South Africa is going the same way as Zimbabwe


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I'm reading the 2010 book "South Africa's Brave New World" and it makes it clear that ending apartheid has made SA worse off. SA used to be a genuine first world country - when whites ran everything. But 18 years ago blacks took over and the country has been going downhill since mainly due to massive affirmative action programs that have replaced competent white scientists and businessmen and administrators with blacks who are barely literate.

Africa peaked around 1950 when europeans ran the continent. Then the majority blacks decided to take over in country after country and every time the result has been the same. Things are ok for 10 years but then infrastructure breaks down and blacks can't fix it. Fifty years ago even the Congo was fairly advanced with roads and schools and hospitals. Now it has a per capita GDP of $400.
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Here's a great quote from the same book from Mandela when he was president of SA in the 90s

"Whites in this country have a particular obligation. You have the knowledge, you have skills, you have expertise. We cannot build this country without that knowledge, those skills, that expertise."

Nelson knew that blacks don't have the brains whites have and without that brainpower the country was doomed.
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When whites are replaced with Blacks and Meso's...Will our country become like central America and Africa???

Look at Africa, Haiti, Detroit, Camden, ect...Anywhere blacks live=Provorty and violence. I don't understand why it's the white mans fault.

I ask you why? Why is it, it's always lands on the white man to help everyone? Who the fuck helped the white man build our civilizations? I look at what blacks have done and I just don't have any faith in them.

Why should blacks get away with violence?
Why should blacks not be expected to treat everyone equal, but we whites are demanded to do so.
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When whites are replaced with Blacks and Meso's...Will our country become like central America and Africa???

Look at Africa, Haiti, Detroit, Camden, ect...Anywhere blacks live=Provorty and violence. I don't understand why it's the white mans fault.

I ask you why? Why is it, it's always lands on the white man to help everyone? Who the fuck helped the white man build our civilizations? I look at what blacks have done and I just don't have any faith in them.

Why should blacks get away with violence?
Why should blacks not be expected to treat everyone equal, but we whites are demanded to do so.

The corporations are trying to install a planet wide dictatorship and they know that will be a much easier sell if they can convince us that all people are the same. That's why the corporate media tears down whites and builds up blacks.
some of these liberal white guilters need to go live in Zimbabwe or SA and then report back

Zimbabwe is back in the stone age and 30 years ago it was first world. SA is not stone age yet but it's heading there. To save the country they have to not only allow but encourage whites to stay. Unfortunately the hotheads have taken over and want the whites out. Just shows how stupid africans are.
Who the fuck helped the white man build our civilizations? .

America was built by people of all 'races,' you idiot. And YOU have no place using the pronoun "our," you weak, useless piece of shit.
Who the fuck helped the white man build our civilizations? .

America was built by people of all 'races,' you idiot. And YOU have no place using the pronoun "our," you weak, useless piece of shit.

Wow, you must not be very intelligent.

America is the latest in a whole line of civilizations ranging back 10,000 years. Blacks will never match the rest of the world. :eusa_shhh:
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Can someone name a single non-white philosopher that wanted all races to be equal? Not just their own for their own reasons.

All that I've read about from the greek times to the 18th century were white. At least leading into our constitution.
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Can someone name a single non-white philosopher that wanted all races to be equal? Not just their own for their own reasons.

All that I've read about from the greek times to the 18th century were white. At least leading into our constitution.

st augustine of hippo
Who the fuck helped the white man build our civilizations? .

America was built by people of all 'races,' you idiot. And YOU have no place using the pronoun "our," you weak, useless piece of shit.

If blacks helped build america why can't they build a civilization in africa.?


My country is the United States of America. My fellow countrymen of all 'races' have helped build the greatest nation in the history of mankind. If you are concerned with another country or another continent, then go look into it personally. In the meantime, shut the fuck up you idiotic fucking clown.

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