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The consequences of pot for some people make suicide a consideration.
You need to learn and accept that pot is NOT safe for everyone.
Neither is alcohol, religion or anal sex. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean some do
That's good. I happen to like some drugs for their therapeutic value.
I'm old now and had an aortic aneurysm New years. I take 3 prescriptions now. Smoked pot occasionally in my 30s. Not a big deal. Never used any other drugs.
I'm old now and had an aortic aneurysm New years. I take 3 prescriptions now. Smoked pot occasionally in my 30s. Not a big deal. Never used any other drugs.
I'm all about personal choices and the consequences of those choices.
It’s not about liking it. It’s about poisoning people. Would you like someone to inflict you with PCP? They may like PCP and think you’re foolish for criticizing it.
And bad things don’t justify other bad things.
PCP , meth, heroin have no therapeutic values. MDMA Marijuana and mushrooms do.
Except for the people for whom they cause serious problems. It’s not a safe drug. It’s devastating for some people. Why are you so intolerant and callous?
If your of such a weak mind that you can't smoke a plant and maintain then perhaps they need to he removed from the gene pool.
If your of such a weak mind that you can't smoke a plant and maintain then perhaps they need to he removed from the gene pool.
You have the weak mind. You need to educate yourself.


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