SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

What i
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
What is the deal?

There really isn't a "deal". Trump just re-opened the government so the Democrats will negotiate with him. Trump got nothing in return.

Like I said. When you walk out of the negotiating session, and the other side doesn't say "Wait", you're toast. You can't go back and make any more demands. Every move that YOU make after walking out of that meeting, is a capitulation.

Worst negotiator ever!!
From what I see it's a 3 week continuance.

Let's see if the Dems will actually negotiate now, or will they just keep demanding their way or the highway.
They'll stiff him...They'll never change.

I totally agree. But in 3 weeks he will have the "They said if I re-opened the government they would sit down an negotiate" talking point.

If this is indeed a temporary appropriation he is approving, i can see this going on for 2-3 cycles.
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.
He did the right thing. My opinion of him has gone up.

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Come on, it has nothing to do with "the right thing." He's staring Zeropercent growth in the face, and the gop senate is preparing to abandon him over the polls.

NOTHING Trump does is consistent with a single unifying principle or belief - it's all transactional with no interrelation. For example, he wanted to withdraw from Nato while simultaneously taking on China over trade ... all while China is opening trade with the EU.

This is why our country is going down the shitter. Anyone someone does something like what Trump did they are demonized for it. This was the right thing to do, can we not just leave it at that and then let the two sides hash it out without both sides attacking just for the sake of partisanship.
What i
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
What is the deal?

There really isn't a "deal". Trump just re-opened the government so the Democrats will negotiate with him. Trump got nothing in return.

Like I said. When you walk out of the negotiating session, and the other side doesn't say "Wait", you're toast. You can't go back and make any more demands. Every move that YOU make after walking out of that meeting, is a capitulation.

Worst negotiator ever!!

What he gets is ammunition in 3 weeks when the Dems don't budge on their position. Pelosi is on record of saying she would negotiate if he re-opened the government, now she has to deliver.

Ball in her court now.
What i
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
What is the deal?

There really isn't a "deal". Trump just re-opened the government so the Democrats will negotiate with him. Trump got nothing in return.

Like I said. When you walk out of the negotiating session, and the other side doesn't say "Wait", you're toast. You can't go back and make any more demands. Every move that YOU make after walking out of that meeting, is a capitulation.

Worst negotiator ever!!

I don’t see him getting anything because he is not willing to give anything

Anything the Dems would ask for ........DACA, path to citizenship, humanitarian aid.......are nonstarters for Conservatives the Bond villain Pelosi Gallore.

So who within the GOP is up to the challenge in 2020?

Ted Cruz?
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.

I can not disagree with you on this. For whatever reason he might have had, Trump did the right thing. The Dems should be happy, but instead they use it to attack even more...and then people wonder why our country is going down the shitter.
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Anyone can be a douche and refuse to negotiate. That was one battle, it was a draw. Trump will get his wall w/o Nancy. We'll see who wins the war won't we?
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
Trump got his wall.....

It is named Nancy
In 3-weeks he said he'll declare a national emergency to build the wall. So play ball or become even more irrelevant.
You know why he didn’t declare a national emergency a month ago?

It would fail
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Anyone can be a douche and refuse to negotiate. That was one battle, it was a draw. Trump will get his wall w/o Nancy. We'll see who wins the war won't we?

It was not a draw
It was a capitulation by Trump

Give me a wall or I will shut down Government
I will only agree to a three week opening if you give me partial funding
Now TRUMP can give the SOTU address and put the pressure on Pelosi to pass wall funding in 3 weeks or a re-peat of the shutdown will commence with full blame on Pelosi.
Trump did the right thing. The wrong people were suffering during all of this.

He has now put the ball in the court of the Dems.

Shutdowns are a terrible waste of money, anyone that does not like to see their tax dollars wasted should be happy....guess we know where you stand on that
Bad poll numbers, airport problems and workers who don't want to work for free have forced Trump to concede to Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi:
Trump to speak after tentative deal to end shutdown is reached
Trump got his wall.....

It is named Nancy
In 3-weeks he said he'll declare a national emergency to build the wall. So play ball or become even more irrelevant.
You know why he didn’t declare a national emergency a month ago?

It would fail

Yep, 300 American drug overdoses a day is no emergent crisis.

Increased carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, now there is a crisis!!!!!
OMG, Trump opened the government like the adult he is. He will get his wall, one way or another. We'll see how 2020 plays out in 2020, won't we? We'll see how many more TIA episodes Nancy gets in the coming months from being a radical...
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Why not? The fed workers will get their back-pay, in 3 weeks they get another 1-2 paychecks, then he can start all over again.

And again, now he has the ball in her court. She said she would try to settle this if he funded the government. He will agree to do that, now she has to budge on the "no wall funding" position or she will be seen as the one being obstinate.

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