Spare a Minute for the Kids

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Implanting high-velocity chunks of lead and copper into Muslim craniums.

Oh, and nuke Mecca then kill anybody who's outraged about it.
You are a bigot. Please put a sign on yourself and wear it with pride.

Bitch, this ain't the Scarlet Letter. Put you an "L" on your forehead and go "derp!"
Cockroaches don't like the light.

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app

I see you took my advice. :)
That would be you friend, hiding behind anonymity.
so your real name is grainbely?
Hating on each other is only making it worse, iceweasel

So is offering nothing but p.c. pablum. Those of you who refuse to criticize the ideology responsible for the killing are enabling its spread as it takes aim on liberal western civilization.
I hate the killing that happened last night and the organizations that promote it. Is bombing them as we've been doing for the past fifteen years working?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.
You are a bigot. Please put a sign on yourself and wear it with pride.

Bitch, this ain't the Scarlet Letter. Put you an "L" on your forehead and go "derp!"
Cockroaches don't like the light.

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app

I see you took my advice. :)
That would be you friend, hiding behind anonymity.
so your real name is grainbely?
No. But I wouldn't need anonymity to voice my moderate beliefs publicly.
Hating on each other is only making it worse, iceweasel

So is offering nothing but p.c. pablum. Those of you who refuse to criticize the ideology responsible for the killing are enabling its spread as it takes aim on liberal western civilization.
I hate the killing that happened last night and the organizations that promote it. Is bombing them as we've been doing for the past fifteen years working?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.

Yes OL, Love, love, love.

While love is good, it doesn't stop Muslims from killing you, that's a job for bullets.

I do agree that because in the US we allow Muslims to integrate fully into society

(That's what we're about) we have less animosity among the Muslim population.

However, some people you just cain't reach, which is the way they wants it, so

it'll be the way they gets it. Make no mistake about mosques, either; Much

anti-American rhetoric gets spewed in a large percentage of those.
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Bitch, this ain't the Scarlet Letter. Put you an "L" on your forehead and go "derp!"
Cockroaches don't like the light.

Sent from my SM-G930V using mobile app

I see you took my advice. :)
That would be you friend, hiding behind anonymity.
so your real name is grainbely?
No. But I wouldn't need anonymity to voice my moderate beliefs publicly.
self awareness is your friend
Hating on each other is only making it worse, iceweasel

So is offering nothing but p.c. pablum. Those of you who refuse to criticize the ideology responsible for the killing are enabling its spread as it takes aim on liberal western civilization.
I hate the killing that happened last night and the organizations that promote it. Is bombing them as we've been doing for the past fifteen years working?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.
This is why I will never take any response by progressives serious. Common sense is NOT hatred. Keeping savages from civilized nations is NOT hatred.

Ask the Brits how good we are doing as far as security, or the French, or any of the other nations who now have assault problems, or problems with savages running trucks into crowds, or a myriad of other incidents.

Do you want to protect the children? Stop labeling common sense as hatred.
Worldwide about 125,000 abortions will happen today.....

Yeah lets remember the children
The world is not so simple, sweet summer child.

Sigh....yet another noob itching for a smack down
Yeah pls be gentle. This is my first time on the internet, ms. Pro-birther.
"pro birther"? Is that an insult of some sort?

LOL, I'm a proud "pro birther"....and deplorable
So Hannity made a sobering statement. Communists socialism, naziism Hitler, Mao, Cambodia, Poland, Stalin, Russia, one hundred million innocent souls lost to this bullshit. And, we have to ask what we can do to make this better for the children?
He conveniently left out any American wrong doing. Not surprising coming from a fox bafoon biased piece of crap.
I will list America's wrongdoing. Participating in WW one and Two. Korea, Vietnam, The Gulfwar. Any action whatsofucking ever post 9-11. That cover it for ya?
Worldwide about 125,000 abortions will happen today.....

Yeah lets remember the children
The world is not so simple, sweet summer child.

Sigh....yet another noob itching for a smack down
Yeah pls be gentle. This is my first time on the internet, ms. Pro-birther.
"pro birther"? Is that an insult of some sort?

