Spanking Deemed Harmful by Pediatricians--Akin to Child Abuse

Secondly, we don't "dope" them and we can't, in fact we are prohibited by law from even suggesting that to parents, did you know that?

Didn't seem to stop my kids teachers Sue.

But i digress, it's not so much your profession, as the mental health communities infiltration of our school system that is the REAL problem

Now, and kid expressing childhood energy is defined by them as having some behavioral disorder, as summarily subjected to their pharmaceutical whims

US Schools and the Astounding Rise in ADHD

Of note is that most of these loosers can't get a real job in the MH community . nor do they offer definitive answers to pharama pros/contra's, nor do they test towards definite results

Further still, having had a HC career as a lowly emt does qualify one to ASK definite Q's , to which these f*ckers do not feel obligated to ....thank you very much


I'm not talking about normal childhood energy, which I counter in my own classroom with lots and lots of opportunity for movement, which every child needs. I'm talking about, as I said, children leaving the classroom and running screeching down the hall and even out the school and down the street. You okay with that? How about them being violent with others? Is that okay?

Who are you calling effers, public school teachers who didn't do right by your kids? What, your kids had some bad teachers, so all 3.5 million of us are judged? That's not rational, is it? If I judge you irrational because of your conspiracy theory about Big Pharma, does that mean I should think all EMTs are absolutely batcrap crazy?
Secondly, we don't "dope" them and we can't, in fact we are prohibited by law from even suggesting that to parents, did you know that?

Didn't seem to stop my kids teachers Sue.

But i digress, it's not so much your profession, as the mental health communities infiltration of our school system that is the REAL problem

Now, and kid expressing childhood energy is defined by them as having some behavioral disorder, as summarily subjected to their pharmaceutical whims

US Schools and the Astounding Rise in ADHD

Of note is that most of these loosers can't get a real job in the MH community . nor do they offer definitive answers to pharama pros/contra's, nor do they test towards definite results

Further still, having had a HC career as a lowly emt does qualify one to ASK definite Q's , to which these f*ckers do not feel obligated to ....thank you very much


I'm not talking about normal childhood energy, which I counter in my own classroom with lots and lots of opportunity for movement, which every child needs. I'm talking about, as I said, children leaving the classroom and running screeching down the hall and even out the school and down the street. You okay with that? How about them being violent with others? Is that okay?

Who are you calling effers, public school teachers who didn't do right by your kids? What, your kids had some bad teachers, so all 3.5 million of us are judged? That's not rational, is it? If I judge you irrational because of your conspiracy theory about Big Pharma, does that mean I should think all EMTs are absolutely batcrap crazy?

Give me a break Sue

Kids have not changed since i (you,or anyone else) was one

They're not to blame.....but YOU want to

As a taxpayer i have little say, sure we can go to school board meetings and howl (which i've done) , but are stonewalled by the 'powers that be' , who have their own agenda(s)

If ADHD was communicative , the CDC & WHO would have declared it a pandemic

It's fairly well established that our public educational system is in decay , and taking it out on our kids.

They are no more than faux penal systems now

Secondly, we don't "dope" them and we can't, in fact we are prohibited by law from even suggesting that to parents, did you know that?

Didn't seem to stop my kids teachers Sue.

But i digress, it's not so much your profession, as the mental health communities infiltration of our school system that is the REAL problem

Now, and kid expressing childhood energy is defined by them as having some behavioral disorder, as summarily subjected to their pharmaceutical whims

US Schools and the Astounding Rise in ADHD

Of note is that most of these loosers can't get a real job in the MH community . nor do they offer definitive answers to pharama pros/contra's, nor do they test towards definite results

Further still, having had a HC career as a lowly emt does qualify one to ASK definite Q's , to which these f*ckers do not feel obligated to ....thank you very much


I'm not talking about normal childhood energy, which I counter in my own classroom with lots and lots of opportunity for movement, which every child needs. I'm talking about, as I said, children leaving the classroom and running screeching down the hall and even out the school and down the street. You okay with that? How about them being violent with others? Is that okay?

