Southeast bracing for next weather event!

Just had a bit of that snow-ice conditions here in Portland, Oregon. Not a big deal for drivers that have a reasonable set of mind. Those in a hurry snarled it all up for the rest of the drivers. Shut down schools and some businesses. Thawing now, back to wet, finally, we have had very little rain this winter.
It's raining where I am ( about 45 min out of Altanta ) and looks like it will be turning to ice soon. I hope this storm isn't as bad as the last one. Our Governor got out in front of this one. We should be more prepared this time.

Yup, that's coming my way (northeast) Wed into Thurs, possibility of 12+". I'll take that over ice/freezing rain/sleet any day. There are people around here who are still without power from last week's ice storm. It was very bad.

The ice is what really knocks out alot of power. It's very dangerous to drive on when you are not used to it too. The ice on the trees becomes so heavy it causes the trees to fall across the roads and it can take awhile to clear them. It's better not to drive in that weather. ( if it can be avoided )

Yup, that's coming my way (northeast) Wed into Thurs, possibility of 12+". I'll take that over ice/freezing rain/sleet any day. There are people around here who are still without power from last week's ice storm. It was very bad.

The ice is what really knocks out alot of power. It's very dangerous to drive on when you are not used to it too. The ice on the trees becomes so heavy it causes the trees to fall across the roads and it can take awhile to clear them. It's better not to drive in that weather. ( if it can be avoided )

Yeah, lots and lots of trees down in the surrounding areas here. Ice flying off the power lines and trees are also dangerous when driving, even if the roads are pretty good. We lost power for 9 hours (basement flooded but borrowed a generator from a neighbor and fortunately didn't lose the heater/water heater/treadmill/freezer. Rug and padding was trashed, ripped it up and it's currently in bags in the garage. p-u!) Guess what I went and bought on Sunday afternoon? Not getting caught short again. There are still people who haven't had their power turned back on yet and they've bought in linemen from other states, working round the clock. I hate ice.
We were supposed to get 3-5" this last time but only got about 1. Looked pretty but I'm beginning to notice local forecasts aren't worth much when they consistently get it so wrong. Remember during Hurricane season, Weather Channel referenced how the US uses computer model programs inferior to thos eused in Europe. So why are we using them? Low bidder wins thing? Peoples lives are at stake guys, use whatever's best.
Calling for up to 16 inches in Virginia...uuuughhh

Long as the ice stays away, we will be fine.
Upper 70's today on central cal coast. Thursday it is supposed to be in the 80's. Weird weather. Just weird.
We started getting sleet late last night. The roads in my neighborhood (in Decatur GA) have been icy since then. So far we haven't lost power.
We started getting sleet late last night. The roads in my neighborhood (in Decatur GA) have been icy since then. So far we haven't lost power.

Hope you don't lose it friend. It is no fun at all....
Yes, you guys are getting ice, and we, in Virginia are getting snow....lots of it. You can have the ice.
Here's where I am:



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