SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown
Hey Smith!! What is so damned funny??!!
Your redundancy, captain goof.

How about some relevant facts instead?

One need look no further than the Berlin Wall. Or the Patriot Act, for that matter.

The only people who ever got shot were people who were trying to escape from it behind the Berlin Wall.

Force is anti-moral. Government is force. we want as little of it as possible.

For previous reference, the government said the terrorists hated us for our freedoms. Yet it was those terrorist cells in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government who attacked our freedoms. All in the name of security, of course. And, again, the people loved them fo it. As I recall, the Founders warned us about unconstitutional standing armies, too....


Youre in luck, class is running short today.

oh, ok .... another anti government dipshit - got it GOMER.

The government is open for three weeks and at the end of that time, they will probably have nothing but another CR to vote through. I don't call that "winning." And the Pres will take the national emergency route and get his wall anyway.

I think it's exceptionally unlikely that Trump ever gets an actual wall built by calling a national emergency. I'm not saying he won't try it, although you can argue that if he were confident that it would work he would have done it already. Who knows how a court case involving that declaration would go, but it's a certainty that there would be one and that there would be an injunction preventing any building until it was decided.
But as it will be a national emergency it will get fast tracked to SCOTUS who will affirm Trumps right to build the wall.

And at that point Democrats will have NO SAY WHATSOEVER on how it is built or how much, roflmao.

They will not affirm it if they are originalists. The Constitution gives the Congress the power of the purse and does not give any exceptions. If you look at what the Supreme Court did on DACA, it is clear that Roberts is trying to keep the Supreme Court from being a tool of politicians. He will be quite content to let this work through the courts.
Trump ends up looking like the reasonable one who cares about America.

Pelosi gets 3 weeks to negotiate / compromise and get a deal that includes funding for a wall...

If she continues to refuse to negotiate / compromise, after Democrats under her broke ranks to work with the GOP to secure this Temp deal, Trump will declare a National Emergency and fund / build the wall.

All the pressure is now on Pelosi to do something with the deal her fellow Democrats negotiated on their own and brought to her.

If she fails again, Trump will get the wall, & Pelosi will look like a failed obstructionist do-nothing Speaker...
Far rightwing Republican fantasy in real time folks.

Read it and weep.

Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!
Understand something. He is the last chance to save a sovereign nation. We got to this point faster then ROME did in becoming an empire. Even in decline that empire could of last a lot longer. But the endless amounts of illegals and people entering her territory destroyed it within a century. then the Dark Ages started. You could see a way of it happening again here of the three different parties that included the Native American man, the African American Israeli men and the Catholic School kids. You could see who were the smartest and the most reviled. We have smart people of all backgrounds. But cultural backgrounds are now a presedence over the good of a nation. And the Asians are licking their chops. As they prepare to become the dominant people of the world.
If you're truly concerned about all these damn illegals, why aren't you a proponent of PUNISHING the illegal job creators? Why aren't you a proponent of implementing and/or boning up on the methods that DO WORK in counter illegal aliens?

The wall is not a serious thing dude. It doesn't work. It's an effort in futility. You should know this. Unless you truly are an ignoramus. I'd like to think not.
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Deflection noted. Three weeks will tell the tale. National emergency may be declared when the DEMOCRATS refuse to negotiate anything. As they went on national TV and swore to do when government reopened.
Your Trumpenführer said on live TV that the shutdown will be on HIM!

Talk about Deflection.


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Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!

I love it how you're really insecure Trump being the bigger person here. By opening it back up temporarily it helps the government workers to get their back pay. That's the bigger person who doesn't give millions to the Iranian regime.
oh, ok .... another anti government dipshit - got it GOMER.


Actually, no. I'm a trustee in the governmental process. The process of government. In fact, I've lost track at the moment of just how many local and state elections I've been involved with to some organizational extent. And two general elections, I'd add, as well as delegate training in all fifty states. Many of those buildings that were filled with thousands of people from one coast of this country to the other, crowds that blew the establishment candidates crowds outta the water? That was me, bitch. Heh heh. Well, me and mine. It do for sure take a village, don't it? And I will work to achieve that to whatever legal extent that I can to attain a better group or a better policy in government, even if we only succeed in baby steps. Which we have. The President, after all, espouses our foreign policy, for instance. Do you think this is by chance? Hm? Do you? That's my man in his ear. Not yours. Nor a General's, as has historically been the case with sitting Presidents.