LOL, I'm a proud "pro birther"....and deplorable
lol. I just don't understand how being a "pro" for birth of our species is a bad thing..
Must be a nut job :dunno:
The world is not so simple, sweet summer child.

Sigh....yet another noob itching for a smack down
Yeah pls be gentle. This is my first time on the internet, ms. Pro-birther.
"pro birther"? Is that an insult of some sort?

LOL, I'm a proud "pro birther"....and deplorable
lol. I just don't understand how being a "pro" for birth of our species is a bad thing..
Must be a nut job :dunno:

Leftist have an agenda, that and it's a nut job
Hating on each other is only making it worse, iceweasel

So is offering nothing but p.c. pablum. Those of you who refuse to criticize the ideology responsible for the killing are enabling its spread as it takes aim on liberal western civilization.
I hate the killing that happened last night and the organizations that promote it. Is bombing them as we've been doing for the past fifteen years working?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.

Yes OL, Love, love, love.

While love is good, it doesn't stop Muslims from killing you, that's a job for bullets.

I do agree that because in the US we allow Muslims to integrate fully into society

(That's what we're about) we have less animosity among the Muslim population.

However, some people you just cain't reach, which is the way they wants it, so

it'll be the way they gets it. Make no mistake about mosques, either; Much

anti-American rhetoric gets spewed in a large percentage of those.
I never mentioned "love." I never said bullets may not be necessary--as a matter of fact, I've mentioned that fact several times. Without mentioning love or getting all emotional, unless it's emotional to have a moment of silence, or prayer or whatever floats the hopeful boat.

What I did was ask people to give a thought to the children who are living through hell and are going to inherit this earth from us. Period. End of story.

Make of it what you will.
So is offering nothing but p.c. pablum. Those of you who refuse to criticize the ideology responsible for the killing are enabling its spread as it takes aim on liberal western civilization.
I hate the killing that happened last night and the organizations that promote it. Is bombing them as we've been doing for the past fifteen years working?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.

Yes OL, Love, love, love.

While love is good, it doesn't stop Muslims from killing you, that's a job for bullets.

I do agree that because in the US we allow Muslims to integrate fully into society

(That's what we're about) we have less animosity among the Muslim population.

However, some people you just cain't reach, which is the way they wants it, so

it'll be the way they gets it. Make no mistake about mosques, either; Much

anti-American rhetoric gets spewed in a large percentage of those.
I never mentioned "love." I never said bullets may not be necessary--as a matter of fact, I've mentioned that fact several times. Without mentioning love or getting all emotional, unless it's emotional to have a moment of silence, or prayer or whatever floats the hopeful boat.

What I did was ask people to give a thought to the children who are living through hell and are going to inherit this earth from us. Period. End of story.

Make of it what you will.

Well, this went worse than that zero thread, huh?

Sowwie. :redface:
I hate the killing that happened last night and the organizations that promote it. Is bombing them as we've been doing for the past fifteen years working?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.

Yes OL, Love, love, love.

While love is good, it doesn't stop Muslims from killing you, that's a job for bullets.

I do agree that because in the US we allow Muslims to integrate fully into society

(That's what we're about) we have less animosity among the Muslim population.

However, some people you just cain't reach, which is the way they wants it, so

it'll be the way they gets it. Make no mistake about mosques, either; Much

anti-American rhetoric gets spewed in a large percentage of those.
I never mentioned "love." I never said bullets may not be necessary--as a matter of fact, I've mentioned that fact several times. Without mentioning love or getting all emotional, unless it's emotional to have a moment of silence, or prayer or whatever floats the hopeful boat.

What I did was ask people to give a thought to the children who are living through hell and are going to inherit this earth from us. Period. End of story.

Make of it what you will.

Well, this went worse than that zero thread, huh?

Sowwie. :redface:
Absolutely awful. Thanks.
Which zero thread was that?

