as always, the people such as yourself will love them.


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