South Carolina About to join the 21st century

You have the weak mind. You need to educate yourself.

you wanna impress me? look up opiates.
Whether it's banning abortion, textbooks, talking about being gay, or marijuana, conservatives clearly aren't advocates of limited government.

Those who advocate the banning of gay marriage, marijuana, etc. are hypocrites and for the record, I am not for the banning of these things. I'm just saying it's stupid, the reasons are stupid, and the end results will be stupid.
Why do you continue to use bad things to attempt to justify a bad thing? That’s hypocrisy and stupidity.
Hypocrisy is exactly what you're doing. Oxyvoden good pot bad because I saw it on the TV. get your head outta your ass and the truth will eventually find you.
Hypocrisy is exactly what you're doing. Oxyvoden good pot bad because I saw it on the TV. get your head outta your ass and the truth will eventually find you.
Pot is dangerous for some people and young people are most vulnerable. Fact.
Other bad drugs to not qualify pot or each other. Logic.
FWIW, I used pot regularly between 1970 and 1975 and found out the hard way how bad it is. I was a beta tester. I’ve been regretting it ever since.
Pot is dangerous for some people and young people are most vulnerable. Fact.
Other bad drugs to not qualify pot or each other. Logic.
FWIW, I used pot regularly between 1970 and 1975 and found out the hard way how bad it is. I was a beta tester. I’ve been regretting it ever since.
You smoked Mexican dirt weed during the seventies? It's just a few decades later now.
So many junkies begin at the doctors office.
I have changed my mind about the opiates. You know I'm old. So many of my friends who are also old are still very active despite chronic pain conditions. I think if you are 75-80 and can still clean your house and cook inspite of the pain. If you can still walk or dance inspite of the pain, why not take oxycodon?
I have changed my mind about the opiates. You know I'm old. So many of my friends who are also old are still very active despite chronic pain conditions. I think if you are 75-80 and can still clean your house and cook inspite of the pain. If you can still walk or dance inspite of the pain, why not take oxycodon?
why wait you're whole life to be a junkie?
Really so all the successful business owners , celebrities, entrepreneurs who happen to smoke are dumb pot heads?
Or maybe we'd rather have something not created in a lab and pushed on the population to create a profitable nation of addicts.
You really want to sit here and argue that smoking pot doesn't kill brain cells? Really?

Pot kills brain cells---sorry it does. It's a medical FACT.

Or maybe what? Pot heads smoke pot for the HIGH---lab produce drugs do a better job at controlling pain and seizures than pot despite the bullshit pot propaganda. Pot do other things---while in some it creates psychosis, others it kills their sex drive, ambition, lowers inhibition, and any desire to work or produce along with a few other laughable things like smaller penis's and creating boobies in men...leading to all sorts of other issues. Some people still function although they take pot but most don't...eventually the years of abuse just create a pothead---and most potheads range from useless to stupid to crazy to a creating danger as their stupidity behind large equipment and the voting booths is indeed a threat to all. Governments push and allow it because well pothead population is easier to control and manipulate than non-potheads.
You really want to sit here and argue that smoking pot doesn't kill brain cells? Really?

Pot kills brain cells---sorry it does. It's a medical FACT.

Or maybe what? Pot heads smoke pot for the HIGH---lab produce drugs do a better job at controlling pain and seizures than pot despite the bullshit pot propaganda. Pot do other things---while in some it creates psychosis, others it kills their sex drive, ambition, lowers inhibition, and any desire to work or produce along with a few other laughable things like smaller penis's and creating boobies in men...leading to all sorts of other issues. Some people still function although they take pot but most don't...eventually the years of abuse just create a pothead---and most potheads range from useless to stupid to crazy to a creating danger as their stupidity behind large equipment and the voting booths is indeed a threat to all. Governments push and allow it because well pothead population is easier to control and manipulate than non-potheads.
Did you read read any of this shit? nowhere did I say pot doesn't kill brain cells. Maybe you should protect the 3 you have left and get them to learn reading comprehension.
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Those who advocate the banning of gay marriage, marijuana, etc. are hypocrites and for the record, I am not for the banning of these things. I'm just saying it's stupid, the reasons are stupid, and the end results will be stupid.
Conservatives are not supporters of limited government.

Conservatives need to understand that ‘limited government’ is far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and corporate deregulation.

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