And I still am a little worried about the spectre of concerned vigilantes rising up and shooting American Muslims in the streets. That's not what you mean, is it?
Correct Me if I'm wrong, but isn't it the mantra of those who say we shouldn't hate based on the premise that "they can't reach us here", and we now see that isn't working out to well.
Hate is not the answer to hate unless you want to live in a world of hate and hand that down to your children forever. We are probably doing better as far as terrorist attacks because of (1) the ocean (2) some of the best security in the world and (3) the fact that unemployment is at under 5% and we don't ostracize Muslims in this country. We rent to them, hire them, accept them practicing their religion and wearing their cultural dress, if they wish. In return, they take advantage of the opportunities all people want--to raise their families in peace and get ahead. I guess there's no way to prove that makes a difference, but I think it does. If someone tries to blow us up deal with him as severely as the law allows.

Yes OL, Love, love, love.

While love is good, it doesn't stop Muslims from killing you, that's a job for bullets.

I do agree that because in the US we allow Muslims to integrate fully into society

(That's what we're about) we have less animosity among the Muslim population.

However, some people you just cain't reach, which is the way they wants it, so

it'll be the way they gets it. Make no mistake about mosques, either; Much

anti-American rhetoric gets spewed in a large percentage of those.
I never mentioned "love." I never said bullets may not be necessary--as a matter of fact, I've mentioned that fact several times. Without mentioning love or getting all emotional, unless it's emotional to have a moment of silence, or prayer or whatever floats the hopeful boat.

What I did was ask people to give a thought to the children who are living through hell and are going to inherit this earth from us. Period. End of story.

Make of it what you will.

Well, this went worse than that zero thread, huh?

Sowwie. :redface:
Absolutely awful. Thanks.
Which zero thread was that?

And I still am a little worried about the spectre of concerned vigilantes rising up and shooting American Muslims in the streets. That's not what you mean, is it?

Unfortunately it is. You should have seen how fast the Muslim storeowners in my neighborhood left after they knew someone saw them cheering and laughing about 9/11. Store was closed by that afternoon.

They were gone 9/12. Left everything in the store.
It's hard to imagine horror like this. It feels worse when it's kids, like Sandy Hook. How do parents and other family ever really recover"

So far, it looks like trump is continuing President Obama's actions. It will take a lot for him to catch up to the incredible damage Obama did to ISIL, but hopefully, he will.

Especially Obama's forming the coalition. We need to work together.

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Thousands of kids and young people in Manchester are waking up to a world that will never be quite the same. The veil of illusion that we walk safely through our day has been ripped away....]

If that "veil" could be ripped from the eyes of the First World's leadership, we could easily take steps to greatly reduce the chances or numbers of such attacks.

But that involves challenging the Conventional Wisdom and Paradigm's that the Status Quo is built on.

And that threatens the Establishment AND the agenda of the International Left.

SO, no real action will be taken.

And the children will continue to die.
I see a lot of people on the International Right working up a good head of steaming hate, as well. Shoot 'em, ban 'em all, arrest 'em, let 'em starve...It's not just the left.

Anger is the sane response to being killed and maimed.

The first step to addressing this problem is to CEASE importing more muslims.

But that violates several political tenets of the LEft.

SO, that can't be done. No matter the danger to the "Children".

Nonsense. And you know it.

Almost all domestic terrorists are white christian males. By your "logic", we should not allow any more white christian men to enter the US.

Sent from my iPad using
Thousands of kids and young people in Manchester are waking up to a world that will never be quite the same. The veil of illusion that we walk safely through our day has been ripped away....]

If that "veil" could be ripped from the eyes of the First World's leadership, we could easily take steps to greatly reduce the chances or numbers of such attacks.

But that involves challenging the Conventional Wisdom and Paradigm's that the Status Quo is built on.

And that threatens the Establishment AND the agenda of the International Left.

SO, no real action will be taken.

And the children will continue to die.
I see a lot of people on the International Right working up a good head of steaming hate, as well. Shoot 'em, ban 'em all, arrest 'em, let 'em starve...It's not just the left.

Anger is the sane response to being killed and maimed.

The first step to addressing this problem is to CEASE importing more muslims.

But that violates several political tenets of the LEft.

SO, that can't be done. No matter the danger to the "Children".

Nonsense. And you know it.

Almost all domestic terrorists are white christian males. By your "logic", we should not allow any more white christian men to enter the US.

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Your attempt at muddling the issue by bringing up unrelated and unsupported claims is noted as evidence that you are defending not only terrorists, but the policies that empower them,

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