SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

State of the union back on. Next three weeks Trump calls state of emergency to build the wall. And especially getting the government back open. Win win.
Trump did the right thing. The wrong people were suffering during all of this.

He has now put the ball in the court of the Dems.

Shutdowns are a terrible waste of money, anyone that does not like to see their tax dollars wasted should be happy....guess we know where you stand on that

Trump should do like he did a decade ago and try to run with the Reform Party with Oprah as his VP while railing against Pat Buchannan as being a racist and bigot for wanting to build a border wall.

I just knew it.

Nothing good ever comes out of New York

It was all a con
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Anyone can be a douche and refuse to negotiate. That was one battle, it was a draw. Trump will get his wall w/o Nancy. We'll see who wins the war won't we?

It was not a draw

It was a capitulation by Trump

How so?

Three weeks, no funds for wall? Trump then makes an emergency declaration.

You didn't hear that part?
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Anyone can be a douche and refuse to negotiate. That was one battle, it was a draw. Trump will get his wall w/o Nancy. We'll see who wins the war won't we?

It was not a draw
It was a capitulation by Trump

Give me a wall or I will shut down Government
I will only agree to a three week opening if you give me partial funding

The dems wanted a full appropriation package without a wall, they didn't get it.

They got 3 weeks to show they can negotiate in good faith.

I doubt their ability to do that.
State of the union back on. Next three weeks Trump calls state of emergency to build the wall. And especially getting the government back open. Win win.

It should be back on...I hope Pelosi does not fuck him over on that.
By "negotiate", do you mean giving Trump the wall you want?

Pelosi is on record as saying she would negotiate if the government re-opened. It's gonna be re-opened for three week. lets see if she was being truthful or not.

Whoa! Good point! And I bet Trump says just what you did.

Well, I think it was a good move. The TSA people were about to close airports, and there was getting to be a problem with the economy even the administration economists were muttering about. So take a break and point out to Pelosi that she promised to negotiate if the shutdown ended, and it did end ------ for now. I like it.
Oh man I was hoping this would be true.

The Drudge Report? Seriously?

Do you have any credible and reputable sources on this?

I really want the shutdown to end but because of the history of non stop lies and conspiracies at drudge report It's impossible for me to believe very much of what they report.

There was a report that trump is going to have an open press conference at 1:30 today but it was reported in regard to the arrest of stone this morning. Since it's open all the press is going to ask about is the arrest this morning.

I think that drudge has gotten it right that trump will go before the press today but I don't think he is right about the subject matter.

You are a loon, right?


Actually no I'm not.

I just did a search on this again. When I posted that my search resulted that there was to be an open press conference at 1:30 though it didn't say why. Which is why I posted the above.

I've done another search and I've found something that the announcement will be on a way forward on the shutdown. A possible short term deal to reopen the government.

So it looks like it is going to be about the shutdown. I like I said above, I hope it's true.
CNN thinks it will be a three week re-opening. Disappointing but kicking the can seems to be D.C.'s favorite form of exercise the past couple years.

I sure wish Trump wasn't ALWAYS a half hour late -- does he do it on purpose to whet the audience's appetite or is he just always having a hair crisis?

I think someone told him how much it irks you and he enjoys "Punking" you.

Well now we know.

trump CAVED.

The government is going to reopen WITHOUT one PENNY for that stupid wall.

Nancy Pelosi did the work of the people and will continue to do so.

Which means not one penny for any stupid wall.

Sucks to be you doesn't it?
Lindsey Graham: If Trump caves, it's the end of his presidency
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

Trump saw the light & the light was VERY BAD.

Trump caved, Trump will re-open government, and Trump gains NOTHING.

What in Hell did we expect from a jack ass that can't even scrub a toilet?

Trump = the bestest business man in town ..........
He did the right thing. My opinion of him has gone up.

Sent from my iPhone using
Come on, it has nothing to do with "the right thing." He's staring Zeropercent growth in the face, and the gop senate is preparing to abandon him over the polls.

NOTHING Trump does is consistent with a single unifying principle or belief - it's all transactional with no interrelation. For example, he wanted to withdraw from Nato while simultaneously taking on China over trade ... all while China is opening trade with the EU.

This is why our country is going down the shitter. Anyone someone does something like what Trump did they are demonized for it. This was the right thing to do, can we not just leave it at that and then let the two sides hash it out without both sides attacking just for the sake of partisanship.
Pablo escobar took care of his people as well, doesnt make him an angel...the orange cause the shutdown and decided to stop it...he caused harm to millions of people...he is a selfish **** and always was.
Very few of these government agencies are constitutional.

Both leftist parties, Democrat and Republican, function contrary to the powers delegated to them via the Constitution.
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

I was just about to post this.

trump caves for a second time.


The trump people are really going to hate Pelosi more now.

She got the best of him with the state of the union speech.

Now she gets the best of him with the shutdown.

trump and his supporters are too stupid to realize that you don't send a rookie like trump into negotiations with a seasoned pro like Pelosi.

The congress isn't controlled by the republicans anymore.

trump and his followers are making a huge mistake thinking that they can ever get the best of Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi did not negotiate!
Trump got what he was willing to accept regarding a budget before Ann Coulter and other conservative talking heads bashed him. I liked his announcement, time for congress to step up and implement some changes both sides have been wanting for quite awhile.
Very few of these government agencies are constitutional.

Both leftist parties, Democrat and Republican, function contrary to the powers delegated to them via the Constitution.

Yea, and all we want is a stupid wall and they can't even do that?

How about starting a wall party?
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached

I was just about to post this.

trump caves for a second time.


The trump people are really going to hate Pelosi more now.

She got the best of him with the state of the union speech.

Now she gets the best of him with the shutdown.

trump and his supporters are too stupid to realize that you don't send a rookie like trump into negotiations with a seasoned pro like Pelosi.

The congress isn't controlled by the republicans anymore.

trump and his followers are making a huge mistake thinking that they can ever get the best of Nancy Pelosi.
Pelosi did not negotiate!

Pelosi is the wall

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