Source to JPost: Egypt 'caves' to Israeli pressure, pulling UN resolution


Gold Member
Dec 29, 2008
The government of Egypt has decided to nix its plan to proceed with a resolution at the UN Security Council condemning Israel over its settlement activity, a Western diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

Egypt's Fattah al-Sisi had introduced the draft on Wednesday evening, and the Council planned a vote for Thursday at 3:00 pm EST.

But "President Sisi caved to Israeli pressure," the source said. "This is a resolution that the Egyptians spearheaded and introduced, only to shelve it under Israeli pressure."

The resolution would demand Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem."

Before the report of the potential delay, US President-elect Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the Obama administration to veto the draft motion.

Netanyahu took to Twitter in the dead of night in Israel to make the appeal, in a sign of concern that President Barack Obama might take a parting shot at a policy he has long opposed and a right-wing leader with whom he has had a rocky relationship.

Israel's security cabinet was due to hold a special session at 3 p.m. to discuss the issue.

In a statement early on Thursday morning, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon criticized the resolution, especially in light of conflicts in the region. "It is bizarre that while thousands are being slaughtered in Syria," he wrote, "the Security Council dedicates time specifically to discuss the condemnation of the sole democracy in the Middle East [Israel]."

"We expect our greatest ally to not let this one-sided and anti-Israel resolution pass through," he added.

Source to JPost: Egypt 'caves' to Israeli pressure, pulling UN resolution

While this resolution many have seemed to Egypt like a lost golden opportunity to polish its anti Israel credentials in the Muslim world before Obama slithers out of the WH, the prospect of starting off on the wrong foot with the incoming Trump administration, a serious ally of Israel, much to the consternation of the Obama Jews in America, probably seemed too high a price to pay.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
The government of Egypt has decided to nix its plan to proceed with a resolution at the UN Security Council condemning Israel over its settlement activity, a Western diplomatic source told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

Egypt's Fattah al-Sisi had introduced the draft on Wednesday evening, and the Council planned a vote for Thursday at 3:00 pm EST.

But "President Sisi caved to Israeli pressure," the source said. "This is a resolution that the Egyptians spearheaded and introduced, only to shelve it under Israeli pressure."

The resolution would demand Israel "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem."

Before the report of the potential delay, US President-elect Donald Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the Obama administration to veto the draft motion.

Netanyahu took to Twitter in the dead of night in Israel to make the appeal, in a sign of concern that President Barack Obama might take a parting shot at a policy he has long opposed and a right-wing leader with whom he has had a rocky relationship.

Israel's security cabinet was due to hold a special session at 3 p.m. to discuss the issue.

In a statement early on Thursday morning, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon criticized the resolution, especially in light of conflicts in the region. "It is bizarre that while thousands are being slaughtered in Syria," he wrote, "the Security Council dedicates time specifically to discuss the condemnation of the sole democracy in the Middle East [Israel]."

"We expect our greatest ally to not let this one-sided and anti-Israel resolution pass through," he added.

Source to JPost: Egypt 'caves' to Israeli pressure, pulling UN resolution

While this resolution many have seemed to Egypt like a lost golden opportunity to polish its anti Israel credentials in the Muslim world before Obama slithers out of the WH, the prospect of starting off on the wrong foot with the incoming Trump administration, a serious ally of Israel, much to the consternation of the Obama Jews in America, probably seemed too high a price to pay.
Only evil people support ethnic cleansing.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
Perhaps that's true on your planet, but here on Earth the incoming Trump administration is publicly urging Obama to veto it.
Egypt was afraid of retaliation, which Israel is good at. So they can just go ahead and keep stealing land and kicking Palestinians out . What a sad world we live in.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
No, the question is, how would not building in Judea and Samaria bring a two state solution closer?

The answer is nothing could bring a two state solution closer because there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel.
While this resolution many have seemed to Egypt like a lost golden opportunity to polish its anti Israel credentials in the Muslim world before Obama slithers out of the WH, the prospect of starting off on the wrong foot with the incoming Trump administration, a serious ally of Israel, much to the consternation of the Obama Jews in America, probably seemed too high a price to pay.

Those "Obama Jews" (as you referred to them). What can you tell me about their mindset? What is important to them and what is not? It is perplexing to me.
Egypt was afraid of retaliation, which Israel is good at. So they can just go ahead and keep stealing land and kicking Palestinians out . What a sad world we live in.
Only that part of the world that exists inside your head.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
Perhaps that's true on your planet, but here on Earth the incoming Trump administration is publicly urging Obama to veto it.

I hope Obama sticks to his guns. Trump and Bibi are crazy loons.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
No, the question is, how would not building in Judea and Samaria bring a two state solution closer?

The answer is nothing could bring a two state solution closer because there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel.

I also do not believe a two-state solution is possible to achieve, for different reasons than you, but the U.S. and the EU keep claiming that they support a two-state solution. So, how can building more settlements possibly make the two-state solution easier to achieve.
While this resolution many have seemed to Egypt like a lost golden opportunity to polish its anti Israel credentials in the Muslim world before Obama slithers out of the WH, the prospect of starting off on the wrong foot with the incoming Trump administration, a serious ally of Israel, much to the consternation of the Obama Jews in America, probably seemed too high a price to pay.

Those "Obama Jews" (as you referred to them). What can you tell me about their mindset? What is important to them and what is not? It is perplexing to me.

I am a Jewish American and I have nothing but contempt for them.

They are really a subset of liberal Americans. They claim to support Israel, and at the same time claim that by virtue of being Jewish they have a special right to side with Israel's enemies, as in the case of this resolution. On all critical issues concerning Israel, they have consistently been less supportive of Israel than the average Democrat and much less supportive of Israel than the average American.

