Southern States are Not the Most Racially Segregated!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Well you have to admit no one in the north speaks like that. They pronounce their words out all the way and being a redneck or hick is a country thing.
New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

LOL, color me "surprised". I could have told you that fact. The "new South" is a lot better than the "old South" and New York in many ways.
Honestly, who wants to get their head split open or raise a family, only to send their child to a school full of violence?

It is a culture that produces violence and low standards that causes most of our problems as a nation. All this does is cause people to separate and hate each other.

Whites aren't the ones that are insane.
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New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

LOL, color me "surprised". I could have told you that fact. The "new South" is a lot better than the "old South" and New York in many ways.

That's absolutely true, Pheonix, However, the "legacy" of the old south will probably not be forgotten for a very long time, especially since there are still quite a few people living who recall the way it was.

As a matter of fact, I recall traveling through parts of it in the 60's, with my parents and just wishing I could go home and never return.
Honestly, who wants to get their head split open or raise a family, only to send their child to a school full of violence?

It is a culture that produces violence and low standards that causes most of our problems as a nation. All this does is cause people to separate and hate each other.

Whites aren't the ones that are insane.

Some white people are insane. Especially the ones that deny white privilege. The "I am afraid of roving mobs of Black people" thread is over there ----->
New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

LOL, color me "surprised". I could have told you that fact. The "new South" is a lot better than the "old South" and New York in many ways.

The difference is -- we DEALT with the mistakes in the South.. We dialogued and shook hands in a lot of ways that didn't happen elsewhere.. We were playing integrated sports, working thru the religious connections, and not freaking out about black kids in our schools.

No place fla-cal-tenn has lived more racist than the suburbs of San Fran peninsula.. One of the country's most isolated ghettoes in East Palo Alto.. Smack in the middle of progressive Silicon Valley in the Socialist state of Cali.. Snotty comments from the white parents about the "quality of life" on the peninsula.. The only blacks they ever saw were Condi Rice shopping at Stanford Mall and that black weather guy on remote locations..

All them blacks were SUPPOSED to live in East Palo Alto or the East Bay. And not wanting BART to extend to Stanford was a subdued racist thing.. Much more happy with the New Old South where there's a LOT less racial "freaking out"...
New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

LOL, color me "surprised". I could have told you that fact. The "new South" is a lot better than the "old South" and New York in many ways.

The difference is -- we DEALT with the mistakes in the South.. We dialogued and shook hands in a lot of ways that didn't happen elsewhere.. We were playing integrated sports, working thru the religious connections, and not freaking out about black kids in our schools.

No place fla-cal-tenn has lived more racist than the suburbs of San Fran peninsula.. One of the country's most isolated ghettoes in East Palo Alto.. Smack in the middle of progressive Silicon Valley in the Socialist state of Cali.. Snotty comments from the white parents about the "quality of life" on the peninsula.. The only blacks they ever saw were Condi Rice shopping at Stanford Mall and that black weather guy on remote locations..

All them blacks were SUPPOSED to live in East Palo Alto or the East Bay. And not wanting BART to extend to Stanford was a subdued racist thing.. Much more happy with the New Old South where there's a LOT less racial "freaking out"...

There is some truth to that statement. As a product of "busing" in the 60's, I recall being shipped into a predominately white school in "liberal" San Diego, California in 1968.

When we black kids got off of the bus, the police and frightened white parents were parked near where we stepped off the bus, all stared at us with a collective look of apprehension, like we were going pull out spears and start throwing them at them, or even worse, try to "cook" their children. Lol.

For the rest of the school year, everyday that we showed up, they were parked there staring at us the same way, as if 30 black kids could actually takeover a school where we were outnumbered dramatically. What they did not realize is that we were way more afraid of them then they were of us.

We all had seen the newsreels on television of "our kind" getting eaten by attack dogs, and getting "hosed" by the police down south, and we were certain that any day they would do that to us.

What's really ironic is that not one of us got into any trouble our entire time there. We all got good grades, stuck together and held our breath for the next two years in that spite of the apathetic attitude of the faculty and administration, and a hostile PTA that did not want their children being "exposed" to us.

We were all more than happy to leave there when the busing program ended.
New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

Yes, it is.

If your point is that many self proclaiming liberals are (often unknown to even themselves) hypocrites?

You sir, are correct.

Most of the wealthy "liberals" I know a wicked fucking classists.

Many are also wicked fucking sexists, too.

If you look at how Affirative Action laws were crafted well...there's all the evidence you need to condemn most of my liberal chums.

Next to the POVs of most conservative wankers, I find the POVs of many liberal wankers entirely repulsive.

FWIW, and this board will certainly NOT support my contention...

I think about 1/3 of Americans are as disgusted by you CONS as we are with THOSE LIBS.

A pox on BOTH your partisan houses.
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New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:

LOL, color me "surprised". I could have told you that fact. The "new South" is a lot better than the "old South" and New York in many ways.

