We won’t know how bad omicron is for another month

Any chance we can stop living in fear of COVId since there is a 99.4% survival rate?
Speaking for myself...I never started. I took appropriate precautions..obeyed the law...and have now moved on--vaxxed and feeling reasonably safe.
The rest is up to fate..and I don't really worry over fate.
Well unless you have a magical source of divine information from the future, your choices are to do nothing or do something based on what you DO know.

And unless you also have a magical fairy that can guarantee what we do based on incomplete info is perfect, then it will not be perfect.
..Or...you can observe that it's not a binary solution--and that individual choice MUST also be respected. I would point out..as many have..that to the best of our knowledge..no one has died of the Omicron variant--and that the suspicion that it is being overplayed to herd people into vaxxing is pretty strong, for me. The very name, Omicron, seems designed to be ominous...i mean, why not Epsilon..or Gamma? I think we, the people..are being handled..and I resent it.

Our choices are almost never based on complete info--and that's OK..but when we make other people's choices for them...one should take a bit more care.

Dr. Anthony Fauci on Tuesday told news agency Agence France-Presse that the omicron variant is "almost certainly" not more severe than delta.
He stressed, however, that it is important to not overinterpret early data, as the patients being followed skew younger and are less likely to become hospitalized. Severe illness can take weeks to develop.
"There is some suggestion that it might even be less severe, because when you look at some of the cohorts that are being followed in South Africa, the ratio between the number of infections and the number of hospitalizations seems to be less than with delta," Fauci said.
He also reiterated that it would take at least several more weeks to understand key questions surrounding omicron's severity.
Results from labs testing current vaccines against omicron should come in the "next few days to a week," Fauci said.
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I found this article cogent:

Will the vaccines still work?

The worry: The head of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, sent tremors through the stock market when he told the Financial Times that vaccines would take a hit from the variant. He anticipates a “material drop” in their effectiveness, adding that scientists were telling him: “This is not good.”
The experiment: To actually find out how well current vaccines will work, researchers around the world are already racing to isolate omicron from the bodies of infected travelers. They will grow the germ in laboratory cells and then expose it to blood plasma from vaccinated people. They can then measure how well that person’s antibodies block the virus. Other labs will use genetic information about omicron to create “pseudoviruses” that harbor just the variant’s spike gene, to carry out similar tests.
“This is important to find the answer we need: Do the antibodies still neutralize [the virus]?” says Volker Thiel, a virologist at the University of Bern. “Depending on the degree of blocking, you can say this is still working, or not as well.”
How soon: These types of tests usually take a couple of weeks to perform. For past variants, like alpha, companies like Moderna and BioNTech published answers from their laboratory tests within the month.
What’s next: If omicron evades vaccines, it could mean that companies like Moderna and BioNTech will need to re-engineer their messenger RNA products for the first time to reflect the changed genetic makeup of the new variant. That could be a common occurrence as the years go by. In the future, expect to get an annual booster before winter sets in, just as you do for the flu.

Does omicron cause more severe disease?​

The worry: Initially, some South African doctors said the symptoms caused by the new variant seemed milder, but then came reports of more hospital beds filling up. Right now, no one knows whether omicron causes worse symptoms or not.
The issue is that omicron is so new that most cases are only a week or two old, while it often takes several weeks for covid-19 to cause severe problems or death. “It’s too early to say something about disease severity. So far, we can’t really say anything,” says Christian Althaus, an epidemiologist in Bern.
We need a Covid Porn subforum
Well the dems were poked fun at over the whole "two weeks" thing that they up-ed it to a month now. What a bunch of loons. Only the weak-minded believe anything that they have to say at this point.

At least the "two weeks" thing made for some good laughs at their expense.


Of course there is. We can take measures to slow transmission, or not.
Baby---you can't stop the spread. You could have slowed the Delta and the other strains---but you aren't going to slow or stop Omicron. This one moves to fast. Fingers and toes crossed that after everyone catches this cold version that everyone gets immunity from the more deadly strains...is the only thing anyone can do.
Baby---you can't stop the spread. You could have slowed the Delta and the other strains---but you aren't going to slow or stop Omicron. This one moves to fast. Fingers and toes crossed that after everyone catches this cold version that everyone gets immunity from the more deadly strains...is the only thing anyone can do.
The best thing you can do is to let everyone get this weaker strain and gain acquired immunities... This pandemic is almost over despite the lefts attempt to make it last forever..
It's better to get Omicron and get treated than it is to get a vaccine. Be prepared to get the bums rush from Fauci and big Pharma because they don't want to give up their money and power. Vaccines are a thing of the past. They're useless.
With all the mutations that are occurring there's really no such thing as immunity. The best one can say is that they have reduced risk of a serious infection that requires hospitalization. With that said it's still better to not get it in the first place.
I was fully vaccinated and my girl was fully vaccinated and boosted but we still both got it. Vaccinations are not the answer. So last night I got the monoclonal antibodies and even though I really wasn't feeling that bad before, I feel much better this morning already. So why do we continue to depend on vaccinations that don't work when there are treatments that can give much better results? Does big pharma have total control of our government? Have they paid off everyone? We should smarten up and transition to the cheap, plentiful and effective treatments that are available. Democrats have dragged this pandemic out long enough.
I found this article cogent:

Will the vaccines still work?