I call them Obama Jews because they are breathlessly faithful to Obama on every issue, even when he would seem to contradict their other positions. When Obama claimed peace could come only through direct negotiations and not through UN resolutions, they supported that position, and now that there are hints from the WH he has changed his mind, they support the UN resolution.

They claim a special insight into situations concerning "oppressed" people by virtue of the sufferings of their ancestors, despite having lived their lives in the safe environs of America. While other Democrats may have been moved to vote for Obama, a man with an empty resume, for president, because they believed it would be good for America to elect a black president, the Obama Jews were moved by their fantasies their second hand oppression because he was, they believed, also oppressed by virtue of being black, despite the fact nothing in his personal data indicated he had ever suffered for being black.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
No, the question is, how would not building in Judea and Samaria bring a two state solution closer?

The answer is nothing could bring a two state solution closer because there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel.

I also do not believe a two-state solution is possible to achieve, for different reasons than you, but the U.S. and the EU keep claiming that they support a two-state solution. So, how can building more settlements possibly make the two-state solution easier to achieve.
Since we both agree it is impossible, Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are irrelevant to the issue. It's like asking how will eating pancakes help me win the lottery?
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
Perhaps that's true on your planet, but here on Earth the incoming Trump administration is publicly urging Obama to veto it.

I hope Obama sticks to his guns. Trump and Bibi are crazy loons.
For you, that qualifies as a deep analysis.
While this resolution many have seemed to Egypt like a lost golden opportunity to polish its anti Israel credentials in the Muslim world before Obama slithers out of the WH, the prospect of starting off on the wrong foot with the incoming Trump administration, a serious ally of Israel, much to the consternation of the Obama Jews in America, probably seemed too high a price to pay.

Those "Obama Jews" (as you referred to them). What can you tell me about their mindset? What is important to them and what is not? It is perplexing to me.

I am a Jewish American and I have nothing but contempt for them.

They are really a subset of liberal Americans. They claim to support Israel, and at the same time claim that by virtue of being Jewish they have a special right to side with Israel's enemies, as in the case of this resolution. On all critical issues concerning Israel, they have consistently been less supportive of Israel than the average Democrat and much less supportive of Israel than the average American.

I call them Obama Jews because they are breathlessly faithful to Obama on every issue, even when he would seem to contradict their other positions. When Obama claimed peace could come only through direct negotiations and not through UN resolutions, they supported that position, and now that there are hints from the WH he has changed his mind, they support the UN resolution.

They claim a special insight into situations concerning "oppressed" people by virtue of the sufferings of their ancestors, despite having lived their lives in the safe environs of America. While other Democrats may have been moved to vote for Obama, a man with an empty resume, for president, because they believed it would be good for America to elect a black president, the Obama Jews were moved by their fantasies their second hand oppression because he was, they believed, also oppressed by virtue of being black, despite the fact nothing in his personal data indicated he had ever suffered for being black.

Yes, thanks. That's sort of how I might have guessed. I think those leftist Jews might be too focused on material / temporal gain for their own good, or for the good of mankind.

My heart is with Israel, Catholic that I am. And not for the same reasons as this small protestant or fundamental segment that wants to align things in Israel to usher in the end times. First of all, that is ridiculous, and secondly, there are not near as many like that s the media and opponents of Christianity want to imply.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
Perhaps that's true on your planet, but here on Earth the incoming Trump administration is publicly urging Obama to veto it.

I hope Obama sticks to his guns. Trump and Bibi are crazy loons.
For you, that qualifies as a deep analysis.

Yes I frankly am tired of the same ole crap going on for decades. I have no respect for the regime in Israel, AKA Bibi. No matter what Israel is going to have all the land and does not listen to the UN or US or anyone. I think the Isrelites , are just doing a slow genocide, and I do not like our aid money going to them to a tune of 3.8 billion a year. Yes Trump is as jew as any jew.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
No, the question is, how would not building in Judea and Samaria bring a two state solution closer?

The answer is nothing could bring a two state solution closer because there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel.

I also do not believe a two-state solution is possible to achieve, for different reasons than you, but the U.S. and the EU keep claiming that they support a two-state solution. So, how can building more settlements possibly make the two-state solution easier to achieve.
Since we both agree it is impossible, Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are irrelevant to the issue. It's like asking how will eating pancakes help me win the lottery?

I don't think you understand the point. While I believe the two-state solution is not possible, the U.S., the EU and the UN claim to support it as the only route to peace and the continued existence of Israel as a Jewish state. So, unless the parties have changed their support to a one-state solution, I don't understand why those same parties would want to support the building of more settlements.
It's fascinating to watch the Kabuki. The U.S. doesn't want to be seen vetoing the resolution, so they blackmail Egypt.

The question is, how does the green light to more settlement building do anything but bring the one-state solution closer to fruition?
No, the question is, how would not building in Judea and Samaria bring a two state solution closer?

The answer is nothing could bring a two state solution closer because there is no political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel.

I also do not believe a two-state solution is possible to achieve, for different reasons than you, but the U.S. and the EU keep claiming that they support a two-state solution. So, how can building more settlements possibly make the two-state solution easier to achieve.
Since we both agree it is impossible, Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria are irrelevant to the issue. It's like asking how will eating pancakes help me win the lottery?

I don't think you understand the point. While I believe the two-state solution is not possible, the U.S., the EU and the UN claim to support it as the only route to peace and the continued existence of Israel as a Jewish state. So, unless the parties have changed their support to a one-state solution, I don't understand why those same parties would want to support the building of more settlements.
Well, the US has changed its position on a two state solution, and a one state solution is a non starter, with the incoming Trump administration, but even if it hadn't, there is no logical connection between Israel's communities in Judea and Samaria and a final status agreement. They are simply irrelevant to any path to peace.

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