Who are you calling effers, public school teachers who didn't do right by your kids? What, your kids had some bad teachers, so all 3.5 million of us are judged? That's not rational, is it? If I judge you irrational because of your conspiracy theory about Big Pharma, does that mean I should think all EMTs are absolutely batcrap crazy?

Give me a break Sue

Kids have not changed since i (you,or anyone else) was one

They're not to blame.....but YOU want to

As a taxpayer i have little say, sure we can go to school board meetings and howl (which i've done) , but are stonewalled by the 'powers that be' , who have their own agenda(s)

If ADHD was communicative , the CDC & WHO would have declared it a pandemic

It's fairly well established that our public educational system is in decay , and taking it out on our kids.

They are no more than faux penal systems now


Who's even talking about ADHD? I didn't even bring that up, YOU did. Dude, you're living back in I don't know what decade--that's such a passe diagnosis, do try to keep up.

And yes indeed, kids have changed REMARKABLY in the past, say, 5-10 years, mostly we think due to absolutely burning their brains up on technology and having wholly inattentive parents due to same. I have worked with thousands and thousands AND THOUSANDS of children in my working life for the last 25 years. Why don't you tell me your credentials, hmmmm?
Who's even talking about ADHD? I didn't even bring that up, YOU did. Dude, you're living back in I don't know what decade--that's such a passe diagnosis, do try to keep up.

But that's where all the alleged kids 'screaming out into the street' of your class rooms fate will be Sue

And yes indeed, kids have changed REMARKABLY in the past, say, 5-10 years, mostly we think due to absolutely burning their brains up on technology and having wholly inattentive parents due to same.

Another straw argument Sue, kids have always had something to obsess on
technology is merely another avenue

I have worked with thousands and thousands AND THOUSANDS of children in my working life for the last 25 years. Why don't you tell me your credentials, hmmmm?

I'm a parent, d*mn glad to have seen my kids survive your LOUSY system Sue

Maybe if your profession had a shread of RESPECT for good parenting, it would not have devolved into the facade it is in now

Local control is the answer

I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I have no problem with the "No spanking" thing. It's the addition of the statement that no adults in children's lives should "insult or humiliate" children that bothers me. Because modern parents often consider ANY form of discipline--even a mild rebuke--"humiliation".

Case in point. How many of us, when we were children, were admonished by "what do you say"? Example, an adult gives you something, and right away, Mom says, "What do you say?" Many modern parents won't do this these days. They consider this "humiliating" to their children in front of others, see, it's too much "direct teaching".

In school same: we're not supposed to correct children in front of others, not even mild correction. (I mostly ignore this advice if all I'm giving is mild correction because it's not even practical. I'm not going to stop a lesson, walk over to a student and whisper in his ear, which calls as much attention anyway).

So again this goes WAY beyond spanking. We're not even supposed to correct the little darlings because it may be "humiliating". Which is ridiculous.

I attended Catholic school. The nuns were more than happy to humiliate us when they thought it necessary.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I have no problem with the "No spanking" thing. It's the addition of the statement that no adults in children's lives should "insult or humiliate" children that bothers me. Because modern parents often consider ANY form of discipline--even a mild rebuke--"humiliation".

Case in point. How many of us, when we were children, were admonished by "what do you say"? Example, an adult gives you something, and right away, Mom says, "What do you say?" Many modern parents won't do this these days. They consider this "humiliating" to their children in front of others, see, it's too much "direct teaching".

In school same: we're not supposed to correct children in front of others, not even mild correction. (I mostly ignore this advice if all I'm giving is mild correction because it's not even practical. I'm not going to stop a lesson, walk over to a student and whisper in his ear, which calls as much attention anyway).

So again this goes WAY beyond spanking. We're not even supposed to correct the little darlings because it may be "humiliating". Which is ridiculous.

I attended Catholic school. The nuns were more than happy to humiliate us when they thought it necessary.

