Space X may have to rescue Boeing

Elon is going to have to invent the irony-o-meter that can measure this high.
A self repairing meter?
Space X the Control Opposition con job?

That is what Miles Mathis very reasonably believes :-

"--- SpaceX is the only company , and the US the only country, supposedly reusing rockets, landing them backwards on floating barges.
China, which has allegedly landed things on the Moon, has never even tried to land or reuse a rocket. How likely does that sound to you? HASN'T EVEN TRIED.
Have you considered the possibility that is because SpaceX is the only company with enough cohonesto. . .--- to sell you CGI as real? They figure the American audience is so dense about matters of science and physics that they will buy rockets landing backwards on little lily pads out in the water, not realizing that these are just Hollywood computer graphics like they used in Star Wars, created by running films in reverse.
Take a video of a launch and run it is reverse:
Voila, you have a landing. Plus, this is China we are talking about.
SpaceX allegedly started landing rockets almost a decade ago,and normally China can copy anything we do within a matter of months, doing it for 1/10th the cost.
But a decade later THEY AREN'T EVEN TRYING to steal this tech from us?
How believable is that?
They aren't trying because they don't think they can get it past their own people. Asians are good at math and science, remember? They wouldn't buy this con job .

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