Spanking Deemed Harmful by Pediatricians--Akin to Child Abuse

The object of corporal punishment is not to teach 'right' and 'wrong', it is to enforce conformity. In nature, animals use it to control their young.
No, it is to make a child scream in pain and terror, which the abuser enjoys.
The object of corporal punishment is not to teach 'right' and 'wrong', it is to enforce conformity. In nature, animals use it to control their young.
When I got my precious Arwen, the pup was so tiny she fit in the palm of my hand. Jessica was a coworker's standard poodle that took on the role of mamma dog. When Arwen misbehaved, Jessica would nip her and hold her down with a massive paw until the little one stopped yelling. The misbehavior never happened again.

Children are nothing more than little animals.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I never spanked or hit my child. Spanking is for lazy parents who don't take the time to properly teach their child right from wrong.

When she was in high school she tested for and qualified for Head Start which is the program where kids start going to college in their Jr. year of high school. By the time she graduated in 2016 she graduated with her high school diploma and her first 2 years of college completed.

She's now 20 and finishing up her 4 years in college.

There is no reason to hit or spank a child. The only thing you're doing is teaching them that violence solves problems.

It doesn't.
Of course it does. Everytime a child is allowed to act out violently with no consequences they learn just how violence solves problems. They learn not only violence but get an outsized opinion of their own power. A kid that hits his parents then beats up a teacher is absolutely shocked when the cop knocks the shit out of them.
Says the poster that stated he/she would have taken a frying pan to anyone who attempted to spank or hit them. I do agree..about the outsize sense of would appear that you know about this first-hand?
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."
Sticks and stones may hurt my bones but names will never hurt me
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."
That is the family’s business and only the family’s business socialist fuck faces like yourself need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives...
I never once spanked my boy and he's 23 now. What's the sense in it?

Kids are generally reflections of their parents in almost every case.
That is fine, No one should tell anyone else what to do with their kids.... The collective never knows what’s best for the individual
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."
That is the family’s business and only the family’s business socialist fuck faces like yourself need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives...
Children are not 'owned' by their parents, you arrogant, ignorant POS...they have rights that the state enforces..because child abusers take it upon themselves to twist their offspring in the same evil way they had been twisted by their abusive parents. The cycle of child abuse needs to be broken..and children need to be protected from abuse. The family is not 'sacrosanct"---they are not free to abuse children. Some spanking may well not be harmful..but that is a long way from saying that it is beneficial. wouldn't know a 'Socialist' if one bit you on the ass. It's just another word that idiots of this day use..without knowing sh!t about it. I'm a full on Capitalist..and I love my kids and my grand kids...and have never hit a one of them.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."

I never spanked or hit my child. Spanking is for lazy parents who don't take the time to properly teach their child right from wrong.

When she was in high school she tested for and qualified for Head Start which is the program where kids start going to college in their Jr. year of high school. By the time she graduated in 2016 she graduated with her high school diploma and her first 2 years of college completed.

She's now 20 and finishing up her 4 years in college.

There is no reason to hit or spank a child. The only thing you're doing is teaching them that violence solves problems.

It doesn't.
Of course it does. Everytime a child is allowed to act out violently with no consequences they learn just how violence solves problems. They learn not only violence but get an outsized opinion of their own power. A kid that hits his parents then beats up a teacher is absolutely shocked when the cop knocks the shit out of them.
Says the poster that stated he/she would have taken a frying pan to anyone who attempted to spank or hit them. I do agree..about the outsize sense of would appear that you know about this first-hand?
It's not real power unless you use it.
I imagine many here will come out in defense of spanking...claiming that they were spanked as kids, etc.--I would have to believe that they are a living testament to the veracity of this report!

Spanking Is Ineffective and Harmful to Children, Pediatricians’ Group Says

"A 2016 analysis of multiple studies, for example, found that children do not benefit from spanking.

“Certainly you can get a child’s attention, but it’s not an effective strategy to teach right from wrong,” Dr. Sege said.

Recent studies have also shown that corporal punishment is associated with increased aggression and makes it more likely that children will be defiant in the future. Spanking alone is associated with outcomes similar to those of children who experience physical abuse, the new academy statement says.

There are potential ramifications to the brain as well: A 2009 study of 23 young adults who had repeated exposure to harsh corporal punishment found reduced gray matter volume in an area of the prefrontal cortex that is believed to play a crucial role in social cognition. Those exposed to harsh punishment also had a lower performance I.Q. than that of a control group."
That is the family’s business and only the family’s business socialist fuck faces like yourself need to stay the fuck out of other people’s personal lives...
Children are not 'owned' by their parents, you arrogant, ignorant POS...they have rights that the state enforces..because child abusers take it upon themselves to twist their offspring in the same evil way they had been twisted by their abusive parents. The cycle of child abuse needs to be broken..and children need to be protected from abuse. The family is not 'sacrosanct"---they are not free to abuse children. Some spanking may well not be harmful..but that is a long way from saying that it is beneficial. wouldn't know a 'Socialist' if one bit you on the ass. It's just another word that idiots of this day use..without knowing sh!t about it. I'm a full on Capitalist..and I love my kids and my grand kids...and have never hit a one of them.
Political correctness is for pussies

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