A ruler across your knuckles grabbed your attention
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I have no problem with the "No spanking" thing. It's the addition of the statement that no adults in children's lives should "insult or humiliate" children that bothers me. Because modern parents often consider ANY form of discipline--even a mild rebuke--"humiliation".

Case in point. How many of us, when we were children, were admonished by "what do you say"? Example, an adult gives you something, and right away, Mom says, "What do you say?" Many modern parents won't do this these days. They consider this "humiliating" to their children in front of others, see, it's too much "direct teaching".

In school same: we're not supposed to correct children in front of others, not even mild correction. (I mostly ignore this advice if all I'm giving is mild correction because it's not even practical. I'm not going to stop a lesson, walk over to a student and whisper in his ear, which calls as much attention anyway).

So again this goes WAY beyond spanking. We're not even supposed to correct the little darlings because it may be "humiliating". Which is ridiculous.

I attended Catholic school. The nuns were more than happy to humiliate us when they thought it necessary.

A ruler across your knuckles grabbed your attention

Hickory map pointer on the back of the legs.

They used to get us up against the wall and jam a knuckle into our chins. :auiqs.jpg:
Local news covered it.
Station did a texting poll and 80% thought the experts were full of it.

Not a scientific poll, but shows that most parents take the approach they deem appropriate, and dismiss the so called experts.
Who's even talking about ADHD? I didn't even bring that up, YOU did. Dude, you're living back in I don't know what decade--that's such a passe diagnosis, do try to keep up.

But that's where all the alleged kids 'screaming out into the street' of your class rooms fate will be Sue

And yes indeed, kids have changed REMARKABLY in the past, say, 5-10 years, mostly we think due to absolutely burning their brains up on technology and having wholly inattentive parents due to same.

Another straw argument Sue, kids have always had something to obsess on
technology is merely another avenue

I have worked with thousands and thousands AND THOUSANDS of children in my working life for the last 25 years. Why don't you tell me your credentials, hmmmm?

I'm a parent, d*mn glad to have seen my kids survive your LOUSY system Sue

Maybe if your profession had a shread of RESPECT for good parenting, it would not have devolved into the facade it is in now

Local control is the answer


So again, you had a problematic child and it didn't work out well for you, and you want to blame the whole system.


Never seen THAT before
Children are allowed to be violent in lower grades to the point where they are murderous by high school. Los Angeles has training for teachers. They cannot fight back against even a student bigger than they are. They are taught to lay on the floor in a fetal position. Knees up protecting vital organs. Hands clasped behind the vulnerable neck. Elbows are forward guarding the face. Then the teacher is prepared to take a beating until help arrives.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I never spanked or hit my child. Spanking is for lazy parents who don't take the time to properly teach their child right from wrong.

When she was in high school she tested for and qualified for Head Start which is the program where kids start going to college in their Jr. year of high school. By the time she graduated in 2016 she graduated with her high school diploma and her first 2 years of college completed.

She's now 20 and finishing up her 4 years in college.

There is no reason to hit or spank a child. The only thing you're doing is teaching them that violence solves problems.

It doesn't.
I never once spanked my boy and he's 23 now. What's the sense in it?

Kids are generally reflections of their parents in almost ever case.
No sense in it at all. Violence is the tool of the ignorant.

What a silly statement. All human civilization has a foundation in violence.

"When reason fails, force remains."

I would also love to hear how August would reason with a 2 year old after they tried to run out into the street.

Before or after the child was hit by a car?
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I never spanked or hit my child. Spanking is for lazy parents who don't take the time to properly teach their child right from wrong.

When she was in high school she tested for and qualified for Head Start which is the program where kids start going to college in their Jr. year of high school. By the time she graduated in 2016 she graduated with her high school diploma and her first 2 years of college completed.

She's now 20 and finishing up her 4 years in college.

There is no reason to hit or spank a child. The only thing you're doing is teaching them that violence solves problems.

