SOURCE: Shutdown Agreement Reached, Announcement Set for 1PM

Three weeks, no funds for wall? Trump then makes an emergency declaration.

You didn't hear that part?

Yeah, I bet you are right. That would be an excellent negotiating point. You got three weeks, after that we declare this invasion of illegals the emergency it clearly is, and blame you for it, Dems.

I hope that is how it goes --- that could really work.
Nothing's for sure yet.

Some things are for sure, abortion, massive debt, and illegal immigration.

The three pillars of the Progressivism.

Now I will recline in my chair and await Kav to stab us in the back concerning abortion.
He did the right thing. My opinion of him has gone up.

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Come on, it has nothing to do with "the right thing." He's staring Zeropercent growth in the face, and the gop senate is preparing to abandon him over the polls.

NOTHING Trump does is consistent with a single unifying principle or belief - it's all transactional with no interrelation. For example, he wanted to withdraw from Nato while simultaneously taking on China over trade ... all while China is opening trade with the EU.

This is why our country is going down the shitter. Anyone someone does something like what Trump did they are demonized for it. This was the right thing to do, can we not just leave it at that and then let the two sides hash it out without both sides attacking just for the sake of partisanship.
the right thing to do was not shutting the govt in the first place. Trump caved to two RW radio hosts. People have lost jobs, and not just federal workers temporarily forced to work without pay.

Trump only caved when it was inescapable that Pelosi called his threat, and she was willing to see the country go into recession rather than give into extortion that would be repeated over and over whenever Trump, and possibly future potuses, failed to persuade and compromise with congress. The econ was going to hit a wall, and McConnell was losing his ability to hold 40 votes to continue the shutdown

this has nothing to do with "doing the right thing." It's about what is best for Trump.
OK, so Trump opened the government before the situation became critical. I give him credit for demonstrating leadership. Nancy and the rest of Animal House demonstrated that they don't care about border security or Federal workers. We'll see how his national emergency plays out.
Trump keeps it up, he is an asshole.
If he gives in he "caves"
Pur peaches in chief cant win for losing with you pathetic hacks
He's an asshole cheap bully who's caving. LOL

And this whole farce that hurt people was totally unnecessary ... even for him to save face with his base. All he needed to do was find the money for fences at points of entry to let him say "We have BEGUN. Keep the faith."
The hand job from Nancy helped also...
According to Stormy, it was a fingerjob.
Like a tiny little mushroom.
Trump got what he was willing to accept regrading a budget before Ann Coulter and other conservative talking heads bashed him. I liked his announcement, time for congress to step up and implement some changes both sides have been wanting for quite awhile.

DACA as a minimum

A permanent DACA solution is necessary in return for a wall

Coulter and Company will not buy it
Trump has caved before.

Trump Caves on Border Wall

The GOP would not build it either.

Trump is fixed between two political parties dedicated to illegal immigration and drug cartels that run governments South of the border as well.

For three weeks...then he screws the country again with a tantrum....but by that time Mueller will have a dozen more indictments out....reaching always to his family.

We'll see in 3-weeks. I have not been impressed with the MSM's polling results regarding Trump. Nancy had better cough up some wall funding or they own the next shutdown, and that one could be even more serious.

There will be no more wall shutdowns - ever. Trump wouldn't be stupid enough to try that twice, given that this first go-round resulted in his total humiliation at the hands of a woman 1/3 his size.

Wanna bet?

Never underestimate Trump stupidity
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.

I can not disagree with you on this. For whatever reason he might have had, Trump did the right thing. The Dems should be happy, but instead they use it to attack even more...and then people wonder why our country is going down the shitter.
Sorry..but we're PISSED that it came to this in the first place
He did the right thing. My opinion of him has gone up.

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Come on, it has nothing to do with "the right thing." He's staring Zeropercent growth in the face, and the gop senate is preparing to abandon him over the polls.

NOTHING Trump does is consistent with a single unifying principle or belief - it's all transactional with no interrelation. For example, he wanted to withdraw from Nato while simultaneously taking on China over trade ... all while China is opening trade with the EU.

This is why our country is going down the shitter. Anyone someone does something like what Trump did they are demonized for it. This was the right thing to do, can we not just leave it at that and then let the two sides hash it out without both sides attacking just for the sake of partisanship.
the right thing to do was not shutting the govt in the first place. Trump caved to two RW radio hosts. People have lost jobs, and not just federal workers temporarily forced to work without pay.

Trump only caved when it was inescapable that Pelosi called his threat, and she was willing to see the country go into recession rather than give into extortion that would be repeated over and over whenever Trump, and possibly future potuses, failed to persuade and compromise with congress. The econ was going to hit a wall, and McConnell was losing his ability to hold 40 votes to continue the shutdown

this has nothing to do with "doing the right thing." It's about what is best for Trump.
Hopefully, Republicans have learned their lesson on the shutdown card
He did the right thing. My opinion of him has gone up.

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He said something interesting right at the beginning: that the Democrats had finally admitted that barriers are an important part of border security. A bipartisan group is being convened to review information on what works and what is needed, supplied by experts in the field. The committee has three weeks (Feb 15) and if they have not come up with an acceptable plan by then, he will invoke a national emergency.

Doesn't sound like much of a "cave" to me. I am hopeful that this will work.

Oh, another comment of interest was that the tentative agreement will include improved and heightened drug-detection equipment at the customs crossing points. He said they are greatly outdated. So maybe they will actually be able to stop some of the drug flow into the country. A lot comes in on ships, though, and they'll never be able to catch it all.
You see what these pathetic MONKEES are? They yell that Trump caused the shutdown, blame him for the poor people not getting paid, then laugh when he opens it up so those poor people get paid.

Piss on a liberal's grave. That is all they are worth.
The government reopened to pay the government workers. After three weeks if democrat leaders continue to prove not caring about our border. Trump will declare the emergency to build the wall.
Trump has caved........

Typical Leftist Drone Hate-Spin.
  • During the Shutdown: Trump is a heartless, maniacal bitch!
  • Ends Shutdown: Trump Caves! That weak-willed pussy!
Trump gave the shutdown a 3-week reprieve based on the good faith word of both sides that they would work seriously towards a fair and equitable solution. Now, the GOP has a long history of giving the Left a lot if not most of what they want! They gave them Kagan and Sotomayor without any major fuss! I will be shocked as shit now if Nancy and her tribe actually sit down and give something substantive on the wall.

3 weeks. If not, you can bet we will be right back where we started.

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