I simply want as little of the federal governent as possible. I want to legalize the Constituton again. What's so bad about that? Why do you hate freedom? Hm? Why?

You don't understand freedom, do you? That's usually the case with regard to your standard trustee in modern cable news entertainment programming.

Something tells me you've never done anything except vote for whomever your television tells you to get up and go vote for.

No, little guy. You're mistaken. I'm pro government. Though, limited government. Limited for liberty! I work hard to get people elected. To fill buildings. To raise money. Millions. To train delegates. Thousands. And so much more.

Boy, you're so far outta your league that's it's laughable. You just don't know it. You have no idea who you're talking to.
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So .. as it turns out Democrats gave diddly squat about the 800,000 government employees, their hate for Trump was their only motivation...

Well, I'm not surprised.. .
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!

I love it how you're really insecure Trump being the bigger person here. By opening it back up temporarily it helps the government workers to get their back pay. That's the bigger person who doesn't give millions to the Iranian regime.
That's your spin on it. He has already caused then untold misery . Airports were cancelling flights. Government contracts will never be compensated for their losses .His approval rating are cratering. He got his ass handed to him. And your pathetic deflection to the conspiracy theory about Obama and Iran is noted and dismissed.
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!

I love it how you're really insecure Trump being the bigger person here. By opening it back up temporarily it helps the government workers to get their back pay. That's the bigger person who doesn't give millions to the Iranian regime.
That's your spin on it. He has already caused then untold misery . Airports were cancelling flights. Government contracts will never be compensated for their losses .His approval rating are cratering. He got his ass handed to him. And your pathetic deflection to the conspiracy theory about Obama and Iran is noted and dismissed.
Your short term memory is kicking in. Democrats could easily obstruct yet again Feb 15th not caring about border security forcing another shutdown. But Trump had to be the real leader today stopping this for it's government workers to get back pay.

And good pointing out it was nObama who caved to the Iranian Regime. Except our government workers aren't held hostage anymore by these democrat leaders not caring about border security.
Pelosi yet again looks hungover during this press conference. While her cabin boy Schumer is just being a puppet.
Instead of making juvenile attacks on Pelosi and Schumer, you might want to listen to his concession speech and get a tast of how badly he has been whacked.

Case in point:
He stated that we do not need a wall from "sea to sea", claims that he never proposed such a thing, and acknowledged the fact that there are natural barrier where a wall ( or fence) is not needed. He said build it in high risk area. No shit, I might be able to support that

In addition, is now, and only now, talking about the use of technology - drones etc. He has been beaten into submission!

‘We have reached a deal:’ President Trump, Congress leaders reach deal to end shutdown

You want to talk about "juvenile attacks"? I get your base on just hating Trump. But it still doesn't work because he wont be impeached. Or any of those other threats. Government workers needed to get paid. Trump was the bigger man today for doing that.
Yes I want to talk about juvenile attacks like yours. When I criticize Trump-when I express animosity towards him- I state my reasons like an adult as I did above. Something that you seem to be unable to do. Bigger man? He got beaten down by both Dems and Republicans. The situation that he created was not politically survivable and he knew it. Bigger man my ass!
THIS is why you get ridiculed so much.

'Beaten down'?

Democrats who broke from Pelosi and were secretly meeting with the GOP to negotiate a temp deal approached the President...

They did what the failed Speaker did not / could not do.

Also, you make it sound like this is over. Silly snowflake. Congress - Pelosi - has 3 weeks to negotiate a deal or the wall funding will come through Presidential EO after he declares a national Emergency due to the border situation both Democrats and Republicans have called a crisis.

Pelosi is just continuing to look like an incompetent, petty self/party-serving extremist who wants to hurt Trump in 2020 - in short, a failed Speaker ... Because the Dems below her can negotiate and do her job better than she can...

Is the great Douche going to sign the same deal from 35 days ago?
With just the dates changed?

So .. as it turns out Democrats gave diddly squat about the 800,000 government employees, their hate for Trump was their only motivation...

Well, I'm not surprised.. .
Trump shut down Government and was proud to do it
Yes. even on this board we should not be wishing death upon an elected official. There is a limit to what should be acceptable.

I will wish death on whomever I please. The site has the right to limit the access of anyone who openly comments on such. There’s a difference.

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