It doesn't.
Of course it does. Everytime a child is allowed to act out violently with no consequences they learn just how violence solves problems. They learn not only violence but get an outsized opinion of their own power. A kid that hits his parents then beats up a teacher is absolutely shocked when the cop knocks the shit out of them.
I never once spanked my boy and he's 23 now. What's the sense in it?

Kids are generally reflections of their parents in almost ever case.
No sense in it at all. Violence is the tool of the ignorant.

What a silly statement. All human civilization has a foundation in violence.

"When reason fails, force remains."

I would also love to hear how August would reason with a 2 year old after they tried to run out into the street.

Before or after the child was hit by a car?

Hopefully it doesn't ever get to that.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I never spanked or hit my child. Spanking is for lazy parents who don't take the time to properly teach their child right from wrong.

When she was in high school she tested for and qualified for Head Start which is the program where kids start going to college in their Jr. year of high school. By the time she graduated in 2016 she graduated with her high school diploma and her first 2 years of college completed.

She's now 20 and finishing up her 4 years in college.

There is no reason to hit or spank a child. The only thing you're doing is teaching them that violence solves problems.

It doesn't.
Of course it does. Everytime a child is allowed to act out violently with no consequences they learn just how violence solves problems. They learn not only violence but get an outsized opinion of their own power. A kid that hits his parents then beats up a teacher is absolutely shocked when the cop knocks the shit out of them.
Make my day and tell me you didn`t breed tipsy one. My kids never acted out violently because they were never given that example.
I never once spanked my boy and he's 23 now. What's the sense in it?

Kids are generally reflections of their parents in almost ever case.
No sense in it at all. Violence is the tool of the ignorant.

What a silly statement. All human civilization has a foundation in violence.

"When reason fails, force remains."

I would also love to hear how August would reason with a 2 year old after they tried to run out into the street.
Violence still isn’t the ‘solution.’
Black people LOVE beating their kids. They think its funny. Why is violence always your solution? Especially against your own children! It's really heartbreaking.

I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I never spanked or hit my child. Spanking is for lazy parents who don't take the time to properly teach their child right from wrong.

When she was in high school she tested for and qualified for Head Start which is the program where kids start going to college in their Jr. year of high school. By the time she graduated in 2016 she graduated with her high school diploma and her first 2 years of college completed.

She's now 20 and finishing up her 4 years in college.

There is no reason to hit or spank a child. The only thing you're doing is teaching them that violence solves problems.

It doesn't.
Of course it does. Everytime a child is allowed to act out violently with no consequences they learn just how violence solves problems. They learn not only violence but get an outsized opinion of their own power. A kid that hits his parents then beats up a teacher is absolutely shocked when the cop knocks the shit out of them.
Make my day and tell me you didn`t breed tipsy one. My kids never acted out violently because they were never given that example.
My son never acted out violently because he would have been knocked into the next county if he had.

I have had children in my office whose indulgent parents made them destructive. To those, I told the parents to lock the children in the trunk of their car.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I have no problem with the "No spanking" thing. It's the addition of the statement that no adults in children's lives should "insult or humiliate" children that bothers me. Because modern parents often consider ANY form of discipline--even a mild rebuke--"humiliation".

Case in point. How many of us, when we were children, were admonished by "what do you say"? Example, an adult gives you something, and right away, Mom says, "What do you say?" Many modern parents won't do this these days. They consider this "humiliating" to their children in front of others, see, it's too much "direct teaching".

In school same: we're not supposed to correct children in front of others, not even mild correction. (I mostly ignore this advice if all I'm giving is mild correction because it's not even practical. I'm not going to stop a lesson, walk over to a student and whisper in his ear, which calls as much attention anyway).

So again this goes WAY beyond spanking. We're not even supposed to correct the little darlings because it may be "humiliating". Which is ridiculous.
I went to school with someone whose mother humiliated him on a daily basis. Every day, it was moron, idiot, brain donor, mental midget, dullard-she once told him that she wished she'd aborted him. She told him if he wasn't valedictorian, he'd be disowned.

He hung himself during his junior year...his mother actually convinced him that yes, he was worthless.

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