Spain Gets A Dirty Sanchez


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Spain Gets A Dirty Sanchez "

* Phenomenology Of Profundity *

EU illegal migrants hit five-year low as Spain becomes main gateway Europe
It means Spain is the new gateway into Europe for migrants, overtaking Greece and Italy, with arrivals more than doubling from the 2017 total of 22,414.

“It is our obligation to help avoid a humanitarian catastrophe,” Mr Sánchez said at the time.

On Saturday, Spanish right-wing newspaper ABC blamed the rise in migrant numbers on “the Sánchez effect”.

Good thing it wasn't a 'Rusty Venture'.
Very, very disappointed with Spanish people.

I thought Spaniards were strong, love their Nation, were proud people. turns out they are a weak bunch of globalists.....oh well
" Espousing To Be World Leader In Prophylactic Distribution "

* Statistics Of Throwing A Life Raft Versus Jumping In To Be Drowned By Desperate Victims *
Hardly a Dirty Sanchez just a backstabbing...
Issue with the humanitarian crisis excuse is that the migrants are over populated and nowhere near extinction .

Send them back , help them there and cease from allowing people to recreate the dysfunctional circumstance that they are supposedly fleeing .

* Pretty Close *
Good thing it wasn't a 'Rusty Venture'.
No matter how they stroke it , its is onanism all around for the european people .
Very, very disappointed with Spanish people.

I thought Spaniards were strong, love their Nation, were proud people. turns out they are a weak bunch of globalists.....oh well

The certainly are an inquisitive people...

Globalism and the New World Order is alive and well in Spain.

What a shame.
" Culture Wars "

* Advocates Of Invasion *
The certainly are an inquisitive people...
Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia
The Spanish Inquisition is often cited in popular literature and history as an example of religious intolerance and repression. Some historians have come to conclude that many of the charges levied against the Inquisition are exaggerated, and are a result of the Black Legend produced by political and religious enemies of Spain, especially England.[2]
Black Legend - Wikipedia
The expression "black legend" was borrowed by Spanish historians and intellectuals for a long time to refer to specific aspects of their history. Antonio Soler used it regarding the portrayal of some historical Castilian monarchs, for example. However, it was Emilia Pardo Bazán at a conference in Paris on April 18, 1899, who used it for the first time to refer to a generalized view of Spain as a whole. She declared:

Abroad our miseries are known and often exaggerated without balance: take as an example the book by M. Yves Guyot, which we can consider as the perfect model of a black legend, the opposite of a golden legend. The Spanish black legend is a straw man for those who seek convenient examples to support certain political theses (...) The black legend replaces our contemporary history in favour of a novel, genre Ponson du Terrail, with mines and countermines, that doesn't even deserve the honor of analysis [at the conference].[3]

The Spanish Black Legend is said[by whom?] to affect most of Europe, especially Protestant and Anglican Europe, and France, as well as the Americas. There is, however, no significant trace of it in the Muslim world or Turkey despite the almost nine centuries of sustained warfare in which Spain and the Islamic world were engaged. This seems to reinforce the idea of a European origin.

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