Sowell Explains why it is Obama and Reid who are Responsible for the Government Shut


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011

Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.
If Thomas keeps this up the lefties will get him booted from his house chores and out in the field when he obviously belongs!
Thomas Sowell.......the omnipotent. A national treasure.

In 1979, I was a full fledged Marxist in college.......then I read a couple of Sowell's works, thus my understanding of the phrase, "LIBERALISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER". You realize that people on the left don't give a shit about "costs" or "results". If the intentions are it.

Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.
First, the bill did NOT include defunding Obamacare, that was added in an ammendment. The House rejected the ammendment, which of course is their right. The Republicans the made a rule change so that only the majority leader could propose a vote without the ammendment when normally any member could.

Second, Sowell made the false claim that all spending bills must originate in House. That's simply not true and if you actually read the constitution, Article 1, section 7, you would have known that.
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Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.
First, the bill did NOT include defunding Obamacare, that was added in an ammendment.
Second, Sowell made the false claim that all spending bills must originate in House. That's simply not true and if you actually read the constitution, Article 1, section 7, you would have known that.

LMAO......anybody can go google "WHERE TO SPENDING BILS ORIGINATE?".


Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.
First, the bill did NOT include defunding Obamacare, that was added in an ammendment.
Second, Sowell made the false claim that all spending bills must originate in House. That's simply not true and if you actually read the constitution, Article 1, section 7, you would have known that.

LMAO......anybody can go google "WHERE TO SPENDING BILS ORIGINATE?
obviously you have not read the Constitution either.
The Constitution says nothing .about where spending bills must originate. Read what Article 1 Section 7 actually says.
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If Thomas keeps this up the lefties will get him booted from his house chores and out in the field when he obviously belongs!

I wonder if his mother-in-law still had her job in the WH and how much she is being paid, by the taxpayers...
I thought Soweell was supposed to be one of the GOP smart guys?

He thinks the House operates without concurrence of the Senate and White House?
"However, the House, it is explained, will return a spending bill originated in the Senate with a note reminding the Senate of the House's prerogative on these matters."

Constitutional FAQ Answer #125 - The U.S. Constitution Online -
First, what does the Constitution say? "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives" Revenue, not spending. Your own link explains this.
That by custom spending bills also originate in the House does not mean it's a Constitutional requirement.
But in any case, why does origination even matter (except exposing those who don't know what the law actually is) ? Especially in this case where the defunding was an ammendment, not the original bill. Even for revenue bills, the Senate has the right to ammendment or vote on their own version.
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"However, the House, it is explained, will return a spending bill originated in the Senate with a note reminding the Senate of the House's prerogative on these matters."

Constitutional FAQ Answer #125 - The U.S. Constitution Online -
First, what does the Constitution say? "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives" Revenue, not spending. Your own link explains this.
That by custom spending bills also originate in the House does not mean it's a Constitutional requirement.
But in any case, why does origination even matter (except exposing those who don't know what the law actually is) ? Especially in this case where the defunding was an ammendment, not the original bill. Even for revenue bills, the Senate has the right to ammendment or vote on their own version.

"Yeah, and why does the Constitution matter anyway?" - typical liberal statement.

It matter to those of us who are LOYAL to the Republic and its Constitution; don't expect you to understand that or get it.

And your hair splitting on whether something is a spending bill or a revenue bill is not supported by actual practice, hence the origination of Obamacare law, which raises revenue, came from the Senate, not the House and should thus be held to be unconstitutional, by your point of view in and of itself. Except that you apparently don't find any concern over that question anyway.

The House has the supremacy in revenue generation and SPENDING, and all other matters pertaining to the budget. The Senate was originally intended as a means of gaining consent from the states, but liberals fucked that up too.

The EXECUTIVE is supposed to execute the laws passed by Congress, not pick and choose which laws should be enforced or not and not re-interpret the laws into exactly opposite impact on federal regs and conduct.

This President is trying to destroy the power of the House over the budget, a critical power in our federal system, do you understand that or is that just a quibble to you as well?

This President is a fascist in mindset and hostile to our Republican form of government. All good Americans should wake up and stop this wannabe dictator BEFORE he is successful in gathering ALL the levers of power in this country, and the power of the budget is a HUGE one he is trying to steal.
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"However, the House, it is explained, will return a spending bill originated in the Senate with a note reminding the Senate of the House's prerogative on these matters."

Constitutional FAQ Answer #125 - The U.S. Constitution Online -
First, what does the Constitution say? "All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives" Revenue, not spending. Your own link explains this.
That by custom spending bills also originate in the House does not mean it's a Constitutional requirement.
But in any case, why does origination even matter (except exposing those who don't know what the law actually is) ? Especially in this case where the defunding was an ammendment, not the original bill. Even for revenue bills, the Senate has the right to ammendment or vote on their own version.

"Yeah, and why does the Constitution matter anyway?" - typical liberal statement.
Perhaps, by I said nothing of the sort. My question was, why does where a bill originates make any difference in this case?

I matter to those of us who are LOYAL to the Republic and its Constitution; don't expect you to understand that or get it.
I've sworn my oaths to support an defend the constitution 8 times in the last 25 years, don't you dare presume to question my loyalty, I've done far more than you.