The difference is -- we DEALT with the mistakes in the South.. We dialogued and shook hands in a lot of ways that didn't happen elsewhere.. We were playing integrated sports, working thru the religious connections, and not freaking out about black kids in our schools.

No place fla-cal-tenn has lived more racist than the suburbs of San Fran peninsula.. One of the country's most isolated ghettoes in East Palo Alto.. Smack in the middle of progressive Silicon Valley in the Socialist state of Cali.. Snotty comments from the white parents about the "quality of life" on the peninsula.. The only blacks they ever saw were Condi Rice shopping at Stanford Mall and that black weather guy on remote locations..

All them blacks were SUPPOSED to live in East Palo Alto or the East Bay. And not wanting BART to extend to Stanford was a subdued racist thing.. Much more happy with the New Old South where there's a LOT less racial "freaking out"...

California has a referendum coming up advocating the re-legalization of racist discrimination against whites and Asians in state colleges and universities admissions again.

And you're right about the Bay Area, East Palo Alto and the rest. I found a nice restaurant in Oakland that specialized in southern cooking, but of course nobody I worked with in Silly Con Valley would go and try it; they were terrified of black people, and this after spouting nonsense about 'not seeing color' and cracking off on southerners as being 'all raycist n stuff'. They were the worst hypocrites I've ever seen in one place. Asians themselves are worse as a group than any other, followed by latinos.
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LOL, color me "surprised". I could have told you that fact. The "new South" is a lot better than the "old South" and New York in many ways.

The difference is -- we DEALT with the mistakes in the South.. We dialogued and shook hands in a lot of ways that didn't happen elsewhere.. We were playing integrated sports, working thru the religious connections, and not freaking out about black kids in our schools.

No place fla-cal-tenn has lived more racist than the suburbs of San Fran peninsula.. One of the country's most isolated ghettoes in East Palo Alto.. Smack in the middle of progressive Silicon Valley in the Socialist state of Cali.. Snotty comments from the white parents about the "quality of life" on the peninsula.. The only blacks they ever saw were Condi Rice shopping at Stanford Mall and that black weather guy on remote locations..

All them blacks were SUPPOSED to live in East Palo Alto or the East Bay. And not wanting BART to extend to Stanford was a subdued racist thing.. Much more happy with the New Old South where there's a LOT less racial "freaking out"...

California has a referendum coming up advocating the re-legalization of racist discrimination against whites and Asians in state colleges and universities admissions again.

And you're right about the Bay Area, East Palo Alto and the rest. I found a nice restaurant in Oakland that specialized in southern cooking, but of course nobody I worked with in Silly Con Valley would go and try it; they were terrified of black people, and this after spouting nonsense about 'not seeing color' and cracking off on southerners as being 'all raycist n stuff'. They were the worst hypocrites I've ever seen in one place. Asians themselves are worse as a group than any other, followed by latinos.

Some of my Silicon buds used to stare at me when my daughter asked if their kid could join us at an Oakland A's game... Especially, when they found out I always took Bart to the stadium.. Meanwhile in the South, sports is king for social mixing. And that was a HUGE factor to REAL social integration.. That and this guy ----


Forget our guns, NASCAR and bibles, Charlie Pride single-handedly ended most racial bias in the South.. :D
Well maybe Elvis and his musical roots helped as well.
Democrats love segregation.....


Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

Democrats thrive on segregation. They call it diversity but that's just code for re-segregation. They segregate groups of victims and pander to them. Democrat is the party of racism and segregation. Just ask your local insulated whitie democrat about his black neighbor. He won't have one.
Democrats love segregation.....


Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

Democrats thrive on segregation. They call it diversity but that's just code for re-segregation. They segregate groups of victims and pander to them. Democrat is the party of racism and segregation. Just ask your local insulated whitie democrat about his black neighbor. He won't have one.

Welcome to THIS neighborhood Roshawn.. Hope you enjoy USMB..
Democrats love segregation.....


Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White

Democrats thrive on segregation. They call it diversity but that's just code for re-segregation. They segregate groups of victims and pander to them. Democrat is the party of racism and segregation. Just ask your local insulated whitie democrat about his black neighbor. He won't have one.

Dupe, you have no statistics to back up what you are stating. The FACT remains that "Democrats Racially Diverse; Republicans Mostly White" is a FACT. The rest of your bullshit was just that...BULLSHIT. Debunk my assertion and fact above before you go calling someone a dupe...............CLOWN.
New York, Illinois, Michigan, and California lead the way of single-race classrooms. Thanks to Drew Curtis' FARK which linked to NY has nation's most racially segregated schools, UCLA study finds: 'No Southern state comes close' |

Yet, northern liberals continue to paint the South as filled with red-necked hicks and rubes who go around using the N-word and mistreating “Dem Negras”. Kinda ironic and hypocritical isn't it? :eusa_whistle:
Southerns discovered how to solve the integration problem, private schools.

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