Spanking Deemed Harmful by Pediatricians--Akin to Child Abuse

Beating a child is harmful, yes.

Whomping a kid on the rear end to get his attention is not.
Taking away their favorite things for as long as you think that they need to be taken away from the child will also get the child's attention too. A whipping only lasts for a few seconds when a grounding can go on forever. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!

Beating a child is harmful, yes.

Whomping a kid on the rear end to get his attention is not.
Taking away their favorite things for as long as you think that they need to be taken away from the child will also get the child's attention too. A whipping only lasts for a few seconds when a grounding can go on forever. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


My parents used to send me to my room.

That was fine, cuz that's where all my cool stuff was. :laugh:
I got one spanking as a child...after that I thought twice about messing up and all my father had to do was give me "the look"...I knew I was in dangerous territory
Wait, hode up, hode up, hode up. It's not a choke collar. It's a training collar. Why would you wanna choke the dog? HelloOo.

Here's how you do it. If you walk your dog on your left side, then the training collar should look like a P when you put it on the dog. If you walk your dog on your right side, then, the training collar should look like a q when you put it on. That way it can never bind up and choke him. Really, you should always walk him on your left knee with the P in the front. And just little pops if he gets out front too far, really he shouldn't leave your left knee. Or right knee if you walk him on the right side. When you pop the collar, just a real fast pop, the collar loosens again and gives itself slack, you just want to get his attention to get him back in his spot, not choke him. Walk around the block practicing that one time and he'll never leave your knee again, you'll never even have to pop it. If you;re choking him with the collar, you have it on him backward.
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Beating a child is harmful, yes.

Whomping a kid on the rear end to get his attention is not.
Taking away their favorite things for as long as you think that they need to be taken away from the child will also get the child's attention too. A whipping only lasts for a few seconds when a grounding can go on forever. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


My parents used to send me to my room.

That was fine, cuz that's where all my cool stuff was. :laugh:
They never took anything from your room?

God bless you always!!!

Beating a child is harmful, yes.

Whomping a kid on the rear end to get his attention is not.
Taking away their favorite things for as long as you think that they need to be taken away from the child will also get the child's attention too. A whipping only lasts for a few seconds when a grounding can go on forever. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!!


My parents used to send me to my room.

That was fine, cuz that's where all my cool stuff was. :laugh:
They never took anything from your room?

God bless you always!!!


Nope. :113:
It’s Republican kids that have babies out of wedlock like Sarah Palin or whose son was arrested for torturing a dog like Mike Huckabee. It’s these GOP children that grow up into tiki welding Nazis who have a sense of entitlement.
Yeah and that's like saying Liberal kids have zero flaws, because they wound up in an abortionist's landfill sack.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

A leftist liberal Trump hating idiot no doubt that is such BS , look at the kids today their assholes with no respect for their parents.

They have no discipline and kids have been spanked all through time they do not suffer from any mental bs these liberal idiots dream up .

Meanwhile an article came out saying spanking doesn't cause mental damage........ which one is it bhahaha.
It’s Republican kids that have babies out of wedlock like Sarah Palin or whose son was arrested for torturing a dog like Mike Huckabee. It’s these GOP children that grow up into tiki welding Nazis who have a sense of entitlement.

Tell all your imaginary friends hello.
Don't spank when angry. By then it is to late and you are doing it for you.

Spank when appropriate and they will know what it is for and that you are not doing it out of anger.

Pediatricians......who never had kids.
I got one spanking as a child...after that I thought twice about messing up and all my father had to do was give me "the look"...I knew I was in dangerous territory
I never got spanked or struck at all as a child. I would have picked up a frying pan and bashed whoever hit me.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I have no problem with the "No spanking" thing. It's the addition of the statement that no adults in children's lives should "insult or humiliate" children that bothers me. Because modern parents often consider ANY form of discipline--even a mild rebuke--"humiliation".

Case in point. How many of us, when we were children, were admonished by "what do you say"? Example, an adult gives you something, and right away, Mom says, "What do you say?" Many modern parents won't do this these days. They consider this "humiliating" to their children in front of others, see, it's too much "direct teaching".

In school same: we're not supposed to correct children in front of others, not even mild correction. (I mostly ignore this advice if all I'm giving is mild correction because it's not even practical. I'm not going to stop a lesson, walk over to a student and whisper in his ear, which calls as much attention anyway).

So again this goes WAY beyond spanking. We're not even supposed to correct the little darlings because it may be "humiliating". Which is ridiculous.
Child that has never been spanked and badly needs it.

I have to tell you all something. This happens every day in elementary schools now, multiple times a day. Not only this, but also children running out of classrooms screeching and straight into the streets, and also throwing things at their teachers, their classmates, hitting, biting, kicking, etc.

It's an absolute crisis. No one wants to talk about it because my profession wants to coddle instead of toughen up.

But it's at crisis level. I can't give specifics, even anonymously. But it's bad.
The object of corporal punishment is not to teach 'right' and 'wrong', it is to enforce conformity. In nature, animals use it to control their young.
Mental cruely has proven to be far more effective , but one must posess an apt level of 'mental' for it to be applicable


It's an absolute crisis. No one wants to talk about it because my profession wants to coddle instead of toughen up.

No, your profession wants to dope the daylights outta them

But hey, they sit quiet for the D.A.R.E. officer speil...

I'm a single mom. I have never struck my daughters much less spank them. They turned out great. We are a loving, cohesive family.
It's an absolute crisis. No one wants to talk about it because my profession wants to coddle instead of toughen up.

No, your profession wants to dope the daylights outta them

But hey, they sit quiet for the D.A.R.E. officer speil...


Oh boy we have a live one.

First, DARE is almost gone completely from everywhere. The 80s called.....

Secondly, we don't "dope" them and we can't, in fact we are prohibited by law from even suggesting that to parents, did you know that?

Show me on the doll where the public schools hurt you. Sparky.
Secondly, we don't "dope" them and we can't, in fact we are prohibited by law from even suggesting that to parents, did you know that?

Didn't seem to stop my kids teachers Sue.

But i digress, it's not so much your profession, as the mental health communities infiltration of our school system that is the REAL problem

Now, and kid expressing childhood energy is defined by them as having some behavioral disorder, as summarily subjected to their pharmaceutical whims

US Schools and the Astounding Rise in ADHD

Of note is that most of these loosers can't get a real job in the MH community . nor do they offer definitive answers to pharama pros/contra's, nor do they test towards definite results

Further still, having had a HC career as a lowly emt does qualify one to ASK definite Q's , to which these f*ckers do not feel obligated to ....thank you very much


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