The worry: The head of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, sent tremors through the stock market when he told the Financial Times that vaccines would take a hit from the variant. He anticipates a “material drop” in their effectiveness, adding that scientists were telling him: “This is not good.”
The experiment: To actually find out how well current vaccines will work, researchers around the world are already racing to isolate omicron from the bodies of infected travelers. They will grow the germ in laboratory cells and then expose it to blood plasma from vaccinated people. They can then measure how well that person’s antibodies block the virus. Other labs will use genetic information about omicron to create “pseudoviruses” that harbor just the variant’s spike gene, to carry out similar tests.
“This is important to find the answer we need: Do the antibodies still neutralize [the virus]?” says Volker Thiel, a virologist at the University of Bern. “Depending on the degree of blocking, you can say this is still working, or not as well.”
How soon: These types of tests usually take a couple of weeks to perform. For past variants, like alpha, companies like Moderna and BioNTech published answers from their laboratory tests within the month.
What’s next: If omicron evades vaccines, it could mean that companies like Moderna and BioNTech will need to re-engineer their messenger RNA products for the first time to reflect the changed genetic makeup of the new variant. That could be a common occurrence as the years go by. In the future, expect to get an annual booster before winter sets in, just as you do for the flu.

Does omicron cause more severe disease?​

The worry: Initially, some South African doctors said the symptoms caused by the new variant seemed milder, but then came reports of more hospital beds filling up. Right now, no one knows whether omicron causes worse symptoms or not.
The issue is that omicron is so new that most cases are only a week or two old, while it often takes several weeks for covid-19 to cause severe problems or death. “It’s too early to say something about disease severity. So far, we can’t really say anything,” says Christian Althaus, an epidemiologist in Bern.

The only remedy to this new variant is: MOAR PHEAR!!!
If...and only against the variant. In most cases of Covid... 40%+ of any of the variants..the cases have been asymptomatic---and natural immunity or resistance gained. That does not always maintain for new variants. Time degrades our resistance anyway.

Truth is..we don't know shit yet...and the over-reacting/under-reacting people are just dancing to their own knee-jerks, for the most part.

Yes we DO know.
None of the variants have had or needed any different vaccine.
That is because the vaccines are not based on the virus, but just on the spike protein, and the spike protein can NOT change.
The point of the spike protein is to be able to get the ACE2 receptor sites in our cells to open.
That requires a very specific spike protein, and if it were to change, then the virus would die because it could no longer open the ACE2 receptors.
I think the people you should be asking would tell you that your number is madeup horseshit, and, even if it were true, is far from enough information to make that decision.

No, the number is true, and it is sufficient because we also know that those under 40 years of age are 400 times less likely to die than those over 70.
Most of the deaths have been over 70.
So to end most of the deaths, those under 40 should be deliberately getting infected and gaining herd immunity.
I found this article cogent:

Will the vaccines still work?

The worry: The head of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel, sent tremors through the stock market when he told the Financial Times that vaccines would take a hit from the variant. He anticipates a “material drop” in their effectiveness, adding that scientists were telling him: “This is not good.”
The experiment: To actually find out how well current vaccines will work, researchers around the world are already racing to isolate omicron from the bodies of infected travelers. They will grow the germ in laboratory cells and then expose it to blood plasma from vaccinated people. They can then measure how well that person’s antibodies block the virus. Other labs will use genetic information about omicron to create “pseudoviruses” that harbor just the variant’s spike gene, to carry out similar tests.
“This is important to find the answer we need: Do the antibodies still neutralize [the virus]?” says Volker Thiel, a virologist at the University of Bern. “Depending on the degree of blocking, you can say this is still working, or not as well.”
How soon: These types of tests usually take a couple of weeks to perform. For past variants, like alpha, companies like Moderna and BioNTech published answers from their laboratory tests within the month.
What’s next: If omicron evades vaccines, it could mean that companies like Moderna and BioNTech will need to re-engineer their messenger RNA products for the first time to reflect the changed genetic makeup of the new variant. That could be a common occurrence as the years go by. In the future, expect to get an annual booster before winter sets in, just as you do for the flu.

Does omicron cause more severe disease?​

The worry: Initially, some South African doctors said the symptoms caused by the new variant seemed milder, but then came reports of more hospital beds filling up. Right now, no one knows whether omicron causes worse symptoms or not.
The issue is that omicron is so new that most cases are only a week or two old, while it often takes several weeks for covid-19 to cause severe problems or death. “It’s too early to say something about disease severity. So far, we can’t really say anything,” says Christian Althaus, an epidemiologist in Bern.
Yet every Lefty had his talking points in line saying from Day One that Aye Corona was going to result in "THE NEW NORMAL" or as I like to say The Image of a Boot Stomping on a Human Face Forever.


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