And your hair splitting on whether something is a spending bill or a revenue bill is not supported by actual practice, hence the origination of Obamacare law, which raises revenue, came from the Senate, not the House and should thus be held to be unconstitutional, by your point of view in and of itself. Except that you apparently don't find any concern over that question anyway.
Because you're lying. The Affordable Care Act originated in the House as H.R. 3590. The Senate mutilated it into the ACA. I disapprove of that process, but it's perfectly constitutional.

he House has the supremacy in revenue generation and SPENDING, and all other matters pertaining to the budget.
How are you getting "supremely?" Revenue bills must originate in the House, but after that, they're like a ny other bill....subject to ammendments and revisions and veto. There's no supremacy.

The EXECUTIVE is supposed to execute the laws passed by Congress, not pick and choose which laws should be enforced or not and not re-interpret the laws into exactly opposite impact on federal regs and conduct.
And yet they've always done that.

This President is trying to destroy the power of the House over the budget, a critical power in our federal system, do you understand that or is that just a quibble to you as well?
The only power the House has over the budget is origination. That doesn't't mean that only the House has any say as to what is or Isn't in it. The President actually proposes his budget, and then the House writes a bill on it, and the the Senate manners and changes it, etc. The House has no special power over revenue or spending.

Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.
First, the bill did NOT include defunding Obamacare, that was added in an ammendment. The House rejected the ammendment, which of course is their right. The Republicans the made a rule change so that only the majority leader could propose a vote without the ammendment when normally any member could.

Second, Sowell made the false claim that all spending bills must originate in House. That's simply not true and if you actually read the constitution, Article 1, section 7, you would have known that.

Have you read Article 1, section 7?

"All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives"

The Supreme Court has ruled, however, that the Senate can initiate bills that create revenue, if the revenue is incidental and not directly a tax.

SCOTUS has ruled in the Obamacare ruling that it is a tax. Although Obama claims it's not.

Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.

That article is the best. It simplifies the stalemate and tells it, as it is. Too bad it won't copy and paste.

Best explanation I have seen thus far.

The GOP passed a budget that did not include Obamacare because they want it revised or or eliminated. This is a power the House has always had in our Republic, and every prior Senate and President negotiated to allow the government to reopen.

That is until this wannabe dictator and his ass-kissing Majority Leader in the Senate came along and refused to negotiate at all.

Then Herr Obama punitively shut down every office he could that he thought would hurt the American public, using us as hostages for his political leverage.

Obama is a disgrace to our country and the Presidency.
First, the bill did NOT include defunding Obamacare, that was added in an ammendment. The House rejected the ammendment, which of course is their right. The Republicans the made a rule change so that only the majority leader could propose a vote without the ammendment when normally any member could.

Second, Sowell made the false claim that all spending bills must originate in House. That's simply not true and if you actually read the constitution, Article 1, section 7, you would have known that.

Have you read Article 1, section 7?[
Yes, and I've quoted it. Mr. Sowell has apparently not.

"All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives"
Right...revenue, not spending.

The Supreme Court has ruled, however, that the Senate can initiate bills that create revenue, if the revenue is incidental and not directly a tax.

SCOTUS has ruled in the Obamacare ruling that it is a tax. Although Obama claims it's not.
Right. So much as I dislike it, it's constitutional.
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Who Shut Down the Government?Thomas Sowell | Oct 04, 2013

As for the House of Representatives' right to grant or withhold money, that is not a matter of opinion either. You can check the Constitution of the United States. All spending bills must originate in the House of Representatives, which means that Congressmen there have a right to decide whether or not they want to spend money on a particular government activity.
Tom Sowell, like all on the Right, never quote anything or anyone accurately always changing the words to fit their lies. On top of that they leave out anything that shows the true context of their misquote.

Artical 1, Section 7 of the US Constitution:
All bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

So we see that it is REVENUE bills that originate in the House, not SPENDING bills, and furthermore the Senate can amend ANY House bills, whether revenue or spending or otherwise.

So quite in accordance with the Constitution of the US, the Senate amended the House bill, approved the amendment, and sent the bill back to the House. Boner then refused to bring up the amended bill, knowing it would pass, and thus owns the shutdown entirely himself.
If Thomas keeps this up the lefties will get him booted from his house chores and out in the field when he obviously belongs!

They already have. Liberals learned in the 70's and 80's why they shouldn't give Sowell the time of day. He is one of the most predominant experts on economics and culture among academia today, and thus, giving him recognition via invitation hurts their prospects of advancing redistribution of wealth and cultural Marxism. From the early 90's on, Sowell has largely been ignored by leftist media and academia. If it weren't for his thirty some odd books and a syndicated status, he would have dropped off of the map a long time ago.
First, the bill did NOT include defunding Obamacare, that was added in an ammendment.
Second, Sowell made the false claim that all spending bills must originate in House. That's simply not true and if you actually read the constitution, Article 1, section 7, you would have known that.

LMAO......anybody can go google "WHERE TO SPENDING BILS ORIGINATE?
obviously you have not read the Constitution either.
The Constitution says nothing .about where spending bills must originate. Read what Article 1 Section 7 actually says.

“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”
LMAO......anybody can go google "WHERE TO SPENDING BILS ORIGINATE?
obviously you have not read the Constitution either.
The Constitution says nothing .about where spending bills must originate. Read what Article 1 Section 7 actually says.

“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”

Exactly. Nothing about spending and none of this idiocy about "supremacy."
obviously you have not read the Constitution either.
The Constitution says nothing .about where spending bills must originate. Read what Article 1 Section 7 actually says.

“All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.”

Exactly. Nothing about spending and none of this idiocy about "supremacy."

Wouldn't "spending bills" be included in "on other Bills"?

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