South African medical association says Omicron variant cause 'mild disease'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
As always whores presstitutes and corrupted politicians lie to us again.
Omicrom is the same hoax like all previous ones.
The point is new 'vaccines' and 'busters' shall 'more effectively' fight the new 'terrible killer virus' of all times.

Read more at:
New Covid Variant Omicron: South African medical association says Omicron variant causes 'mild disease' | World News - Times of India

The coverage of MS presstitute medias



The reality

This variant is just the next reason Democrats will use to justify their insane mandates. Give freedom back to the people.

ain't no givin' They didn't GIVE it. We need to stand up and take it back and take their freedom. THese people have been lording it over us long enough as if they are the masters.
eagle said:
In Leaky vaccines . The vaccinated are the super spreaders. Step your ass away from me.


It woudn't surprise me if the Purebloods are going to have to wear masks to protect themselves from the zombie vaxxed.

and then you watch. THIS is gonna happen. The vaxxed will be able to spread the spike protein through their saliva.....yeah. You KNOW what they're gonna do. They'll do it intentionally.
More lies and misinformation intended to kill people
Then explain why AFRICA that is mostly unvaccinated is REFUSING TO DIE in numbers like us here.

hmmm..........they aren't vaccinated........The world said YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE.......

WELL..........why don't they die for your narrative troll?
Damned straight! If you are panicked about catching a case YOU STAY HOME! You people have NO RIGHT to tell others to take any medical procedure.
Media and dem politicians are REALLY pushing this thing now...and taking measure to restrict the only sane people left on the planet. Seems taking that 'vaxx' does something to your brain. those little squid bodies travel to the brain and take over...the body snatchers. LOLOL I can see some of these guys at home doin' this:

rightwonger said:
More lies and misinformation intended to kill people

dude. Don't be blamin' anyone but yourself. You put your own hand up to volunteer for this stupidity. You feel those little creepy crawlies under yer skin yet? LOLOL
That HOchul hag in NY has closed down hospitals for elective surgery over a 'variant' she has no idea of how it will affect people... SA says that so far it is mild, meaning, hardly noticeable. I"m sure HOchul will get a bunch of new yorkers all worked up over this new little tempest in a teacup. But let's keep on letting the pharma, NIH, Fauci's bunch, CDC, WHO and THA CHINESES play with this stuff and they'll eventually come up with something to kill a bunch of people. HOpefully they kill themselves first.
Where are the Omicron mutations listed in this thread? Any thread that does not list them is bullshit. Another stupid, low IQ thread?

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